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Retired breeder wrote:

Any clue when they will return?

The weekend, as special offers always do.

(Friday to the end of the promo.)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have any info on upcoming lotteries, if there may be one?

Nope. We don't know anything about the next promos after the M___ R____ at this point.

(Info about the M___ R___ can be found on the previous page.)
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 02:13:50
Anyone know the upcoming promo? Thanksdefault smiley :)[spoiler][/spoiler]
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know the upcoming promo? Thanksdefault smiley :)[spoiler][/spoiler]

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The promo after the Cards in the Mini Ride. You can read more about it in the past pages. Past that, we do not know anything yet
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 06:30:21
I hope we get news about the promo after the M_ R_ soon, I'm very curious! default smiley 8-)
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know the upcoming promo? Thanksdefault smiley :)

I mentioned it in the post literally above your own.
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

I mentioned it in the post literally above your own.

You are so patient...default smiley <:o)
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Spyder wrote:

You are so patient...default smiley <:o)

I do my best to be eheh-
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New information about Promos!

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Looks like a return of the Pinatas for Gemini!

*Working on a translation and finding more information
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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ShorahNagi wrote:

New information about Promos!

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Looks like a return of the Pinatas for Gemini!

*Working on a translation and finding more information

Oh my gosh, you just totally made my day and the
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divine---divines?--look awesome. I'll wait on further excitement in case the translation reveals a curve ball I don't likedefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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Okay to translate some of the above image;

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This is Gemini's description *rough translation*;

Gemini is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

There are 2 horses of Gemini . If you own the 2, they offer you a gift every 11 months(?) (after the daily update) if you connected once in the 3 days prior; 1x Fertility wand to use within 90 days

If you are born of this sign, and you own the two versions of Gemini, will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, on the 21st of June, at the site's update time, a Gemini horse if offered to a player of this sign.

Collect all 12 horses of the Zodiac to obtain the Divine Serpentarius.

This horse can not be sold.

The first horse of Gemini can be found by completing Pinata 19 - the second one by completing Pinata 20.

I am still looking for more information - as I don't know if these are two separate horses, or two different 'pieces' needed to collect to get this horse (ex. like how you needed to get all 5 pieces of legendary tack.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

New information about Promos!

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Looks like a return of the Pinatas for Gemini!

*Working on a translation and finding more information

I'm in lovedefault smiley (7)default smiley (7)
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ShorahNagi wrote:

New information about Promos!

Whoa!! That's awesome!

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Love the pinatas, and Gemini looks amazing! Interesting how they did the two separate divines. Looking at the first image, I thought it would be just one horse but the darker one was like a ghost or something? Either way it would have worked, and I can't wait to test it out!
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And some more information *May or may not be accurate - I am working off translations!*;

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So far - my research seems to be pointing to them both being an individual horse you can care for separately.

In order to benefit from their perk of getting a Fertility wand every 11 months (or on the 11th of each month *again, could be an odd translation* you need to own both the white and green Gemini.

If you are born of this sign, you need to own both white and green to get a 5th element on your birthday.

I do NOT know if only owning one of the Gemini horses *assuming they are separate* counts towards unlocking Serpentarius (so if you are not a Gemini and don't care about the perk - its possible you might be able to stop after Pinata 19 and still get credit for having the whole set *unconfirmed*)
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And some info about the promo itself;

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It seems to be a standard Pinatas event based on the little info I can see about it in the image where I posted Gemini.

You get 5 clicks per day - but can purchase more from the Black Market. There are also friend clicks, and objectives to be done to get more clicks per day, more points per click, etc. *seems to be the same set-up as Zaldia's run in the Pinatas was, as opposed to hourly clicks like in the past*

I'll keep my head up for more information - but before anyone asks this question;

It looks like Equideow only just started testing today! It might be a few days before we have full information from their side. Adding onto that - if they did only start today, it will be at least another week or two before we get to start testing and confirm some of this stuff.
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ShorahNagi wrote:

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It seems to be a standard Pinatas event based on the little info I can see about it in the image where I posted Gemini.

You get 5 clicks per day - but can purchase more from the Black Market. There are also friend clicks, and objectives to be done to get more clicks per day, more points per click, etc. *seems to be the same set-up as Zaldia's run in the Pinatas was, as opposed to hourly clicks like in the past*

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I love the fact that i won't have to wake up at 3 in the morning for this promo default smiley xd. I can't wait to test it out!
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 16:13:11
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Gemini looks awesome! I love the whole Zodaic thing loads more now that I watch Fairy Tail default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 16:24:22
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:05:45
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

actually it's French from the French server.
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:08:39
Wow I wish I was a
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:09:11
I just realized I missed the event for aries, does anyone know if they will be doing it agan, to let us get the ones we missed?
Thanksdefault smiley :d
Retired breeder wrote:

I just realized I missed the event for aries, does anyone know if they will be doing it agan, to let us get the ones we missed?
Thanksdefault smiley :d

We don't know if they are going to re-release then or when they will. But if you are an Aries, you have a chance to get him on the last day of the sign.

Retired breeder wrote:

Wow I wish I was a
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You don't have to be a Gemini to get the divine in the Promo. You just won't get the 5th element every year.
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By Retired breeder, 27th April 2016 17:18:08
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Shorah did translate what's up theredefault smiley (y) Also, might want to use your spoilers for that so as not to spoil the surprise for anyone
Legacy Ann
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