[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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opal wrote:

Okay, that's not fair ^
It worked in the preview! >.<

You forgot the bracket at the end of your second spoiler or deleted it somehow before you posteddefault smiley (y)
Legacy Ann
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I see that. Gha. I wish there was an edit post button so I could fix it. >.< I hate not having conformity!!! default smiley (d)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 18:27:50
Remi1996 wrote:

Not confirmed. Guessed.

Well most of the promos have been starting on a Thursday so....
Retired breeder wrote:

Well most of the promos have been starting on a Thursday so....

Yeah, but there's never really a 100% guarantee that the next one will follow the pattern, and Howrse might decide to take a week break for all we know.

So there's like a 99% chance it'll start on Thursday. Not 100% though, cuz the only ones who really know are the admins.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 18:35:53
Starry-Eyed wrote:

Yeah, but there's never really a 100% guarantee that the next one will follow the pattern, and Howrse might decide to take a week break for all we know.

So there's like a 99% chance it'll start on Thursday. Not 100% though, cuz the only ones who really know are the admins.

True. I'm just hoping it'll start then because I'm really looking forward to the
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 21:22:39
is it the
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card promo or the treasure hunt promo
coming up
Retired breeder wrote:

is it the
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card promo or the treasure hunt promo
coming up

It's the T___ H___ first and then the C____ afterwards.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd March 2016 23:49:07
Thank you, Starry
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 01:05:15
*cries* I truely hate the T_______ H____ With all of my heart. Its just so repeditave! default smiley :'(
Maybe it'll be better this time. I think that the items should change.
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Retired breeder wrote:

*cries* I truely hate the T_______ H____ With all of my heart. Its just so repeditave! default smiley :'(
Repetitive perhaps but pretty simple... I don't maind the promotion so long as the prizes I'm working for are valuable to me default smiley (h)
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lelan wrote:

I think that the items should change.

I wish the items were more well-known.
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I mean I know what a Djembe (one of the items in the Treasure Hunt promo coming up) is, but it's not like that's common knowledge. Plus I only know because I was forced to use one in one of my high school classes. For those that don't know, a djembe is a type of drum.

I did have to look up a lot of the items well testing though. It was rough...
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while* not well...Dang auto-correct on my phone....
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By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 02:17:38
Retired breeder wrote:

*cries* I truely hate the T_______ H____ With all of my heart. Its just so repeditave!

and on a laptop it is impossible, so I am not doing it at all, and i dont own a mouse, and i cant buy one.
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 02:28:18
Retired breeder wrote:

and on a laptop it is impossible, so I am not doing it at all, and i dont own a mouse, and i cant buy one.

I never thought about that... oh gosh. This is going to be horrible.
Wait....will it work on a tablet then..... default smiley :o
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It is easy on laptop.
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AlyxStone wrote:

I wish the items were more well-known.
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I mean I know what a Djembe (one of the items in the Treasure Hunt promo coming up) is, but it's not like that's common knowledge. Plus I only know because I was forced to use one in one of my high school classes. For those that don't know, a djembe is a type of drum.

I did have to look up a lot of the items well testing though. It was rough...

I know what you mean. However,
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all I did was a quick google search for the objects and an image would pop up. I used that as a guide to finding what was in the pictures default smiley (y)
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CowboyCrazyGirl wrote:

Wait....will it work on a tablet then..... default smiley :o


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On pre-prod, I used my laptop and it works, if you need to scroll around in a scene however, make sure to hold the screen and swipe instead of a quick swipe, otherwise it will think you're clicking something.
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Thanks! If I have any problems with my tablet working on the mobile classic version, I can try and request a desktop veiw on my Kindle. I was worried for a second.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 06:44:08
[spoilerHi !! Which Promo is next ? What will the prize be ?][/spoiler]
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 06:45:06
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Hi !! Which Promo is next ? What will the prize be ? Sorry about the previous post. That was an epic fail !! default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

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Hi !! Which Promo is next ? What will the prize be ? Sorry about the previous post. That was an epic fail !! default smiley xd

The next promo is
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the treasure hunt. The jackpot is the divine Anubis. His advantages are when he wakes up every day, he gives you a treasure chest. Upon scratching the chest open, you can receive 1 Hestia's gift, leather, or skill points to use on Anubis however you please.
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Can not get answer from proper topic, so though I would ask the super smart folk here.

Do we need to reconfirm our mail?default smiley :s
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All is fine finally got an answer.
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