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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 18:51:03
What a nice change to the
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safe haven! default smiley :)

Since prepod opened today, I will probably get the answer tomorrow at the earliest but still:
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Does the divine plant grow with login every day, just like the other plants? If so, how much?

I think we can make a fairly accurate estimation on how many passes you have to spend to get the divine. I believe I'm going to like this promo after all.
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does the divine plant grow with login every day, just like the other plants? If so, how much?

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No.... The divine plant grows up when:

* You receive a gift from another plant

* When you give it fertilizer
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I can't take screenshots on my kindle but our prepod has opened and I can confirm the next Egyptian divine, released in the plant growing promo. Will offer... golden fleece, 1* polo wraps or skill points when his treasure chest is scratched.
starlight dreamer!
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 19:37:12
Retired breeder wrote:

What a nice change to the
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safe haven! default smiley :)

what do you mean?
Retired breeder wrote:

what do you mean?

There's gonna be a minor change introduced~

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Some changes were made about stroking horses in the Safe Haven.

It is now possible to stroke a horse in the Safe Haven three (3) times per day, with one hour intervals.

With the first stroke you win the usual gifts.
On all 3 strokes you can see an offer that allows you to randomly win:

- 120 Equus
- 1 diamond
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Aww, ain't this cute?

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When you finish growing the Divine Plant, instead of the pot being on the pedestal, you get a little statue of Amun there instead!

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An image from the P__ G___ Promo. (You're going to have to scroll over or open the images in a new tab.)

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Running from left to right you've got: your water basin showing how much water units you have left, seed types and how many you have left, Divine Plant fertilizer (which you can only use on the Divine Plant, not the other ones), offering water to your friends' plants, and daily(?) objectives. Also below are planted all four different types of seeds and how they look when you first plant them. Some have 2 different plant variations~

How offering water looks:

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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 20:13:25
Starry-Eyed wrote:

There's gonna be a minor change introduced~

when?default smiley (o)
Retired breeder wrote:

when?default smiley (o)

Probably when the P___ G___ promo goes live.
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 20:24:58
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I have a dislike for the fact hat some of the cheaper items have a time limit on. I understand items like MA, for example,.but on a HOP and AT, is it really needed? While the AT would get used quickly as I own an Isis, HOP are items I like to hold onto
Starry-Eyed wrote:

An image from the P__ G___ Promo. (You're going to have to scroll over or open the images in a new tab.)


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Do you think you have enough water there girldefault smiley *-)
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Spyder wrote:

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Do you think you have enough water there girldefault smiley *-)

Neverrrrrrrr XD

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I'd actually bought 50 passes worth so at the beginning of my growing frenzy I think I had like 1500 water? default smiley :p
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DinaStar wrote:

17 Pass....

We have actually had people post they can do the P____ promo in the past without using any passes. I am not sure how legit it is but if you have a large quantity of HOPs in your inventory I can see it is possible.

I posted under a spoiler what you can get at each level so if you use strategy I can see it as a possible.
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 22:42:13
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Is the plant promo likely to start tomorrow then?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Is the plant promo likely to start tomorrow then?


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It's the Pinata promo first, and then the Plant one after that!
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 22:50:24
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Tried out prepod... I cringed when I figured out just how much fertilizer you would need to take the divine plant from 0 to 100
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 22:50:47
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When its your birthday, do you get a random divine from one of the signs, or the one you were born under
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 22:59:48
Retired breeder wrote:

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When its your birthday, do you get a random divine from one of the signs, or the one you were born under

the one you were born under.
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 23:03:26
Retired breeder wrote:

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When its your birthday, do you get a random divine from one of the signs, or the one you were born under

I'm 95% sure that you get the zodiac sign that you were born under. On Taurus's description it states, "What's more, on the 21st May, when the daily update takes place, a Taurus horse is offered to a player native of this sign." So, for example, if you are a Taurus (born between the 21st of April and the 21st of May), then you could potentially win him on May 21st every year at the time of the site update. However, you would not be in the running to potentially receive an Aries, Capricorn, Pisces, etc. through these same means.
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 23:32:13
I cannot seem to find the objectives for the P. promo. Does anyone know which page they are on?
HorseLover4eva, it is on page 1753.
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Just found something interesting:

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"With Ow's Helios' Ray, you can place your horses against the backdrop of one of the beautiful landscapes you've been admiring during the event. When you use this item, your horse's morale will always stay at 100%.

New landscapes will subsequently be added regularly.

Please note, the Ow's Helios' Ray isn't compatible with coats added to the game before the arrival of the Creation Space."

Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 01:04:29
Is that available to all players?
Sorry forgot to add:

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rayonheliosow 1 x Ow's Helios' Ray
(given for free to each contributor at the end of the event if the plant has reached enough points)
Shishi no Seirei
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By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 01:20:19
default smiley :odefault smiley *-)
by contributers, do you mean anybody who added points to the community plant?
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