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ShorahNagi wrote:

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as mentioned in my other post about the Plant Growing promo - there is a Community Plant that will award a special gift;

Ow's Helios' Ray

*Translation of item's description *subject to errors*

On the Helios Ray OW, place your horses in a beautiful scenery that you love in competitions. Thanks to this item, morale remains over 100% always
New landscapes will be added regularly.

Attention, the Helios Ray Ow is not compatible with coats added on the game before the arrival of the Creation Space.

While I'm not 100% certain - it sounds like this item will allow you to give your horse a background from various promotional events (Ex. a lot of players really liked some of the backgrounds from one of the Winter events).

Oh my gosh this is what I've been wanting for ages! I hope more of them come out.


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Is it known yet whether you can choose from any promo backgrounds? Or are there only set ones you can do it for?
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Legacy Ann wrote:

I vaguely remember that promo.
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but Golden Fleece and Polo wraps from Amun? I'm sort of allergic to the Golden Fleece and I'd rather buy the polo wraps. Bye-bye Amun unless your perk changes before your release. He's so pretty though!

I will admit, I'm not overly fond of that perk either but the way I see it;

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I suspect he'll be like the other Egyptian Divines and will probably only offer a Golden Fleece once a month (if that - I've had Thoth for nearly 5 months now, and he's given me a Hermes Winged Staff just once). The polo wraps - he'll probably offer a bunch of them (ex. Anubis has offered me between 10 to 25 leather - so I suspect Amon would probably offer 1* polo wraps in bunches as well (ex. offer between 5 to 20 wraps).

We'll just have to wait and see what happens (as I can see his gift of a Fleece being a bit odd and players not liking that)


Starry-Eyed wrote:

Oh my gosh this is what I've been wanting for ages! I hope more of them come out.

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Is it known yet whether you can choose from any promo backgrounds? Or are there only set ones you can do it for?

To be honest, I don't even know if my thoughts on what the translation means is correct *This is all the info I've found on it - and it will be awhile before anymore is found as it seems Equideow just started testing*. If my translation and thoughts are correct in that;

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it is referring to promo backgrounds...My guess is that they will probably have some (if not all) of the most recent backgrounds (so the Snow background from the Tree decorating, possibly the board backgrounds from the Mini and Summer Ride, etc).

It also said that they would be adding in more backgrounds as time goes on with it - so its possible that if you don't see one you like at first, they might add more.

Though the main thing I wonder is if it is like the 'Unlimited Helios' Ray' and would be able to have the background change (as the colored top of the Ray reminds me of the unlimited...but no guarantee that this will be the case)
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Bah! I am a klutz with typing spoilers today *that's like the fifth time I've screwed up my own posts default smiley :p*
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Bah! I am a klutz with typing spoilers today *that's like the fifth time I've screwed up my own posts default smiley :p*

We all have our days, Shorah!

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I have only went through the growing promo once in 2014 with... Either Ruby or Onyx. I had just joined then but I was interested in it. I'm glad they dug this one back up instead of going to a recent Promo
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ShorahNagi wrote:

To be honest, I don't even know if my thoughts on what the translation means is correct *This is all the info I've found on it - and it will be awhile before anymore is found as it seems Equideow just started testing*. If my translation and thoughts are correct in that;

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it is referring to promo backgrounds...My guess is that they will probably have some (if not all) of the most recent backgrounds (so the Snow background from the Tree decorating, possibly the board backgrounds from the Mini and Summer Ride, etc).

It also said that they would be adding in more backgrounds as time goes on with it - so its possible that if you don't see one you like at first, they might add more.

Though the main thing I wonder is if it is like the 'Unlimited Helios' Ray' and would be able to have the background change (as the colored top of the Ray reminds me of the unlimited...but no guarantee that this will be the case)

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Even if it's just a one time thing though, like the regular Ray, it'll be cool to be able to choose from the promo backgrounds!

I've been hoping for something like this for a long time heh-
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ShorahNagi, how often has Anubis given you an h.gift? I really love the Egyptian divines designs but I'm wary about spending passes to get them if they only give out the bmi very rarely.
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I want to go for Amon,but if his perk only leaves me with wraps I might just skip it...
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 15:33:56
Your right ShorahNagi, it does seem a bit boring. But can't wait to try something new! Till now Howrse has only released promos I have already done on my old account, so excited about this!default smiley :d
Inkblack117 wrote:

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I want to go for Amon,but if his perk only leaves me with wraps I might just skip it...

i don't have Anubis but my Thoth has given me a Hermes Winged Staff twice, and I've had him since early February. I've heard Horus drops a P.Stone about as often. The Osiris I got last week or whenever it was has given me a diamond twice already. Seems the more pricey or valuable the item is the rarer the drop rate so I'd assume
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a Golden Fleece drop rate wouldn't be that often either. However, because Thoth's other gift is aging points I've deemed him worth the resources I used to get him. I've made my Egyptian Divine acquiring decisions based first off what BM item they give and then if my value of the lesser item makes up for the BM item's sporadic drop rate
Legacy Ann
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Still though, with such valuable BMIs like Staffs and Titan's Challenges and the like that the Egyptians give out, the lowered drop rate is kind of excusable?

Like if you were to get a HWS every week or every 2 weeks, that would kind of defeat the purpose of the item being more of a rarity.

They'll pay for themselves in full eventually, and an extra Nyx Pack (from the Staff), for example, every month or so isn't such a bad deal at all.
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Once a month is fair, especially for a Staff. Once every two months doesn't cut it for me personally since half the Titan's Challenges I used in Thoth's maze promo didn't yield treats for me. I know, I'm being greedydefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 16:22:14
So for the
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Plant promo is it totally random what you get as prizes? (Except for the Divine...) basically what I'm asking is you could get a Fifth Element one days, and Oats the next?
Inkblack117 wrote:

ShorahNagi, how often has Anubis given you an h.gift? I really love the Egyptian divines designs but I'm wary about spending passes to get them if they only give out the bmi very rarely.

So far it looks to me that the new Egyptians give up a top give about 6 times a year ( about every 6-8 weeks).default smiley :)

I have all the new ones and this is what I am experiencing.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

I will admit, I'm not overly fond of that perk either but the way I see it;

As long as the gift is not a time limiting one I am all for it.default smiley :)default smiley (y)

That said make it a resounding no to the Zodiacs and a huge yes to the Egyptians.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Plant promo is it totally random what you get as prizes? (Except for the Divine...) basically what I'm asking is you could get a Fifth Element one days, and Oats the next?

It works the same as how the gifts work in the current promo. There is a certain rarity level of...item (such as the present in this promo) and with each present you will get a random thing from the ones listed that you can get for each rarity.

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So if you get the rarest/most expensive seed, you'll only get one of the items listed there. You won't get a prize found in the most common seed by planting the rare one.

It's kind of like the Tree Decorating promotion in that you can pick which seeds you want to plant!

I hope that's what you were asking and that I explained it well heh-
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 17:04:46
Oh, my gosh, the next next promotion sounds FUN!
Hopefully they'll throw in another Divine prize like they did with the cards! Maybe I'll spend passes if so! ...as long as the stuff isn't time limited. default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 17:41:02
Starry-Eyed wrote:

It works the same as how the gifts work in the current promo. There is a certain rarity level of...item (such as the present in this promo) and with each present you will get a random thing from the ones listed that you can get for each rarity.

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So if you get the rarest/most expensive seed, you'll only get one of the items listed there. You won't get a prize found in the most common seed by planting the rare one.

It's kind of like the Tree Decorating promotion in that you can pick which seeds you want to plant!

I hope that's what you were asking and that I explained it well heh-

Okay got it thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh, my gosh, the next next promotion sounds FUN! Hopefully they'll throw in another Divine prize like they did with the cards! Maybe I'll spend passes if so! ...as long as the stuff isn't time limited. default smiley (8)
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Judging from one of the images posted on the previous page, I see 5 time limited items in this one.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 17:52:13
Legacy Ann wrote:


Noooo. default smiley (d)

Well, there goes that dream (unless by some wonderful luck you can finish it with 15 passes or less). Hopefully it'll be fun without the use of passes. :P
By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 17:53:23
Oh whoope de do...
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doncha just *love* time limited items? *rolls eyes*
Can someone link the
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objectives again??
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Is the P Promo like the Excavation ones we've had in the past? I remember to sand one, underwater, a plant one. They were alrgiht.
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bonfire. wrote:

Is the P Promo like the Excavation ones we've had in the past? I remember to sand one, underwater, a plant one. They were alrgiht.


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you just click on Pinatas until they break and complete objectives to help you along. You can also get points for your pinatas in HOPs.

But there never was a growing excavation? I just remember the Sand one and the Underwater one. I think the growing one you're referring to was an older version of the Plant/Gardening promo, where we could plant seeds in little square patches of soil (that did kind of look like the Excavation slots).
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

But there never was a growing excavation? I just remember the Sand one and the Underwater one. I think the growing one you're referring to was an older version of the Plant/Gardening promo, where we could plant seeds in little square patches of soil (that did kind of look like the Excavation slots).

We had a seed planting promo about 2 years ago or so. I liked it. You had to decide on the faster growing less valuable prizes received ones over the slower growing more valuable prize producing ones. You could water them every so often but could run out of water. You could also pay for fertilizer to speed up growing. But you had to be careful and not over plant too many seeds because you would not have enough water for the seeds planted. It was a good exercise in balancing your resources.default smiley :)default smiley (y)

It was a fun promo and would do this type promo in a heartbeat.
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Spyder wrote:

We had a seed planting promo about 2 years ago or so. I liked it. You had to decide on the faster growing less valuable prizes received ones over the slower growing more valuable prize producing ones. You could water them every so often but could run out of water. You could also pay for fertilizer to speed up growing. But you had to be careful and not over plant too many seeds because you would not have enough water for the seeds planted. It was a good exercise in balancing your resources.default smiley :)default smiley (y)

It was a fun promo and would do this type promo in a heartbeat.

Mmm, yeah that's it! The promo after the P Promo seems to be a variation of that, but just maybe a bit less fun.
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By Retired breeder, 18th May 2016 22:57:49
ShorahNagi wrote:

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Have to say I find it really amusing that they are limiting the tears and horn but leaving the element without a time limit? Nice.
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