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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 01:26:01
Does anyone know if Leo will give out a special perk, kind of like Aquarius??? Thanks
By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 01:28:04
In the previous pages there are prediction if the zodiac horse will be a foal, male or female.

If it is a male it is most likely to have one like Aquarius and
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 01:38:25
Okay I looked back and I couldn't find it, it must have been a while ago. Does anyone know if Leo is male????
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay I looked back and I couldn't find it, it must have been a while ago. Does anyone know if Leo is male????
We don't
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know anything definite until the divine is available on the test server or for those players who are able to glean a little info by playing with urls. What we have been told is what is known. Basically, we don't know what Leo's perks are, if it's male or female or what his promo is. And since his sign is July-August we probably won't know for a couple months yet. All that has been posted about Leo is just speculation at this point
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Retired breeder wrote:

Okay I looked back and I couldn't find it, it must have been a while ago. Does anyone know if Leo is male????

Leo's dates are from the 23d of July to the 22nd of August. You really think we know everything about a Divine who's sign dates four months away?

Not targeting you in particular, but just everyone please think about it. There is a limit as to how far ahead we know about things, and that's usually about a month to a month and a half before an event happens or Divine comes out.

Going by the order of the Zodiac signs, in about 2-4 weeks (maybe even longer, considering the Egyptians will also be coming out, probably alternating with the Zodiacs since that is what has been happening so far) we should find out about Gemini. Next will be Cancer, then Leo, then Virgo, and finally Libra and Serpentarius.
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@Gypsy.Soul I wish I could give you my Greyfell, he really doesn't do much.
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 03:53:23
Is Serpentarius a star sign???
Retired breeder wrote:

Is Serpentarius a star sign???

Some people think it is, since NASA introduced it. Though to be honest, most people disregard it completely. It's officially called Ophiuchus, but I'm guessing Howrse went with that version/variation so it would be easier to pronounce.
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lottalove1 wrote:

@Gypsy.Soul I wish I could give you my Greyfell, he really doesn't do much.

Awe thanks, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it. default smiley (l)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Is Serpentarius a star sign???

Not in the traditional sense - I think Wikipedia summed it up pretty well;

Ophiuchus is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. It has therefore been called the '13th sign of the zodiac'. However, this confuses sign with constellation.

The signs of the zodiac are a twelve-fold division of the ecliptic, so that each sign spans 30° of celestial longitude, approximately the distance the Sun travels in a month, and (in the Western tradition) are aligned with the seasons so that the March equinox always falls on the boundary between Pisces and Aries.

Constellations, on the other hand, are unequal in size and are based on the positions of the stars. The constellations of the zodiac have only a loose association with the signs of the zodiac, and do not in general coincide with them. In Western astrology the constellation of Aquarius, for example, largely corresponds to the sign of Pisces. Similarly, the constellation of Ophiuchus occupies most (November 30 – December 18[22]) of the sign of Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21). The differences are due to the fact that the time of year that the sun passes through a particular zodiac constellation's position has slowly changed (because of the precession of the equinoxes) over the centuries from when the Greeks, Babylonians and the Dacians through Zamolxis originally developed the Zodiac.
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 15:06:29
Are there any zodiac golden apple coats out? Where can I find them? I need aquarius so bad haha default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 15:10:50
i got a message from Howrse
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to be a tester. Anyone else? Really hope I get itdefault smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

Are there any zodiac golden apple coats out? Where can I find them? I need aquarius so bad haha default smiley xd

There are, but I think this question would be more suited for the Howrse Spotters topic.
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 16:21:10
Retired breeder wrote:

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to be a tester. Anyone else? Really hope I get itdefault smiley :)
lucky I really wanted to be one

There are several signs out, not sure about that one, you just really need to look threw them.
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OK so... about the C___ promotion
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Is there anywhere I can go to find information on how to complete the event? I am set on getting my zodiac and want to know if there is any strategy that can be used to not only finish the promo but to save passes as well. Asking early since this is a repeat promotion
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clearviatares2 wrote:

OK so... about the C___ promotion
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Is there anywhere I can go to find information on how to complete the event? I am set on getting my zodiac and want to know if there is any strategy that can be used to not only finish the promo but to save passes as well. Asking early since this is a repeat promotion

Dude there's advice literally on the previous page. Spyder's post about halfway down, and then mine after their's.
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 18:35:10
Gah...I'm really hoping I'll get a
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I've always wanted one....

I want to get on the test server SO bad!
By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 20:15:55
Retired breeder wrote:

I want to get on the test server SO bad!
Same .
By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 20:42:00
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
First, bumping up a link to a few master posts below...
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treasure hunt post 1 treasure hunt post 2 It's a hidden object game. You're given a list of of objects to find and click on,and you get points towards unlocking following scenes. Check out the posts I linked to as that will give an overview of what's going on. Also, you can go to Youtube and type in "Howrse Treasure Hunt" you'll find lots of videos of the previous hunt in action
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 19th March 2016 23:04:35
Retired breeder wrote:

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I love the cards! default smiley ^) i hope they come around soon!!!

check out bibbs forum. There is a post dedicated to promotion prep in order to win a divine. It's really helpful!
starry97 I am aware of this default smiley (o) I "literally" read it prior to posting my message "dude". I was looking for a more in depth approach to the event if it was possible.
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To rephrase me original question on the C___ Promo
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I understand it is best to wait until the end of the promo to purchase cards with passes I am looking for information on how card packs work. I have never made use of them before and didn't know if each card you spent passes to get was guaranteed to be new or if you could still get duplicates from this means of obtaining cards. Wasn't sure if there was an average expense in passes for a card promotion or if it was "open-ended" so to say.
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clearviatares2 wrote:

To rephrase me original question on the C___ Promo
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I understand it is best to wait until the end of the promo to purchase cards with passes I am looking for information on how card packs work. I have never made use of them before and didn't know if each card you spent passes to get was guaranteed to be new or if you could still get duplicates from this means of obtaining cards. Wasn't sure if there was an average expense in passes for a card promotion or if it was "open-ended" so to say.

Kay. So basically,

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I think that *one* of the cards you get is a new one. But it's random which one that is. It could be that two or three that you get are ones you don't have. But if you do wait until the last weekend, which is strongly advised, then it's likely that most of the cards you get are duplicates.

However, they might change that. This time they might make all of the cards random and you have no guarantee of a new one. So we can't really say what will *exactly* happen, since they might even change it between testing and it going live.

The cards promo really is down to luck. You might get suuuper incredibly lucky and only have to spend like 10 or so passes. On the other side of the spectrum, there's a video on Youtube where a player buys 134 passes worth of card packs and still doesn't complete it. It's all very volatile so we can't pin an exact number on it since anything could happen to anyone.

Also, apologies if I offended you or made you mad. A lot of the same questions get asked here (and sometimes many times a day) so after a while of that tempers can run a little short.
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