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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 04:13:49
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Just wondering, have players been testing the Pinata yet? If so, do we know what pinatas we need to get up to in order to receive the Gemini's?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Just wondering, have players been testing the Pinata yet? If so, do we know what pinatas we need to get up to in order to receive the Gemini's?

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The French server has started testing. Though to get *both* horses of Gemini you will need to finish the promo at 19 & 20
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 08:09:06
Don't know if this needs a spoiler but Gemini is AWESOME!!!!!
So glad I am one! And is the P..... Promo easy? I am thinking of giving it a try.
Retired breeder wrote:

Don't know if this needs a spoiler but Gemini is AWESOME!!!!!
So glad I am one! And is the P..... Promo easy? I am thinking of giving it a try.

It's definitely easier now than it was before (no waking up at 2 am to get maximum free event 'things' (like tickets, clicks, cards, etc.) and it is one of the less pass heavy ones I believe? It especially helps if you have a large HOP stash.

If you have enough HOPs, then you could even finish the promo without spending a single pass. But you'll need like upwards of 30 HOPs for that heh-
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 10:28:18
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So is the next promo the pinata promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

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So is the next promo the pinata promo?

No. Next promo is the

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Mini Ride (it's like a board game)

and then after that is the

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Pinata promo.
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 10:47:27
@starry97 ok thanks!
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 11:05:21
@starry97 unfortunately, I only have experience with the old p.... promo on my old account, so I was scared.
And I am so glad I have been saving up on HOPs, I think I will be able to have 30+ HOPs and a few passes before it starts, so Gemini, here I come!!!.....I hopedefault smiley ^)
Again sorry if that needed a spoiler....
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 11:47:33
Retired breeder wrote:

@starry97 unfortunately, I only have experience with the old p.... promo on my old account, so I was scared.
And I am so glad I have been saving up on HOPs, I think I will be able to have 30+ HOPs and a few passes before it starts, so Gemini, here I come!!!.....I hopedefault smiley ^)
Again sorry if that needed a spoiler....

I wish I could try and get Gemini in the P_ promo, but I only have a pitiful stash of two HOPs. default smiley :'(
I have been invited to play on the beta version but I cant figure out how to get the redeem code for TestFlight. Does anyone know how? They said I should have an email but I don not have one with the code.
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 15:29:05
Sorry if this isn't exactly a *spoiler question*, but does anyone have a picture of all the things you can get on the Card event for the ones not part of the collection? I'm almost 100% sure the diamond is Taurus, but what about the others? Thanks!
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry if this isn't exactly a *spoiler question*, but does anyone have a picture of all the things you can get on the Card event for the ones not part of the collection? I'm almost 100% sure the diamond is Taurus, but what about the others? Thanks!
You can view all the cards available by going to my account>my cards. The diamond prize card is Greyfell. In order to get Taurus you have to complete all the puzzle card sets
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 15:31:26
beccalove wrote:

I have been invited to play on the beta version but I cant figure out how to get the redeem code for TestFlight. Does anyone know how? They said I should have an email but I don not have one with the code.

I have the same problem. We were supposed to get an email from Apple with the link to get it on TestFlight. We probably have to contact Owlient or Ubisoft and tell them to resend the TestFlight email. I just don't know through which way we are supposed to contact them.
Retired breeder wrote:

I have the same problem. We were supposed to get an email from Apple with the link to get it on TestFlight. We probably have to contact Owlient or Ubisoft and tell them to resend the TestFlight email. I just don't know through which way we are supposed to contact them.

Probably through the Contact Us link? default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 15:41:21
Haha yea I was thinking that. But on the invitation email they said this:

"If you did not receive the Testflight email, contact us by pressing the button “Help” on the Options game menu and we’ll be happy to help you."

I guess I will use the contact us link then.
A little hunting around Equideow later and I've got some more information on the P_ Promo;

*again, all information is Translated and may or may not be 100% accurate because of this

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It seems that there might still be time gaps between clicks - with the smallest gap being 3 hours between clicks (remember though - you do NOT need to click as soon as the time comes, you have a bit of a delay)

Like before - you can get help from Friends by paying 300e per friend click. As the contest rolls on and you complete objectives - you can unlock more friend clicks (friend clicks are limited to one click per friend per day)

There will be a community Pinata that we all work together to break. Breaking it will reward everyone a Vintage Apple.

Extra points will be offered in the Horn of Plenty at certain points during the Contest.

The Gemini forms are known as Light and Dark - The Dark form (green horse in front) is on Pinata 19 - the Light Form (white horse in front) is Pinata 20.

Pinatas 1 to 13 have 2 objectives - Pinata 14 to 20 have 3 objectives.

*I am currently working on translating the objectives. I'll post them once I'm done.
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And while I now need to go to work - here's one final translation until later:

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the first five objectives and prizes for the Pinatas;

Pinata 1 = 10pts
Prize: 3 Aging points, 1x Pandora's Box
Objective 1 - Click on the Pinata
reward: 5 clicks
Objective 2 - Groom a horse
reward: Friend clicks are worth 2 points each

Pinata 2 = 20 points
Prize; 10% energy for all your horses, 1x 2* Classical Bridle
Objective 1 - Stoke a horse
reward: able to be helped by 2 friends per day
Objective 2 - Put a Pony to bed *species must be Pony for this to validate*
reward: 15 points for your Pinata

Pinata 3 = 30 points
prize: 1x Whip, 1x 2* Western Saddle
Objective 1 - Congratulate a player
reward: number of points needed divided by 2
objective 2 - Visit Ow's page
reward: able to click on the Pinata 5 times every 12 hours

Pinata 4 = 50 points
prize: 1x Water of youth, 10x Mash
Objective 1 - sell 3 mashes at the store
reward: the next 5 clicks give 6 points (except friend clicks)
Objective 2 - Donate X amount of equus to Ow
reward: able to be helped by 4 friends per day

Pinata 5 = 75 Points
Prize; 50x apples, 1x Philoite's Stroke
objective 1 - participate in a competition
reward; 45 points for your pinata
Objective 2 - click on a friend's pinata
reward; friend clicks are worth 3 points each
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Are the joker packs coming out this weekend?
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 19:09:14
Fearless wrote:

coming out this

I'd be surprised if they did since there's only 4 days left for this event, but you never know c:
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 19:16:57
Fearless wrote:

Are the joker packs coming out this weekend?

I would have to imagine, as this is the last weekend of the promotion, but it's not a guarantee. It's possible that they might come out tomorrow (Friday) and last through the end of the promotion.
Fearless wrote:

Are the joker packs coming out this weekend?

Special offers *always* come out the last two weekends (Friday through either very late Sunday or very early Monday) of a promo.

In fact, they come out every weekend of a promo apart from the first one after it started.


For every promo.
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 22:26:23
What does Gemini look like?
Retired breeder wrote:

What does Gemini look like?
It's anywhere within the last 2 pages
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2016 22:37:39
Retired breeder wrote:

What does Gemini look like?

You should check out ShorahNagi's post on page 1729
By Retired breeder, 29th April 2016 02:13:21
Thanks for the tip, and I wrongly assumed because I remember some other promos where you can obtain the divine through card collection *and* a diamond card. Yay for Greyfells, though!
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