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By Retired breeder, 20th May 2016 23:27:08
Does anyone know what the promo after the upcoming promo is? Thanks x
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what the promo after the upcoming promo is? Thanks x
It was posted on either the previous page or the page before that.
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The next promo is the Pinata promo, and the one after that is the Plant Growing Promo
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 20th May 2016 23:33:58
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know what the promo after the upcoming promo is? Thanks x

There is a bunch of information on the previous pages.

The next promotion is the
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Pinata promotion

and the promotion after that is the
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Plant Growing promotion.
Okay - time for a few pull forwards;

<i>In regards to the Divine Series Survey</i>

We do not know which Divine set was the winner. To add; we also don't know just when or how the winning set will be re-released (could be next week in the HOPs, could be three months from now in the Reserved Sales)

<i>In regards to Divines in Reserved Sales, luck items, etc</i>

We do not know just when the next Divine event will happen. Little to no notice is given of these events - so they can happen at random. All you can do is hoard your items and passes and hope you get lucky.

<i>In regards to new Divines</i>

The next Zodiac Divine;
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The Zodiac divine Gemini has two different coat variations:

Win the first Gemini divine horse with piñata #19! (Dark - the green one)
Win the second Gemini divine horse with piñata #20! (Light - the white one)
*See this post for information about the Pinatas!*

There are 2 Gemini horses. If you have both, they will give you a present on the 11th of every month (after the daily update), provided you have logged in at least once over the previous 3 days: 1 x Fertility Wand to be used within 90 days.

If you were born under this sign, and you have both versions of Gemini, the horse will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

If you have both coat versions (one pair):

• The coat of both horses changes in order to show the second Gemini behind (Light and Dark).
• Players will receive a Fertility Wand every 11th day of the month.

The Fertility Wand

• Has a use-by date of 90 days
• Is given after the daily update

A message is added to your Office when the gift is delivered, indicating that the duration is limited (90 days).

The gift is given as many times as you have completed Gemini pairs.

Moreover, the image of the horses depends on the pairs of Gemini.

Example : If you own 3 Dark Geminis and 2 Light Geminis :

• Both Light Geminis wear the coat with the Dark Gemini behind
• Only 2 Dark Geminis wear the coat with the Light Gemini behind
• The third Dark Gemini wears the coat without Light Gemini behind
• The Fertility Wand is given twice every 11th day of the month (2 pairs of Gemini)

The fifth element:

As with the Fertility Wand, the 5th element given on the birthday of a player of this sign is given only if you have 2 versions of the horse.

However, only one variant of the horse is required for:

• Divine horse Serpentarius
• Trophies for the horses of the Zodiac and divine horses

Dark Gemini
Light Gemini

If you own both Light and Dark - your horses switch to these images;
Dark Gemini after owning both
Light Gemini after owning both

*Further Notes!*

(Please note, some of this information is subject to change based on the feed back that the Admins got from Preprod)

You only need One of the Gemini to count for the Zodiac Divine Trophy as well as getting Serpentarius.

You only need Both of them if you are wanting to get a gift from them, but are not of this sign.

Unless things change, it will be impossible to have Light Gemini on his own from the Pinatas (as Dark is won first, and once you win Light - the image changes to the two horses on both Divine's pages) - If you want a Light on its own, you would need to wait for him to be released by other means (ex. Reserved Sales)

On the 21st of June - the player who is chosen to receive Gemini will be given both the Light and Dark forms.

We do not have any information on the following Zodiac Horses;

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, or Libra

The next Egyptian Divine;
*Please note - all information about this Divine is translated at this time*

Click to display

A shot of Amon's Description/Page;

*Translated description - again, subject to errors;

Amon is one of the Egyptian horses.

He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:

1 x Golden Fleece
1* Polo wraps
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Amon's skills

This horse cannot be sold.

He is the prize you get for fully growing your Divine Plant in the next promotion. (Please see this post for more information about this promo)

After him - we do know the names of the next Egyptian Divines - however, we do not know what they look like or their perks. The next three in the set (based on the Hieroglyphs on the Egyptian Divine page in the directory are:


*I have arranged them in the most likely release order - as the Bottom row if read from Right to Left is in order they were released (Osiris is the bottom right, followed by Isis, Horus, Thoth, then Anubis. Set is then atop Osiris Hieroglyphs, with Amon next to his)

*There is no guarantee that will be the case - just me speculating*
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<i>In regards to Promos</i>

The next promotion after the Mini Ride is the;

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The Piñatas contest makes a come back with a musical theme!

The goal is to click on your piñata to make it open and receive the gifts it contains. There are 20 to open with an increasing amount of points to collect. A new piñata appears when you have opened the previous one.

Some adjustments :

We reduced the number of clicks you need to do from 15 to 5.
We also reduced the total clicks you need to open a piñata.
Globally, a click brings more points than before and objectives bring more points.
You can also see the number of clicks and Staggering Blow you have left.


Each piñata proposes goals to achieve. These objectives offer assistance to complete your piñatas faster. Do not avoid them!

Friends help

You can receive help from your friends to open your piñatas. It costs 300 equus.

More clicks

You can buy more clicks with passes all along the contest.

At certain moments in the contest, you will find points for your piñatas in Horn of Plenty. The number of points received depends on the piñatas: the last ones received more points than the first ones.

Piñata bonus

Each day you can click on the common piñata. If the piñata receives enough click before the end of the contest, every player who clicked on the bonus piñata will receive a Vintage Apple at the end of the event.

Staggering blows is just another word for Mace blow (the extra clicks you can buy from the black market for Passes and win from some of the objectives

By "last ones received more points than the first ones" when it comes to points in the HOPs, it means the more points it takes to break a Pinata, the more points you could get from a HOP.

For example

Pinata takes 100 points - you might win anywhere between 10 to 30 points
Pinata takes 1000 points - you might win anywhere between 75 - 100 points

Further information about the above promo;
Click to display
the first 10 objectives and prizes for the Pinatas;

Pinata 1 = 10pts
Prize: 3 Aging points, 1x Pandora's Box

Objective 1 - Click on the Pinata
reward: 5 extra clicks
Objective 2 - Groom a horse
reward: Friend clicks are worth 2 points each

Pinata 2 = 20 points
Prize; 10% energy for all your horses, 1x 3* Classical Bridle

Objective 1 - Stoke a horse
reward: able to be helped by 2 friends per day
Objective 2 - Put a Pony to bed *species must be Pony for this to validate*
reward: 15 points for your Pinata

Pinata 3 = 30 points
prize: 1x Whip, 1x 3* Classical Saddle

Objective 1 - Congratulate a player
reward: number of points needed divided by 2 *so instead of needing 30 poitns, you only need 15*
objective 2 - Visit Ow's page
reward: able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 12 hours

Pinata 4 = 50 points
prize: 1x Water of youth, 10x Mash

Objective 1 - sell exactly 3 mashes at once via the store
reward: the next 5 clicks give 6 points (except friend clicks)
Objective 2 - Donate X amount of equus to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 4 friends per day

Pinata 5 = 75 Points
Prize; 50x apples, 1x Philoite's Stroke

objective 1 - participate in a competition
reward; 45 points for your pinata
Objective 2 - click on a friend's pinata
reward; friend clicks are worth 3 points each


Pinata 6 - 100 points
prize: 1x 1* Classic bridle, 1x Helios' ray

Objective 1: Specialize a horse
reward: 12 extra clicks
objective 2: Give an apple to a Divine or Wild Horse
reward: Clicks are worth 3 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 7 - 150 points
Prize: 100 Wood, 100 Iron, 100 Sand

Objective 1: Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours
reward: 65 points for your pinata
objective 2; Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy
reward: able to click the Pinata 5 times every 8 hours

Pinata 8 - 200 points
prize: 1x fertility wand *to be used within 90 days*, 10x aging points, 1x Artemis' arrow

Objective 1: Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
reward: next 4 friend clicks are worth 7 points
Objective 2: Finish 3rd in 3 competitions
reward: Number of points needed divided by

Pinata 9 - 250 points
prize: 20x Leather, 1x Water Trough, 1x Apollo's Lyre

Objective 1 : Finish last in a competition
Reward: 12 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Earn 120 Equus from a horse with Ploutos parchment
Reward: clicks are worth 7 points each (excluding clicks from friends)

Pinata 10 - 300 points
Prize: 1x 2* Purple polo wraps, 1x 2* Purple ear bonnet, 1x 2* Purple and White western saddle cloth

Objective 1 : Congratulating a player on their birthday
Reward: The next 5 clicks are worth 30 points (except clicks friends)
Objective 2 : Use an aging point on a horse who is 15 years old *horse must be exactly 15 years*
Reward: Friend clicks worth 5 points each

Click to display
Objectives 11 to 20, and their prizes

Pinata 11 - 400 points
Prize: 300x Fodder, 1x Horseshoes Studs, 1x Medusa's Blood

Objective 1 : Earn at least 1000 Equus in competitions with a horse
Reward: Able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 6 hours
Objective 2: Be congratulated X amount of times
Reward: Open the piñata directly to the next click

Pinata 12 - 500 points
Prize: 4000e, 500x Points for the General ranking, 1x Zues' Lightning bolt

Objective 1 : Win 1 Equus in a competition
Reward: 8 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Donate to a new player *not sure what we are donating - will update once I get to this objective on Preprod myself*
Reward: clicks are worth 13 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 13 - 750 points
Prize: 20x carrot, 1x Shower, 1x Poseidon Pack

Objective 1: Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
reward: 300 points for your pinata
Objective 2: Donate a horse to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 6 friends per day

**From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

Pinata 14 - 1000 points
Prize: 250x 2* Fertilizer, 1x Piece of cloud, 1x Achilles' heel

Objective 1 : Fully equip a horse who has never been equipped before
Reward: The next click brings 100 points ( except friends click )
Objective 2 : Participate in X amount of competitions requiring more than 20 % energy
Reward: 15 clicks
Objective 3 : Remove the wings of a Pegasus
Reward: All clicks bring 20 points each (excluding clicks friends)

Pinata 15 - 1250 points
prize: 10x aging pints, 1x tractor, 1x Horn of Plenty *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Finish training any skill on a horse
Reward: Number of points received is now 350
Objective 2 : Agree to an item exchange
Reward: Friend clicks worth 7 points each
Objective 3 : Get 100 BLUP with a horse
Reward: Able to click the Pinata 5 times every 4 hours.


Pinata 16 - 1500 points
Prize: 100x droppings, 1x Hypnos' Blanket, 1x Harmony Pack *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Buy a horse for X amount of equus
Reward: Next 6 friend clicks worth 15 points each
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: 170 points for your piñata
Objective 3 : Open a horn of plenty
Reward: clciks are worth 28 points each (excluding friend clicks)

Pinata 17 - 2000 points
prize: 50,000e, 300x Flax seeds, 1x Hermes Winged Staff *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Give a carrot to a horse born of Gaia and Ouranos
Reward: The next click is worth 280 points (except friends click )
Objective 2 : Win X amount of competitions
Reward: able to be helped by 8 friends per day
Objective 3 : Stroke a horse over 40 years (not divine , wild or legendary )
Reward: 15 extra clicks

Pinata 18 - 2500 points
prize: 20x Mash, 1x Nyx Pack *to be used within 90 days*, 1000 points for the General Ranking

Objective 1 : Give a mash to a horse having between X and Y points in dressage
Reward: 400 points for your piñata
Goal 2 : Achieve an equus reserve ending in X
Reward: All clicks bring 38 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Give a horse a *color* Golden apple coat
Reward: able to click on the pinata 5 times every 3 hours

Pinata 19 - 3000 points
Prize: Dark Gemini

Objective 1 : Win 2 competitions with a horse born of Ouranos and aia
Reward: 7 extra clicks
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: Friend clicks worth 10 points
Objective 3 : Buy a horse at least 1 pass
Reward: 400 points for your piñata

Pinata 20 - 4000 points
Prize: Light Gemini

Objective 1 : Remove the horn of a unicorn
Reward: Ability to be helped by 10 friends per day
Objective 2 : give birth to twins
Reward: All clicks bring 60 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Win 1 Rosette
Reward: Number of points already received for the piñata multiplied by 2
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After the above P_ Promo - we shall see a return of the;

**Please note - all information is Translated! As such, it is subject to errors**
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The Plant Growing event;

*The following is a translation of what appears to be the Preprod topic - as such, it is subject to errors;

The purpose of the contest is to grow plants for gifts.

- Seeds

There are 4 types of seeds, each having a different time grows.

According to these criteria change seeds:
* Pushes seeds to the first connection of the day
* Pushes seeds to watering
* List of possible gifts

You can earn seed packets:
* At the first connection (2)
* By making goals
* In the purchasing

- The growth of plants

You can sow your seeds in five pots.
The plants grow in 2 ways:
* Your first connection of the day
* Watering

You can water your plants as you want, if you have enough water.

- Water Management

You have a tank of 20 liters of water at the beginning of the competition and this is what you receive every day. It is also possible to buy water.
You can help your friends by offering them water. It costs 500 equus and you can do it once a day for each friend.

- Gifts

When the plant is grown 100%, you can get a gift. The gift is randomly selected from among those offered by the plant.

- Divine Plant

The divine plant grew when:
* You receive a gift from another plant
* When you give fertilizer

It saves you the divine horse Amon.

- Community Plant

Community plant grows 1 point each time a player picks one of its plants gifts.
If the plant community has completely pushed to the end of the contest, each player who has collected at least one plant will gain a radius of Helios Ow (see the other subject for explanations).

- Objectives

You can make 2 goals a day to help you go faster in the contest.


Click to display

The Divine plant and how much it will grow from various actions:

1% when you get a gift from another player
.5% when you use a Fertilizer on it

The promo screen

The empty pots are the Five Pots you grow your plants in
The one on the pedestal is the Divine Plant
The one at the end is the community plant

The page to purchase additional seeds - and what prizes they offer

To translate:
By growing these seeds, you can win more prizes, and help grow the Divine Plant and the Community Plant!

Seed Type - Growth at Log in - Growth with Watering - Prizes you might win

So while Yellow seeds grow the fastest - the prizes they offer are not all that good *in most peoples opinions* - while the Orange seeds offer better prizes, at the cost of needing more time to grow. (So you will have to decide if you want to get less prizes in favor of them being better, or if you want more at the cost of them not being as good)

Ow's Helios' Ray

as mentioned in my other post about the Plant Growing promo - there is a Community Plant that will award a special gift.

*Translation of item's description *subject to errors*

On the Helios Ray OW, place your horses in a beautiful scenery that you love in competitions. Thanks to this item, morale remains over 100% always
New landscapes will be added regularly.

Attention, the Helios Ray Ow is not compatible with coats added on the game before the arrival of the Creation Space.


While I'm not 100% certain - it sounds like this item will allow you to give your horse a background from various promotional events (Ex. a lot of players really liked some of the backgrounds from the Magic Ride).

I do not have any other information on this item at this time (and it will probably be awhile before I have further information as it is going to be dependent on a Preprod session growing the community plant and using the item.
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 04:26:12
ShorahNagi wrote:

After the above P_ Promo - we shall see a return of the;

**Please note - all information is Translated! As such, it is subject to errors**
Click to display
The Plant Growing event;

*The following is a translation of what appears to be the Preprod topic - as such, it is subject to errors;

The purpose of the contest is to grow plants for gifts.

- Seeds

There are 4 types of seeds, each having a different time grows.

According to these criteria change seeds:
* Pushes seeds to the first connection of the day
* Pushes seeds to watering
* List of possible gifts

You can earn seed packets:
* At the first connection (2)
* By making goals
* In the purchasing

- The growth of plants

You can sow your seeds in five pots.
The plants grow in 2 ways:
* Your first connection of the day
* Watering

You can water your plants as you want, if you have enough water.

- Water Management

You have a tank of 20 liters of water at the beginning of the competition and this is what you receive every day. It is also possible to buy water.
You can help your friends by offering them water. It costs 500 equus and you can do it once a day for each friend.

- Gifts

When the plant is grown 100%, you can get a gift. The gift is randomly selected from among those offered by the plant.

- Divine Plant

The divine plant grew when:
* You receive a gift from another plant
* When you give fertilizer

It saves you the divine horse Amon.

- Community Plant

Community plant grows 1 point each time a player picks one of its plants gifts.
If the plant community has completely pushed to the end of the contest, each player who has collected at least one plant will gain a radius of Helios Ow (see the other subject for explanations).

- Objectives

You can make 2 goals a day to help you go faster in the contest.


Click to display

The Divine plant and how much it will grow from various actions:

1% when you get a gift from another player
.5% when you use a Fertilizer on it

The promo screen

The empty pots are the Five Pots you grow your plants in
The one on the pedestal is the Divine Plant
The one at the end is the community plant

The page to purchase additional seeds - and what prizes they offer

To translate:
By growing these seeds, you can win more prizes, and help grow the Divine Plant and the Community Plant!

Seed Type - Growth at Log in - Growth with Watering - Prizes you might win

So while Yellow seeds grow the fastest - the prizes they offer are not all that good *in most peoples opinions* - while the Orange seeds offer better prizes, at the cost of needing more time to grow. (So you will have to decide if you want to get less prizes in favor of them being better, or if you want more at the cost of them not being as good)

Ow's Helios' Ray

as mentioned in my other post about the Plant Growing promo - there is a Community Plant that will award a special gift.

*Translation of item's description *subject to errors*

On the Helios Ray OW, place your horses in a beautiful scenery that you love in competitions. Thanks to this item, morale remains over 100% always
New landscapes will be added regularly.

Attention, the Helios Ray Ow is not compatible with coats added on the game before the arrival of the Creation Space.


While I'm not 100% certain - it sounds like this item will allow you to give your horse a background from various promotional events (Ex. a lot of players really liked some of the backgrounds from the Magic Ride).

I do not have any other information on this item at this time (and it will probably be awhile before I have further information as it is going to be dependent on a Preprod session growing the community plant and using the item.


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Does anyone know or have an idea of what the goals are, or can that not be found out yet?
By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 04:30:14
Could anyone tell me what the Golden Fleece does?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know or have an idea of what the goals are, or can that not be found out yet?

Working on that...found a few though from Equideow;

Click to display
Objective 1: Water a plant
Reward: 2x Green Seeds

Objective 2: Purchase a Classical Saddle
Reward: 2x Fertilizer

Objective 1: Complete a mission
Reward; 2x Yellow Seeds

Objective 2: Sell 5 droppings to the Store
Reward: Watering Can increased to 25 units(?) upon first log in*

Objective 1: Go riding with a horse
Reward; 2x Yellow Seeds

Objective 2: Congratulate a player
Reward: 30 units of water**

*You start with a can that holds 20 units of water - by doing the objectives, you can increase how much it holds

**Not sure if this means the can will now hold 30 units, or if this is a refill for it or what.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Could anyone tell me what the Golden Fleece does?

It's a luck item.

It is sold in the Black Market from time to time for 2 passes. Upon purchasing it - you are shown a scratch card.

Scratching this card will reveal things like Tack, Aging points, as well as Stars (between 1 to 3). Depending on how many stars you get - you can choose a BMI as a prize.

For a little more information - check out this guide.
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 04:40:27
Thank you!
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I do not know if this has been posted before, but approximately how many passes/Horns of Plenty would one need to complete the piñata promotion (getting both Gemini)? Is it like the last piñata promotion, where it was difficult to get very far at all, or more like ones preceding that one (they seemed easier)?
Also, do you get a set amount of clicks each day and you do not have to click every hour/three hours etc...?
⋅༺ Ꮚᶦˢᵖ ༻⋅
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⋅༺ Ꮚᶦˢᵖ ༻⋅ wrote:

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I do not know if this has been posted before, but approximately how many passes/Horns of Plenty would one need to complete the piñata promotion (getting both Gemini)? Is it like the last piñata promotion, where it was difficult to get very far at all, or more like ones preceding that one (they seemed easier)?
Also, do you get a set amount of clicks each day and you do not have to click every hour/three hours etc...?

Click to display
Verty hard to answer as it depends on whether you complete all the objectives, get all the free clicks and help from friends. Then when the hops come along the points given vary with each one so it won't be identical for each player. Pinatas are usually around the 25 passes mark i find - if you don't miss anything in the 'free clicking/objectives.
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 11:52:07
⋅༺ Ꮚᶦˢᵖ ༻⋅ wrote:

Click to display
I do not know if this has been posted before, but approximately how many passes/Horns of Plenty would one need to complete the piñata promotion (getting both Gemini)? Is it like the last piñata promotion, where it was difficult to get very far at all, or more like ones preceding that one (they seemed easier)?
Also, do you get a set amount of clicks each day and you do not have to click every hour/three hours etc...?

You can find the answer to your second question in ShorahNagi's post:

ShorahNagi wrote:

<i>In regards to Promos</i>

The next promotion after the Mini Ride is the;

Click to display

The Piñatas contest makes a come back with a musical theme!

The goal is to click on your piñata to make it open and receive the gifts it contains. There are 20 to open with an increasing amount of points to collect. A new piñata appears when you have opened the previous one.

Some adjustments :

We reduced the number of clicks you need to do from 15 to 5.
We also reduced the total clicks you need to open a piñata.
Globally, a click brings more points than before and objectives bring more points.
You can also see the number of clicks and Staggering Blow you have left.


Each piñata proposes goals to achieve. These objectives offer assistance to complete your piñatas faster. Do not avoid them!

Friends help

You can receive help from your friends to open your piñatas. It costs 300 equus.

More clicks

You can buy more clicks with passes all along the contest.

At certain moments in the contest, you will find points for your piñatas in Horn of Plenty. The number of points received depends on the piñatas: the last ones received more points than the first ones.

Piñata bonus

Each day you can click on the common piñata. If the piñata receives enough click before the end of the contest, every player who clicked on the bonus piñata will receive a Vintage Apple at the end of the event.

Staggering blows is just another word for Mace blow (the extra clicks you can buy from the black market for Passes and win from some of the objectives

By "last ones received more points than the first ones" when it comes to points in the HOPs, it means the more points it takes to break a Pinata, the more points you could get from a HOP.

For example

Pinata takes 100 points - you might win anywhere between 10 to 30 points
Pinata takes 1000 points - you might win anywhere between 75 - 100 points

Further information about the above promo;
Click to display
the first 10 objectives and prizes for the Pinatas;

Pinata 1 = 10pts
Prize: 3 Aging points, 1x Pandora's Box

Objective 1 - Click on the Pinata
reward: 5 extra clicks
Objective 2 - Groom a horse
reward: Friend clicks are worth 2 points each

Pinata 2 = 20 points
Prize; 10% energy for all your horses, 1x 3* Classical Bridle

Objective 1 - Stoke a horse
reward: able to be helped by 2 friends per day
Objective 2 - Put a Pony to bed *species must be Pony for this to validate*
reward: 15 points for your Pinata

Pinata 3 = 30 points
prize: 1x Whip, 1x 3* Classical Saddle

Objective 1 - Congratulate a player
reward: number of points needed divided by 2 *so instead of needing 30 poitns, you only need 15*
objective 2 - Visit Ow's page
reward: able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 12 hours

Pinata 4 = 50 points
prize: 1x Water of youth, 10x Mash

Objective 1 - sell exactly 3 mashes at once via the store
reward: the next 5 clicks give 6 points (except friend clicks)
Objective 2 - Donate X amount of equus to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 4 friends per day

Pinata 5 = 75 Points
Prize; 50x apples, 1x Philoite's Stroke

objective 1 - participate in a competition
reward; 45 points for your pinata
Objective 2 - click on a friend's pinata
reward; friend clicks are worth 3 points each


Pinata 6 - 100 points
prize: 1x 1* Classic bridle, 1x Helios' ray

Objective 1: Specialize a horse
reward: 12 extra clicks
objective 2: Give an apple to a Divine or Wild Horse
reward: Clicks are worth 3 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 7 - 150 points
Prize: 100 Wood, 100 Iron, 100 Sand

Objective 1: Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours
reward: 65 points for your pinata
objective 2; Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy
reward: able to click the Pinata 5 times every 8 hours

Pinata 8 - 200 points
prize: 1x fertility wand *to be used within 90 days*, 10x aging points, 1x Artemis' arrow

Objective 1: Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
reward: next 4 friend clicks are worth 7 points
Objective 2: Finish 3rd in 3 competitions
reward: Number of points needed divided by

Pinata 9 - 250 points
prize: 20x Leather, 1x Water Trough, 1x Apollo's Lyre

Objective 1 : Finish last in a competition
Reward: 12 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Earn 120 Equus from a horse with Ploutos parchment
Reward: clicks are worth 7 points each (excluding clicks from friends)

Pinata 10 - 300 points
Prize: 1x 2* Purple polo wraps, 1x 2* Purple ear bonnet, 1x 2* Purple and White western saddle cloth

Objective 1 : Congratulating a player on their birthday
Reward: The next 5 clicks are worth 30 points (except clicks friends)
Objective 2 : Use an aging point on a horse who is 15 years old *horse must be exactly 15 years*
Reward: Friend clicks worth 5 points each

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Objectives 11 to 20, and their prizes

Pinata 11 - 400 points
Prize: 300x Fodder, 1x Horseshoes Studs, 1x Medusa's Blood

Objective 1 : Earn at least 1000 Equus in competitions with a horse
Reward: Able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 6 hours
Objective 2: Be congratulated X amount of times
Reward: Open the piñata directly to the next click

Pinata 12 - 500 points
Prize: 4000e, 500x Points for the General ranking, 1x Zues' Lightning bolt

Objective 1 : Win 1 Equus in a competition
Reward: 8 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Donate to a new player *not sure what we are donating - will update once I get to this objective on Preprod myself*
Reward: clicks are worth 13 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 13 - 750 points
Prize: 20x carrot, 1x Shower, 1x Poseidon Pack

Objective 1: Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Liver Chestnut coat
reward: 300 points for your pinata
Objective 2: Donate a horse to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 6 friends per day

**From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

Pinata 14 - 1000 points
Prize: 250x 2* Fertilizer, 1x Piece of cloud, 1x Achilles' heel

Objective 1 : Fully equip a horse who has never been equipped before
Reward: The next click brings 100 points ( except friends click )
Objective 2 : Participate in X amount of competitions requiring more than 20 % energy
Reward: 15 clicks
Objective 3 : Remove the wings of a Pegasus
Reward: All clicks bring 20 points each (excluding clicks friends)

Pinata 15 - 1250 points
prize: 10x aging pints, 1x tractor, 1x Horn of Plenty *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Finish training any skill on a horse
Reward: Number of points received is now 350
Objective 2 : Agree to an item exchange
Reward: Friend clicks worth 7 points each
Objective 3 : Get 100 BLUP with a horse
Reward: Able to click the Pinata 5 times every 4 hours.


Pinata 16 - 1500 points
Prize: 100x droppings, 1x Hypnos' Blanket, 1x Harmony Pack *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Buy a horse for X amount of equus
Reward: Next 6 friend clicks worth 15 points each
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: 170 points for your piñata
Objective 3 : Open a horn of plenty
Reward: clciks are worth 28 points each (excluding friend clicks)

Pinata 17 - 2000 points
prize: 50,000e, 300x Flax seeds, 1x Hermes Winged Staff *to be used within 90 days*

Objective 1 : Give a carrot to a horse born of Gaia and Ouranos
Reward: The next click is worth 280 points (except friends click )
Objective 2 : Win X amount of competitions
Reward: able to be helped by 8 friends per day
Objective 3 : Stroke a horse over 40 years (not divine , wild or legendary )
Reward: 15 extra clicks

Pinata 18 - 2500 points
prize: 20x Mash, 1x Nyx Pack *to be used within 90 days*, 1000 points for the General Ranking

Objective 1 : Give a mash to a horse having between X and Y points in dressage
Reward: 400 points for your piñata
Goal 2 : Achieve an equus reserve ending in X
Reward: All clicks bring 38 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Give a horse a *color* Golden apple coat
Reward: able to click on the pinata 5 times every 3 hours

Pinata 19 - 3000 points
Prize: Dark Gemini

Objective 1 : Win 2 competitions with a horse born of Ouranos and aia
Reward: 7 extra clicks
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: Friend clicks worth 10 points
Objective 3 : Buy a horse at least 1 pass
Reward: 400 points for your piñata

Pinata 20 - 4000 points
Prize: Light Gemini

Objective 1 : Remove the horn of a unicorn
Reward: Ability to be helped by 10 friends per day
Objective 2 : give birth to twins
Reward: All clicks bring 60 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Win 1 Rosette
Reward: Number of points already received for the piñata multiplied by 2

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You can get a click once every _ hours, and you can decrease the amount of hours and make clicks worth more points by completing objectives.
⋅༺ Ꮚᶦˢᵖ ༻⋅ wrote:

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I do not know if this has been posted before, but approximately how many passes/Horns of Plenty would one need to complete the piñata promotion (getting both Gemini)? Is it like the last piñata promotion, where it was difficult to get very far at all, or more like ones preceding that one (they seemed easier)?
Also, do you get a set amount of clicks each day and you do not have to click every hour/three hours etc...?

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You can actually not spend a single pass except for the one objective where you must buy a horse for a pass.

If you have enough HOPs in your inventory people have actually done this in previous Pinatas promos but you have to get your strategy down pat.
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 14:43:15
Could someone repost the list of challenges for the mini ride ?default smiley *-)
⋅༺ Ꮚᶦˢᵖ ༻⋅ wrote:

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I do not know if this has been posted before, but approximately how many passes/Horns of Plenty would one need to complete the piñata promotion (getting both Gemini)? Is it like the last piñata promotion, where it was difficult to get very far at all, or more like ones preceding that one (they seemed easier)?
Also, do you get a set amount of clicks each day and you do not have to click every hour/three hours etc...?

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It's possible ton finish opening 17 horns, il you open them at the right moment default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 617
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By Retired breeder, 21st May 2016 19:06:51
How many passes is the
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plant promo gonna take? To get Amon that is?

Also, how will you get fertilizer?
Retired breeder wrote:

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plant promo gonna take? To get Amon that is?

Also, how will you get fertilizer?

The French have only just started testing the promo, so it might be another few days until we can have some solid calculations.

International PreProd hasn't started at all yet for that particular promo.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 01:12:12
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Anyone know the promo after the Pinatas?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Anyone know the promo after the Pinatas?

Yes. Info is all over the past 2-3 pages.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 03:29:17
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Do you know if you will be able to get fertiliser and other stuff from horn of Plenty's like the cards?
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for the watering plant promo, can you plant the divine seed at the start?
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 08:34:41
I will wait until it goes live on the international prepod then default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Do you know if you will be able to get fertiliser and other stuff from horn of Plenty's like the cards?

I don't think it's known at the moment what the special offer will be.

sprygirl10 wrote:

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for the watering plant promo, can you plant the divine seed at the start?

Yes, in fact you have to.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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