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next part of the P_ promo translations - I will post them all together in one post eventually...

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The next 5 objectives for the Pinatas;

Pinata 6 - 75 points
prize: 1x 1* Classic bridle, 1x Helios' ray
Objective 1: Specialize a horse

reward: 12 extra clicks
objective 2: Give a Givine horse an apple
reward: Clicks are worth 3 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 7 - 150 points
Prize: 100 Wood, 100 Iron, 100 Sand

Objective 1: Train a horse for 3 consecutive hours
reward: 65 points for your pinata
objective 2; Participate in a competition requiring 12% energy
reward: able to click the Pinata 5 times every 8 hours

Pinata 8 - 200 points
prize: 1x fertility wand, 10x aging points, 1x artemis' arrow

Objective 1: *Odd translation - something to do with Ow*
reward: next 4 friend clicks are worth 7 points
Objective 2: Finish 3rd in 3 competitions
reward: Number of points needed divided by

Pinata 9 - 250 points
prize: 20x Leather, 1x Water Trough, 1x Apollo's Lyre

Objective 1 : Finish last in a competition
Reward: 12 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Earn win 120 Equus from a horse with Ploutos parchment
Reward: clicks are worth 7 points each (excluding clicks from friends)

Pinata 10 - 300 points
Prize: 1x 2* Purple polo wraps, 1x 2* Purple ear bonnet, 1x 2* Purple and White western saddle cloth

Objective 1 : Congratulating a on their birthday
Reward: The next 5 clicks are worth 30 points (except clicks friends)

Objective 2 : Use an aging point on a horse who is 15 years old *horse must be exactly 15 years*
Reward: Friend clicks worth 5 points each
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 02:55:33
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thank you, Reggie for letting me know the next promo is the Mini ride. Now, what is the Mini ride? How does it work? Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

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thank you, Reggie for letting me know the next promo is the Mini ride. Now, what is the Mini ride? How does it work? Thanks!

Were you here for the Magic Ride (or any of its variants?) if so...

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It's the exact same thing. If you were not here for any of them;

The Mini Ride is a board game - you roll a die and make moves. The main objective is to collect the Keys to open the Doors to move to the next board. Along the way there are gifts of various sizes you can collect that will give you a prize. If you can make it to the 6th board - you can try to win Liten (the red Falabella). If you can make it to the 7th board - you can win Set (the next Egyptian Divine).
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Legacy Ann wrote:

M___R___ Masterpost (this has more info and tips than the last one)

General Promo info
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The Challenges
help you progress faster if you land on the space and complete the task. Some, like which color background to apply and equus amounts to donate will differ like they tend to do with these challenges. So don’t freak out about the amount of equus it told me to donate.

board images
This is all from the french version, but when I compared it, everything seemed to be the same so I didn't bother taking pictures just to show it in english. Has pics of all the boards

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Roll the dice and move on the board game. The purpose is to collect gifts and keys. The keys allow you to pass on to the next board game.

There are 2 first prizes:

- Divine Egyptian horse: Seth (7th board)
- Divine Red Falabella: Liten (6th board)

Dice roll

Unlike the previous edition of the contest, you can use your dice roll whenever you want.

You gain dice rolls:

upon first daily login (3 per day)
when doing missions with your horses (limited to 3 per day)

You can buy them with passes all during the contest or wait for special and interesting promotions at certain times during the contest.

Click on the dice to make it roll.

It is not possible:

to get the same number 2 times in a row
to get a number that allows no move

You can re-roll the dice once using Equus, to try again.

Board games

There are 7 board games. You unblock the next board by catching all the keys. Then you can go to the magic door to change board game.

Access to 2nd board : 2 keys from the 1st board
Access to 3rd board : 5 keys from the 2nd board
Access to 4th board : 7 keys from the 3rd board
Access to 5th board : 8 keys from the 4th board
Access to 6th board : 9 keys from the 5th board
Access to 7th board : 10 keys from the 6th board

Special squares

Seven types of squares on the game:

Regular squares: Roll the dice and land on a regular square
Gift: you win a gift!
Gift for a friend: You get a gift you have to place on a friend’s board game.
Key: You win a key to open the magic door.
Teleporter: leads you to on another teleporter square. You can choose not to use it.
Challenge: a challenge is proposed to you that will give you a bonus if you succeed.
Magic door: leads you to the card to go on another board game.


If you do not do the challenge, the square becomes normal and when you find another challenge square you will have another challenge to do.

Golden horseshoes

You win a golden horseshoe for the trophies after a certain number of keys have been collected:

1 keys
7 keys
20 keys
41 keys

The divine
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Set/Seth (he's on board 7, the last one board)
His treasure chest offerings are skill points, mash and Titan's Challenge.
If you’re curious about the amount of mash he offers, the two days I’ve gotten mash from him, he’s given me x2 and x5 mash.
There's a Falabella on board 6

Possible Special Offer
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Dice Packs. This offer gets you 4 rolls for 1 pass instead of 2. There's another way in which we are able to earn dice rolls, but due to the irregularities of it I asked for some clarification.
Also available for purchase with diamonds

Pass Estimate
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This promo is also down to luck(like any game that requires rolling dice), so I don’t know how many passes it will take. Unfortunately, to exit you *have* to land on the space with the door. You can’t roll a number equal to or greater than that space. I completed it once going straight through (without using the special dice pack offers) and it took me over 100 passes as I couldn’t seem to land on the spaces I needed to. My second time around I’ve used 14 passes so far and am on board 4.

General Tips
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-The gifts: the link in the first spoiler had a pic of all the prizes available, but when you land on a space that contains a gift, you receive *one* of the prizes at random that gift contains.
-Know your route! Either take a screenshot of each board when you first enter or use the ones in the first link and make note of where all the keys are the teleporters you may have to take(as some boards will require the use of them) and the challenge spaces should you decide to use them as well. You don’t want to finally land on a teleporter, get to the exit only to realize you forgot a key and have to land on the teleporter again, get the key etc. You might want to make a plan for the order in which you go after the keys and use the teleporters and get to the exit
-Stock up on equus!: You can re-roll the dice once every regular roll for 20,000e. That adds up if you choose to do this.
-Don’t roll the dice too fast!: If you land on a teleporter and click to roll again before using the teleporter, then you lose your chance to use it and have to land on it again.

Bumping up before it is lost.
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And here's the final post about the P_ Promo:

*again, the following is all translated and as such is subject to errors;

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This is the objectives for Pinata 11 to 20!

Pinata 11 - 400 points
Prize: 300x Fodder, 1x Horseshoes Studs, 1x Medusa's Blood

Objective 1 : Earn at least 1000 Equus competitions with a horse
Reward: Able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 6 hours
Objective 2: Be congratulated X amount of times
Reward: Open the piñata directly to the next click

Pinata 12 - 500 points
Prize: 4000e, 500x Points for the General ranking, 1x Zues' Lightning bolt

Objective 1 : Win 1 Equus in a competition
Reward: 8 additional clicks
Objective 2 : Donate to a new player *not sure what we are donating*
Reward: clicks are worth 13 points each (except friend clicks)

Pinata 13 - 750 points
Prize: 20x carrot, 1x Shower, 1x Poseidon Pack

Objective 1: Stroke a horse with a Flaxen Chestnut(?) coat
reward: 300 points for your pinata
Objective 2: Donate a horse to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 6 friends per day

**From here on out - Pinatas have 3 objectives!

Pinata 14 - 1000 points
Prize: 250x 2* Fertilizer, 1x Piece of cloud, 1x Achilles' heel

Objective 1 : Fully equip a horse who has never been equipped before
Reward: The next click brings 100 points ( except friends click )
Objective 2 : Participate in X amount of competitions requiring more than 20 % energy
Reward: 15 clicks
Objective 3 : Remove the wings of a Pegasus
Reward: All clicks bring 20 points each (excluding clicks friends)

Pinata 15 - 1250 points
prize: 10x aging pints, 1x tractor, 1x Horn of Plenty

Objective 1 : Finish training in a skill on a horse
Reward: Number of points received is now 350
Objective 2 : Agree to an item exchange
Reward: Friend clicks worth 7 points each
Objective 3 : Get 100 BLUP with a horse
Reward: Able to click the Pinata 5 times every 4 hours.


Pinata 16 - 1500 points
Prize: 100x droppings, 1x Hypnos' Blanket, 1x Harmony Pack

Objective 1 : Buy a horse for X amount of equus
Reward: Next 6 friend clicks worth 15 points each
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: 170 points for your piñata
Objective 3 : Open a horn of plenty
Reward: clciks are worth 28 points each (excluding friend clicks)

Pinata 17 - 2000 points
prize: 50,000e, 300x apple seeds, 1x Hermes Winged Staff

Objective 1 : Give a carrot to a horse born of Gaia and Ouranos
Reward: The next click is worth 280 points (except friends click )
Objective 2 : Win X amount of competitions
Reward: able to be helped by 8 friends per day
Objective 3 : Stroke a horse over 40 years (not divine , wild or legendary )
Reward: 15 extra clicks

Pinata 18 - 2500 points
prize: 20x Mash, 1x Nyx Pack, 1000 points for the General Ranking

Objective 1 : Give a mash to a horse having between 320 and 448 points in dressage
Reward: 400 points for your piñata
Goal 2 : Achieve an equus reserve ending in X
Reward: All clicks bring 38 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Give a horse a *color* Golden apple coat
Reward: able to click on the pinata 5 times every 3 hours

Pinata 19 - 3000 points
Prize: Dark Gemini

Objective 1 : Win 2 competitions with a horse born of Ouranos and aia
Reward: 7 extra clicks
Objective 2 : Donate X amount of Equus to Ow
Reward: Friend clicks worth 10 points
Objective 3 : Buy a horse at least 1 pass
Reward: 400 points for your piñata

Pinata 20 - 4000 points
Prize: Light Gemini

Objective 1 : Remove the horn of a unicorn
Reward: Ability to be helped by 10 friends per day
Objective 2 : give birth to twins
Reward: All clicks bring 60 points each (excluding friend clicks)
Objective 3 : Win 1 Rosette
Reward: Number of points already received for the piñata multiplied by 2

Once I get better translations - I will combine all of these into one post, for now though - here are links to the others;

Post 1
Post 2

"Master" post regarding the P_ promo
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 03:39:49
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Are there going to just be joker packs offered this weekend or regular packs as well?
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 03:49:41
ShorahNagi wrote:

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It's the exact same thing. If you were not here for any of them;

The Mini Ride is a board game - you roll a die and make moves. The main objective is to collect the Keys to open the Doors to move to the next board. Along the way there are gifts of various sizes you can collect that will give you a prize. If you can make it to the 6th board - you can try to win Liten (the red Falabella). If you can make it to the 7th board - you can win Set (the next Egyptian Divine).

Oh, yes. I know what the M____ R___ is. Thank you so much!!
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 07:18:50
Questions regarding the P_ promo:

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If it is already possible to work this out, could somebody who has been testing the Pinata promo perhaps work out what pinata you'd get up to if you didn't spend any passes and didn't open any HOP's? And maybe how far you'd get if you got all of the friend clicks, too.
Also, is there a limit on how many friend clicks we can get a day?
Question to do with Gemini.
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If Gemini is to rewarded in the pinata promo as two horses what happens when he/she is given to a player of that sign on the 21st, does the player get both or just one?
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Excellent question Kunama

ShorahNagi wrote:

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There will be a community Pinata that we all work together to break. Breaking it will reward everyone a Vintage Apple.

W000t - I'll definitely be working on that one then. I'm not a fan of the P______ but another...

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VA.. There are still so many I'd love to have.

I find it a tad odd that Gemini requires not just ONE but TWO divine.
Seems a tad unfair for those that would like to collect him? I mean all the other Zodiacs we have seen so far are only one horse.

And no not going to try and get them. I'm waiting for my Zodiac that is Libra. All depending what I have to do, I might try to get that one default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 10:57:51
ShorahNagi wrote:

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The next 5 objectives for the Pinatas;

Pinata 6 - 75 points
prize: 1x 1* Classic bridle, 1x Helios' ray
Objective 1: Specialize a horse

I'm sorry if I'm being stupid but what exactly does 'specialize' mean?
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm sorry if I'm being stupid but what exactly does 'specialize' mean?

Just means pick whether classical or western.
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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Retired breeder wrote:

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If it is already possible to work this out, could somebody who has been testing the Pinata promo perhaps work out what pinata you'd get up to if you didn't spend any passes and didn't open any HOP's? And maybe how far you'd get if you got all of the friend clicks, too. Also, is there a limit on how many friend clicks we can get a day?
Kunama wrote:

Question to do with Gemini.
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If Gemini is to rewarded in the pinata promo as two horses what happens when he/she is given to a player of that sign on the 21st, does the player get both or just one?
International hasn't started testing it yet folks so we don't really know much beyond what's posted.
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The information posted is from Equideow, which ShorahNagi brought over and translated for us(hence why the posts have "*again, all information is Translated and may or may not be 100% accurate because of this." We may or may not have to wait several days for more info, such as "is it really two divines" or "is it two pieces of a single divine?" or pass estimates and such.
Legacy Ann
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Asfridur wrote:

I'll definitely be working on that one then. I'm not a fan of the P______ but another...

I am a fan but will only go to objective18. I simply have no interest in any Zodiac ( unless it offers a diamond or BM perk). I doubt I will even try for Libra which is my sign.default smiley :s

I kinda like this years offerings as I get to save my diamonds and passes every other month ( I now have almost 1100 diamonds..default smiley :d )
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 14:36:29
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does anyone know when/if a divine or other special horse will be hiding in HoPs?
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 14:41:02
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know when/if a divine or other special horse will be hiding in HoPs?

We never know. The only people who know are the Admin as we don't test these.
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does anyone know when/if a divine or other special horse will be hiding in HoPs?

Nope - this is something that has been happening recently with little to no warning. No one but the Admins know this (and they sure aren't talking).
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 15:10:23
ShorahNagi wrote:

(and they sure aren't talking).

yeahdefault smiley xd
I won 2 dews today from the golden fleece out of 9 fleeces
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 16:49:46
Does anyone know if all of the Water horses will be available in the golden fleece at some point? Or is it just Dew?

If so I think I'll wait for Rain.
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 17:10:10
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if all of the Water horses will be available in the golden fleece at some point?

I think they've already re-released all of the water divines
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if all of the Water horses will be available in the golden fleece at some point? Or is it just Dew?

If so I think I'll wait for Rain.

Dew is the last of the Water Divines to be re-released recently. We probably won't see them for a while.
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Anyone remember if dew was already in reserved sales ? I just don t remember.
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 17:44:53
nope dw has not had resarved sale yet wish howrse do resarve one of her shes only water divine that has not been put in resarve sales yet
cheecko27 wrote:

Anyone remember if dew was already in reserved sales ? I just don t remember.

Retired breeder wrote:

nope dw has not had resarved sale yet wish howrse do resarve one of her shes only water divine that has not been put in resarve sales yet

I think she might have been a few months ago. Like last summer or so. Usually the pattern for Divine releases is:
1) Original Promo
2) Reserved Sales
3) Luck Offer

The Rainbows have been the only ones to break that pattern so far.
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By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 17:59:32
iim 100 percernt postive dew has never had resarve sale on howrse because she was not put in resarve when howrse did the water divine set on resarve sales
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