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Retired breeder wrote:

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Do you know if you will be able to get fertiliser and other stuff from horn of Plenty's like the cards?

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Yes, and if you validate an objective (there are 2 per day)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 14:15:31
@DinaStar @sparklehoof33 Actually no one knows yet what the special offer for the
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Plant Promo
will be as starry97 mentioned on the previous page. It could be HOP's, TC's, or something else entirely but no one will know until International PreProd starts or until the French PreProd finds out which will be a few days since they just started testing default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 16:27:53
I'm not sure if anyone has asked, but
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About when is the pinata promo going to start?
By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 16:53:18
Retired breeder wrote:

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About when is the pinata promo going to start?

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Most likely this Thursday since most promos start on a Thursday, but we may get surprised and have it start on a different day or maybe even next week.
A little more hunting around Equideow later and some more info regarding the P_ G_ promo *too many promos start with P- right now default smiley :p*

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Some more Objectives/Rewards for the plants;

Objective 1: Participate in a Competition
Reward: 2x Green seeds

Objective 2: Win X amount of competitions
Reward: Plant growth multiplied by 2 at log in*

Objective 1: Train a horse in Dressage
Reward: 1x Red Seed

Objective 2: Donate 10,000e** to Ow
Reward: 3x Fertilizer

*Not sure if this means that your plant will grow faster every day, or just once (ex. a yellow seed grows at a rate of 5% per log in. Once you do that objective - it will now grow at a rate of 10% at log in (5 x 2 = 10). However, again - I don't know if it is only for 1 day, or the length of the contest *still hunting info here about this*

**It is possible the amount might differ depending on your equus

Also, while I've not found mention of any sort of special offer of Fertilizer/Water/Seeds in the HOP, Titan's Challenge, etc... I did come across the mention of a 'special pack' for this event:

Gardener's Pack = 1 pass/10 diamonds
2 random seeds, 20 units of Water

There was also mention of a Fertilizer Pack - but I don't know what this contains.*

*I suspect it might be like the Dice Pack from the Mini Ride and be a deal of 4x Fertilizer for 1 pass as opposed to the regular selling price of Fertilizer (1 pass for 2 units)

The rates for purchasing additional Fertilizers and Water with passes *will help you complete the promo faster, at the cost of being more expensive*

*The amounts received and prices are the same for both Water/Fertilizer*

1 pass = 2
3 passes = 6
5 passes = 12
10 passes = 25
20 passes = 55
50 passes = 150
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To add onto my above post;

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The challenges are given day to day (ex. the two in the above post are for Day 4 and Day 5 respectively.)

I do not know if it is possible to 'go back' and complete missed goals. Though I feel what might happen is one of the following

If you can not complete an objective on its given day - it will be lost at the start of the next day (So if you can't win X amount of competitions on Day 4...Come day 5 - you lose that objective in favor of the Day 5 objectives (This is similar to the Pinatas - in that if your Pinata breaks before you can validate an objective, the prize it gives is lost - and you have no choice but to move onto the objectives of the next)


If you can not complete an objective on its given day - it remains until you can complete it, then you would get that days objectives (Ex. if you can't with X competitions on Day 4, come day 5 - you'll still have that objective and won't get the Day 5 ones until it is done) *another possibility is that the objectives for the next day would be skipped - so you would not be able to benefit from its rewards*

Personally - I feel the first option is the most likely scenario...but that's just my thoughts.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2016 20:08:30
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If the divine plant only grows with gifted water from friends or with fertilizer, and fertilizer makes the divine plant grow 0.5% and you get 2 fertilizers per 1 pass aka 1% of growth per pass, I'm afraid this is going to be a very costly divine.
Retired breeder wrote:

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If the divine plant only grows with gifted water from friends or with fertilizer, and fertilizer makes the divine plant grow 0.5% and you get 2 fertilizers per 1 pass aka 1% of growth per pass, I'm afraid this is going to be a very costly divine.

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It grows also 1% when you have another plant getting 100% growth
It doesn't grow with water, even given from friends
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 07:49:35
Ah, that's what was mentioned on the other page. Wrong translation then. Alright, I have decided on my tactic!
can someone link me to the
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pinata promo master post
Topaz Fire
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 13:30:08
Topaz Fire wrote:

can someone link me to the
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pinata promo master post

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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 16:13:39
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Does anyone know what the next sign divine might be? Like will it be Cancer or not?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know what the next sign divine might be? Like will it be Cancer or not?

The Zodiac Horses are being released in Calendar order - Gemini is the next one to be released.

After him - assuming this release trend of the Zodiacs does not change...The order will be; Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and finally Libra (and Serpentarius)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 19:23:17
Can someone please tell me where to find a master post of some sort for the promo coming AFTER the next one? I know what it's called, but that's about it. I have been searching for a few days now
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 19:45:35
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Why is libra the last one? XD I'm so impatient to have it ! x)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Why is libra the last one? XD I'm so impatient to have it ! x)

It's just the order they decided to go in and I guess which Zodiac's time happened to be closest when they brought the series out.
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Retired breeder wrote:

@DinaStar @sparklehoof33 Actually no one knows yet what the special offer for the
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Plant Promo

I know the special offers... default smiley :d
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DinaStar wrote:

I know the special offers... default smiley :d

How do you know since there has been no mentions of special offers from the French PreProd yet? (As stated in the quoted text below.) Just curious. default smiley :o
ShorahNagi wrote:

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Also, while I've not found mention of any sort of special offer of Fertilizer/Water/Seeds in the HOP, Titan's Challenge, etc... I did come across the mention of a 'special pack' for this event:

Gardener's Pack = 1 pass/10 diamonds
2 random seeds, 20 units of Water

There was also mention of a Fertilizer Pack - but I don't know what this contains.*

*I suspect it might be like the Dice Pack from the Mini Ride and be a deal of 4x Fertilizer for 1 pass as opposed to the regular selling price of Fertilizer (1 pass for 2 units)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 23:26:45
Does anybody know how many passes it might take to complete the p______g______ promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anybody know how many passes it might take to complete the p______g______ promo?

At this time - no (as we have not started testing - only Equideow has [and they've only been testing for about a week now])

Generally - Pass Calculations don't come into play until we get a chance to test...

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However, past experience with promos like this have been a bit on the expensive side due to the difficulty of growing the Divine Plant.

Confirmed for this event is that the Divine plant grows:

1% at update time* - .5% when Fertilizer is used on it

*there are objectives that mention an increase to how much a plant grows at update time - but I don't know if these affect the Divine plant (For the moment, I'll assume they don't)

(also - though I saw someone mention that the Divine plant grows 1% when you 'harvest' a fully grown plant - but for the moment, I'm not going to include that in this note)

If the promo is the standard 18 days long - your Divine plant only grows 18% by the end of the contest *if it is not affected by some of the objective rewards*...so you'll need to use Fertilizer to grow it fully.

Fertilizer can be gotten by buying it on the Black Market, from the objectives *I can confirm at least 5 fertilizers from objectives*, and it seems there might also be a chance to win it in the Horn of Plenty.

If you opt to use just fertilizer on your Divine Plant;

100% / .5% growth rate = 200 Fertilizers needed.

You can get 150 units of Fertilizer for 50 passes (This would put your plant at 75%)

You still need an additional 50 units of Fertilizer to finish growing the plant (best deal is to buy 55 for 20 passes - this gives you 5 extra units to use on other plants)

Total pass cost if you only buy Fertilizer to grow it and don't wait for any sort of special: 70 passes

For the moment, I would put this promo in the higher end of the spectrum and say it will probably take between 20 to 50 passes to complete in full. *Again though, this number is based only on the limited information that I have - once we start testing, this calculation will be subject to change*
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AlyxStone wrote:

How do you know since there has been no mentions of special offers from the French PreProd yet?

Do keep in mind the post you quoted of mine was from Yesterday...It is possible that something came out after I posted that (ex. came out today) and I didn't see it during my posts for today [I only have a limited window of time I can spend on Equideow to hunt for spoilers, so it is not uncommon that I miss a piece of info - that's why its great there are several of us who do hunting for spoilers and can help compile information until testing for us goes live]
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 05:25:17
Does anyone know when the new promo starts? Or is it not said yet?
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the new promo starts? Or is it not said yet?

No one ever knows. It's all speculation.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the new promo starts? Or is it not said yet?

We never know - any guess of start dates is usually based on past experiences;

For example - generally, Promos end on a Monday and start on a Thursday (The Mini Ride however threw us for a loop and started on Wednesday recently).

Because of that - if we really want to guess at a start date...

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Thursday, May 26th is likely the earliest day it would start (unless we are thrown for a loop and it starts tomorrow *but I think the Mini Ride only started early because a Holiday fell on Thursday*)

Of course, for all we know - it could be another week or two before it does.
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 14:05:09
Is the next promo the
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pinata promo?default smiley :)
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