[FT] Spoiler Zone!


This topic is made to receive any of the spoilers concerning new features you find or feel like sharing.

Players that are in the test may decide to share what they are experiencing or not.

Of course please remember to use the spoiler banner when sharing new information with everyone.

To make the Spoiler Banner:

[spoiler*] the text you want to hide [/*spoiler]
Make sure you are removing the asterisks (*) before posting.

You can post screen shots as long as you also use the spoiler banner to cover them.

On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

Warning: We do not guarantee that any of the info that is posted in here is true or accurate. Nor that the features will be launched on the game.

Please remain polite with each other; no one has the prerogative of spoiling or a patent on the rumours and spoilers that are on the game.

Thank you for your collaboration and understanding.


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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:24:35
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:25:04
^ whoops, wand not baton. sorry.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:27:43
^If you talk about things that are not out yet, they must be in a spoiler banner.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:28:12
No, one your not doing.spoilers, and too, someone beat you to it and has done.it. so please stop before you ruin it for people
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:37:56
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:42:03
No it was not helpful. Not only did you NOT put it in a spoiler, completely ruining it for others, but you did it even after people said don't, AND after someone had already done a accurate translation of it already. If you can't put things in spoilers, then stop posting. default smiley :@
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:50:32
Retired breeder wrote:

No it was not helpful. Not only did you NOT put it in a spoiler, completely ruining it for others, but you did it even after people said don't, AND after someone had already done a accurate translation of it already. If you can't put things in spoilers, then stop posting. default smiley :@

I'm sorry I didn't know how! And when I was translating it I didn't know people were posting. I assumed that it updated every time I said something and it didn't. I would've stopped but I didn't get the message in time! I didn't want to ruin it for anyone, I didn't know how to put things in the little spoiler. I was just trying to help! I didn't mean to get anyone mad, and at the time I wasn't aware someone already translated it. I'm so sorry! Please don't take this the wrong way!
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:52:46
Ok, but i f you cant use a spoiler, don't post. It's not worth it. And the person who translated it did it way before
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:55:55
Retired breeder wrote:

Ok, but i f you cant use a spoiler, don't post. It's not worth it. And the person who translated it did it way before

Ok, I swear I won't post without using the spoiler thing! Sorry, I didn't know we had to or how to do it. I'm so sorry, I was being stupid. But I won't do it anymore.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:58:19
Ok then. If you didn't know how it's not as bad. For future reference you use the little eye button
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 18:01:23
To be fair, it's a bit ridiculous to require a spoiler banner in a thread that's intended for spoilers. That's kind of like being upset about being spoiled about a plot point in a movie when you click a link that clearly says SPOILERS AHEAD.
It's stated in the main post that we should use spoiler banners.

Some players come here for information about the current promo, or ask a question about something that could possibly come in the future, not necessarily to get info for an upcoming promo, so it's better to be safe than sorry. default smiley :)

No need to get rude or argue about it. It does help tremendously to read a few previous pages to check whether the question/info you want to post isn't already mentioned. That way the topic doesn't get to cluttered with duplicate questions/information. Makes it easier to navigate and find stuff!
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 18:27:10
Retired breeder wrote:

To be fair, it's a bit ridiculous to require a spoiler banner in a thread that's intended for spoilers. That's kind of like being upset about being spoiled about a plot point in a movie when you click a link that clearly says SPOILERS AHEAD.

But the reason we do if because some people come for a certain kind of spoiler, they don't necessarily want info on everything that's coming up.

There was no need to be so rude. Please don't tell people to just stop posting. It's clear they didn't realize the issues.


It's okay, there's no 'damage done'. A ninja mod will just censor your posts to keep the surprise staying a surprise. For the future though, it is always good to check the last few pages before posting to make sure that you're not just unnecessarily repeating things. And you can refresh the page in a new tab to see if anyone's commented on your posts.

The three icons, in their order, are for adding a link, adding an image, and adding a spoiler banner.

Spoiler banners are necessary to prevent people from seeing info they do not wish to. Someone wanting info on new features might not necessarily want to know what the next promo is.

Let's keep this forum nice and light and polite and drama free so it can be fun for everyone, hmm? default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 18:58:20
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
@ coryna cc

That was posted on the page before. Also, in the future (and this is for everyone, not just you) please use the spoiler banner when posting about/talking about anything not on the game~ default smiley ;)
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Retired breeder wrote:

I just realized I missed the event for aries, does anyone know if they will be doing it agan, to let us get the ones we missed?
Thanksdefault smiley :d

Well - Aries is gotten by breeding Pisces to Aquarius (he's the resulting foal)

If you did not win Pisces - your only way to get him would be to win the one that's given out at the end of his month.

We do not know just when/if Howrse will give us a chance to get missing Zodiac Horses *though generally, they wait until a set is fully released before giving folks a 'second chance'*
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 19:13:30
The new version of the P Promo is awesome... I don't have to wake up at 3 in the morning like I did the summer of 2014! Yay!default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

To be fair, it's a bit ridiculous to require a spoiler banner in a thread that's intended for spoilers. That's kind of like being upset about being spoiled about a plot point in a movie when you click a link that clearly says SPOILERS AHEAD.

As I have explained many times in the past - the Spoiler Banner must be used to help safe guard against players learning information they may not want to know.

For example; a player might come here wanting to know just the objectives for a promotion like the Pinatas, and not about anything else that might be being added. By using the spoiler banner, this helps prevent players from seeing something they might not yet wanted to have learn.

Yes, it does not always work (ex. a spoiler might not have anything else in the post except the spoiler, and if the player clicks it - surprise ruined)...but it is a courtesy.

Here's an example of what I mean using promotions.

A post that does not need a spoiler;

If anyone is curious, you can see all the Prize Cards by going under My Account > My Cards. (this is something that is known by a lot of people *common knowledge*)

This is a post that does need a spoiler;

Next promotion after the Cards is the

Click to display
Mini Ride (a bug-themed version of the Magic Ride). After this we'll see a return of the Pinatas!
*this is something that is not common knowledge, as not everyone is on Preprod*
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Can someone give me a general description of what the P____ Promo is? I took a long hiatus and have never done one.
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Okay - before this gets buried...Here is all the information that has been collected so far in regards to the next promotion and Divine after the M_ R_

*All information is Translated - as such, it is subject to errors and may or may not be 100% accurate!

Click to display
There will be a return of the Pinatas for the release of Gemini!

From what little can be seen in the image of the promo - this one looks very similar to Zaldia's time in them. This means that instead of needing to log in hourly to make clicks - your clicks will be set (you start with 5 per day - but can get more clicks, more points, etc. by doing objectives for the Pinatas. Friend clicks also make a come back - as does buying extra hits from the Black Market).

The main prize is the Divine Gemini. It seems there are two horses you need to collect to fully obtain this Divine as they are offered as a prize on the 19th and 20th Pinata respectively.

Gemini is the next Zodiac Divine horse

This is Gemini's description *rough translation*;

Gemini is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

There are 2 horses of Gemini . If you own the 2, they offer you a gift every 11 months* (after the daily update) if you connected once in the 3 days prior; 1x Fertility wand to use within 90 days

If you are born of this sign, and you own the two versions of Gemini, will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, on the 21st of June, at the site's update time, a Gemini horse if offered to a player of this sign.

Collect all 12 horses of the Zodiac to obtain the Divine Serpentarius.

This horse can not be sold.

*this may be a translation error and might instead actually be on the 11th of every month

So far - my research seems to be pointing to them both being an individual horse you can care for separately. (think of them like Balios in that the perk is the same, only the coat is different)

In order to benefit from their perk of getting a Fertility wand - you need to own BOTH Gemini horses.

If you are born of this sign, you need to own BOTH of them to get a 5th element on your birthday.

I do NOT know if only owning one of the Gemini horses *assuming they are separate* counts towards unlocking Serpentarius (so if you are not a Gemini and don't care about the perk - its possible you might be able to stop after Pinata 19 and still get credit for having the whole set *unconfirmed*)
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You were right the second time - it means the 11th of every month
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 19:51:13
Does any one know the date ranges for the zodiac divines? As in from what date in first month to what date in second month do they cover? I just want to be sure which divine to aim for as my bday is on a date that varies between two signs, I'm sometimes cancer and I'm sometimes Leo default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

Does any one know the date ranges for the zodiac divines? As in from what date in first month to what date in second month do they cover? I just want to be sure which divine to aim for as my bday is on a date that varies between two signs, I'm sometimes cancer and I'm sometimes Leo default smiley xd

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Retired breeder wrote:

Does any one know the date ranges for the zodiac divines? As in from what date in first month to what date in second month do they cover? I just want to be sure which divine to aim for as my bday is on a date that varies between two signs, I'm sometimes cancer and I'm sometimes Leo default smiley xd

When we get information about those two, it will say when Howrse will consider it to be the cut-off date. Best thing to do would be to wait and go off that.
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