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Retired breeder wrote:

I am a Leo and I am saving up for him (on the US server). I am just wondering when he will /most/ likely come out. As in- late July or Early August? My birthday is August 13th, so I may have to spend some more passes to get him so I can get my 5th Element..
So am I, my birthday is also August 13th, crazy.default smiley <:o) We don't know for sure when he will be released but yes I would bet somewhere around that time July-August.
  • Posted messages: 13,228
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 02:54:44
@Rogin- That's so cool!default smiley xd

A lio horse will be so cool!
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 04:01:09
I do wish that they had released Gemini before the star sign began, but I really want the divine, even if I have to wait an entire year for my gift(my birthday's on June 5), so I'm not going to rush through.
But it really isn't fair......default smiley :$
Some people can get their gift as soon as they get the divine and others have to wait for twelve months!
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 04:02:18
Celeana wrote:

Pinata Plan

Click to display

For those asking, there is a Pinata plan in French at this link for those using horns of plenty and at this one for those who don't want to/can't

Thanks a lot!
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 04:07:16
Can you really finish this promo with 17 HOPs? Or in my case, with my silly mistake of not confirming the second objective of the first Pinata(which makes me 12 hours latedefault smiley :s), can i finish it in around 20 HOPs?
Plus is there a specific time in which can use the HOPs or can we use it whenever we like?
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 08:08:49
There was a picture of an ocean balios a while back, but I can't find it. Can someone post it for me?
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 08:56:50
Retired breeder wrote:

There was a picture of an ocean balios a while back, but I can't find it. Can someone post it for me?

You do know that they are fake, right?
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 09:07:19
I know but I would like to see it anywaydefault smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 09:43:14
After hunting this topic all over, here is the balios.
Just remember that they all are fake.
But they are quite pretty......
(Hopefully this doesn't require a spoiler)
Retired breeder wrote:

Can you really finish this promo with 17 HOPs? Or in my case, with my silly mistake of not confirming the second objective of the first Pinata(which makes me 12 hours latedefault smiley :s), can i finish it in around 20 HOPs?
Plus is there a specific time in which can use the HOPs or can we use it whenever we like?

Well I mean, you should take any calculations with a grain of salt. Especially with promos like this one, where the points in the HOPs aren't a set amount. (Also 17 passes to finish a promo nowadays is just suspiciously low. It would be nice, but it's pretty unbelievable.) But back to the HOPs, you don't get the same amount of points each time, so it might take you less HOPs, but it also might take you more.

Yes, there is only a specific time. Special offers during promotions (like the HOP one) are offered over the weekends (apart from the first weekend that a promo is going on). So there isn't an offer next weekend, but it will be here next weekend and the last weekend of the promotion. If you open your HOPs before then, or not on the weekend, you'll just be wasting them.
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 11:57:17
Thanks @starry97!
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 12:00:38
Shame they're fake - I love the blue one!
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 14:39:25
Retired breeder wrote:

Shame they're fake - I love the blue one!

The blue's my favourite!default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 14:43:39
If anyone wants a Pinata plan, I'm thinking of translating the French one. I can't use it myself because of my silly mistake, so if anyone wants the english plan, just say so here, and I can post what I have translated so far.default smiley ^)
I'm only asking because a lot of people got used to doing them on their own.
Click to display
What is the new divine in the Plant Promo?
  • Posted messages: 7,473
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Bumping up info about the P__G__ promo(that is after the pinatas)
Retired breeder wrote:

Information from Prepod (I apologize if this was posted elsewhere, but it makes it easier if I can go back to my own post. default smiley (h)}
Click to display
Promotion: "The purpose of this contest is to grow plants for gifts . Seeds There are 4 types of seeds, each with a specific growth time and prize options. This depends on: * How the plant grows with the first connection of the day 
* How the plant grows when watering
 * Possible gift you can win You can win seed bags: * 2 at the first connection
 * By doing objectives
 * By purchasing them Growing Seeds You can sow your seeds in five pots. The plants grow in two ways: * First connection of the day
 * Watering You can water your plants as much as you want, if you have enough water. Managing the Water You have 20 gallons of water in your tank at the beginning of the contest and it is replenished each day. It is also possible to purchase water. You can help friends by offering them water. It costs 500 Equus and you can offer water once per day for each friend. Gifts When the plant is grown to 100%, you can get a gift. The gift is chosen randomly among those offered by the plant. Divine Plant The divine plant grows up when: * You receive a gift from another plant 
* When you give it fertilizer It allows you to win the divine horse Amun. Community Plant The community plant grows 1 point each time a player harvests one of its plant gifts. If the community plant has completely grown by the end of the contest, each player who has collected at least one plant prize will win anf Ow's Helios Ray at the end of the contest. Objectives Each day after the daily update, players can complete 2 objectives that will help you grow plants or get more seeds." - Divine: " Amun is part of the divine Egyptian horses. He is a winged Unicorn. Like other Egyptian divines, he will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day. By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win: 1 x Golden Fleece 1 x 1* Polo Wraps Skill points you can assign as desired to any of Amun's skills" - Ow's Helios' Ray: "Ow's Helios Ray allows you to put a contest background on your horse. During this test, the Plant event backgrounds will be available. Other backgrounds will be added over time. -This item cannot be purchased with passes -This item has to be used within 90 days -This item can be used as a Profile page UFO Ow's Helios Ray works the same as the Helios Ray with the exception that it canot be used with the Unlimited Helios Ray." - Safe Haven: "Some changes were made about stroking horses in the Safe Haven. It is now possible to stroke a horse in the Safe Haven three (3) times per day, with one hour intervals. With the first stroke you win the usual gifts. On all 3 strokes you can see an offer that allows you to randomly win: - 120 Equus - 1 diamond"
Legacy Ann
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I can't wait for the Libra horse to come up in a promo, I'm saving up my passes for him!
  • Posted messages: 992
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 16:01:25
Click to display
In the Plant Growing promo, what ways can you obtain fertilizer for the divine plant?
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display
In the Plant Growing promo, what ways can you obtain fertilizer for the divine plant?

You can

Click to display
buy it for passes, occasionally get some for completing objectives, and you might be able to get some during the special offer.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

If anyone wants a Pinata plan, I'm thinking of translating the French one

You mean my Pinata plan ?...

Do you think you are going to ask permission ? default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 617
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 19:43:14
Here's a little guide of sorts for the pinatas that I put together. It has some tips and all of the rewards for doing the objectives. default smiley (y)

Click to display
Always do and confirm objectives before you click your new Pinata.
Keep track of points and the objectives to come. If normal clicks will earn you more points than friend clicks on the next pinata, try to save your normal clicks, etc.
Remember, standard clicks do not stack.
During the promotional offers with points in HoPs, they give you more points in the later pinatas versus the earlier ones.

Pinata 1:
Points needed: 10

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 5 Mace Blows
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Friend clicks earn 2 points each

Prizes: Three Aging Points / One Pandora's Box

Pinata 2:
Points needed: 20

Objective no. 1:
Reward: To be able to be helped by 2 friends per day
Objective no. 2:
Reward: 15 points for your Piñata

Prizes: 10 % energy for your horses / One 3*** Classical bridle

Pinata 3:
Points needed: 30

Objective no. 1:
Reward: Number of points needed divided by 2
Objective no. 2:
Reward: To be able to click on the Piñata 5 times every 12 hours

***Use friend click to get to next pinata!***

Prizes: One whip / One 3*** Classical Saddle

Pinata 4:
Points needed: 50

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next 5 clicks earn 6 points (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 2:
Reward: To be able to be helped by 4 friends per day

Prizes: Ten mash / One Water of Youth

Pinata 5:
Points needed: 75

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 45 points for your Piñata
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Friend clicks earn 3 points each

Prizes: Fifty apples / One Philotes' Stroke

Pinata 6:
Points needed: 100

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 12 Mace Blows
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Clicks earn 3 points each (except clicks from friends).

Prizes: One 1* Classical Bridle / One Helios' Ray

Pinata 7:
Points needed: 150

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 65 points for your Piñata
Objective no. 2:
Reward: To be able to click on the Piñata 5 times every 8 hours

Prizes: One hundred wood / One hundred iron / One hundred sand

Pinata 8:
Points needed: 200

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next 4 friend clicks earn 7 points each
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Number of points needed divided by 2

Prizes: Ten Aging Points / One Artemis' Arrow / One time limited Fertility Wand

Pinata 9:
Points needed: 250

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 12 Mace Blows
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Clicks earn 7 points each (except clicks from friends).

Prizes: Twenty leather / One water trough / One Apollo's Lyre

Pinata 10:
Points needed: 300

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next 5 clicks earn 30 points (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Friend clicks earn 5 points each

Prizes: One Violet 2** polo wraps / Violet and white 2** ear bonnet / Violet and white 2** Western saddle cloth

Pinata 11:
Points needed: 400

Objective no. 1:
Reward: To be able to click on the Piñata 5 times every 6 hours
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Open the Piñata directly on the next click

Prizes: Three hundred fodder / One horseshoe studs / One Medusa's Blood

Pinata 12:
Points needed: 500

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 8 Mace Blows
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Clicks earn 13 points each (except clicks from friends).

Prizes: 4,000 equus / 500 hundred points in overall ranking / One Zeus' Lightning Bolt

Pinata 13:
Points needed: 750

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 300 points for your Piñata
Objective no. 2:
Reward: To be able to be helped by 6 friends per day

Prizes: Twenty carrots / One shower / One Poseidon's Pack

Pinata 14:
Points needed: 1,000

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next click earns 100 point (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 2:
Reward: 15 Mace Blows
Objective no. 3:
Reward: Clicks earn 20 points each (except clicks from friends).

Prizes: Two hundred fifty 2** fertilizer / One Piece of Cloud / One Achilles' Heel

Pinata 15:
Points needed: 1,250

Objective no. 1:
Reward: Number of points received is now 350
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Friend clicks earn 7 points each
Objective no. 3:
Reward: To be able to click on the Piñata 5 times every 4 hours

Prizes: Ten Aging Points / One tractor / One time limited Horn of Plenty

Pinata 16:
Points needed: 1,500

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next 6 friend clicks earn 15 points each
Objective no. 2:
Reward: 170 points for your Piñata
Objective no. 3:
Reward: Clicks earn 28 points each (except clicks from friends).

Prizes: One hundred droppings / One Hypnos' Blanket / One time limited Harmony Pack

Pinata 17:
Points needed: 2,000

Objective no. 1:
Reward: The next click earns 280 point (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 2:
Reward: To be able to be helped by 8 friends per day
Objective no. 3:
Reward: 15 Mace Blows

Prizes: Three hundred flax seeds / 50,000 equus / One time limited Hermes' Winged Staff

Pinata 18:
Points needed: 2,500

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 400 points for your Piñata
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Clicks earn 38 points each (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 3:
Reward: To be able to click on the Piñata 5 times every 3 hours

Prizes: Twenty mash / 1,000 points in the overall ranking / One time limited Nyx Pack

Pinata 19:
Points needed: 3,000

Objective no. 1:
Reward: 7 Mace Blows
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Friend clicks earn 10 points each
Objective no. 3:
Reward: 400 points for your Piñata

Prizes: Gemini (Green/Black)

Pinata 20:
Points needed: 4,000

Objective no. 1:
Reward: To be able to be helped by 10 friends per day
Objective no. 2:
Reward: Clicks earn 60 points each (except clicks from friends).
Objective no. 3:
Reward: Number of points already received for the Piñata multiplied by 2

Prizes: Gemini (White)
Retired breeder wrote:

Here's a little guide of sorts for the pinatas that I put together. It has some tips and all of the rewards for doing the objectives. default smiley (y)

You can have that on the promo page ... But, thank you default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 617
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Thank you, disco! It's nice to have an easily accessible English guide available~
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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I appreciate all the help disco! Instead of some of the more snarky comments by other players that are just not helpful for this promo so far. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 4,371
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By Retired breeder, 28th May 2016 21:39:26
DinaStar wrote:

You can have that on the promo page ... But, thank you default smiley :d

Yes, but you cannot go back and see the rewards to help others with theirs if you already completed that pinata, and it is just nice to just have it all in one place, at least in my opinion. default smiley :)
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