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Falcon Relic? Would appreciate help
  • Posted messages: 445
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RoanRidge wrote:

Falcon Relic? Would appreciate help

It's the little clay jar with the bird head on top. It's on the back shelf in the Library scene~
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 17:10:47
Woot woot! I got invited to PrePod yesterday!
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 17:40:20
To get Anubis, should I just go to the next scene right when it opens? So like I just unlocked the 2nd scene by getting 1 prize on the first scene. So should I just go to the next one now?
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 17:48:20
Wow, I hate this promo. Its not fun at all.
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 17:53:02
Just to clarify here, when it says to "find three more stars on the previous scene" it can be any of the previous scenes right? Not just the one directly before it?
@sammycrab If you want to go for Anubis, take a look at my post from preprod. I have the info for all scenes and tips in there.
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and yes, it can be from any previous scene
  • Posted messages: 2,958
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Retired breeder wrote:

To get Anubis, should I just go to the next scene right when it opens? So like I just unlocked the 2nd scene by getting 1 prize on the first scene. So should I just go to the next one now?

Retired breeder wrote:

Just to clarify here, when it says to "find three more stars on the previous scene" it can be any of the previous scenes right? Not just the one directly before it?

It can be any scene. I gave this bit of advice on the previous page:

You can do it however you like. If you enjoy a particular scene or want to get a particular prize, then keep going until you get it. If you don't like a scene or don't care about the next prizes for that scene, move on.

You get more points per round with each consecutive scene, but the number of points between each star also increases as you go along.
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Where is the tadjine stuff in the 2 scene?
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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sherwood02 wrote:

Where is the tadjine stuff in the 2 scene?

A tajine is a cone like dish from i see in google images.

In scene 2 it looks like it's in the back, nearly dead center next to the green cobra
Legacy Ann
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alright thanks!!
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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Thank you so much starry97!
Just blew my reserve on pass horses, I have a serious weak spot for Anubis!
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:00:08
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

These are amazing, thank you so much!!!
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:12:08
Aerondight wrote:

These are amazing, thank you so much!!!

No problem! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:15:04
Oh, I give up. default smiley :(
Why did they get censored if they were in spoilers? default smiley :o
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Next promo info. Not the Treasure Hunt
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Here is my screen for all the non puzzle cards and a count

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Final Count:
GreyFell: 4
Philosopher's Stone: 3
The 5th Element: 5 (I finished my collection on Preprod!)
Horn of Plenty: 5
100,000 equus: 2
Fertility Wand: 10
Helios' Ray: 7
Medusa's Blood: 3
Water of Youth: 8
Philotes' Stroke: 9
Shower: 9
Water trough: 9
15 x Aging point: 10
10,000 equus: 6
Artemis' Arrow: 8
5 x Aging point: 13
Spurs: 10
3*** Western Saddle: 7
3*** Western Bridle: 12
1* Western Saddle Cloth: 12
20 x Mash: 10
500 x Fodder: 10
150 x 2** fertilizer: 14
150 x Apple seeds: 9
50 x Wood: 12
50 x Iron: 13
50 x Sand: 10
2,000 equus: 9
  • Posted messages: 3,626
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:27:00
how many passes will I need to win Anubis?
More info on C_:
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There are flash sales for the cards promo coming up.
To know how much E you'll have to save if you don't want to use passes, here is what the ranges for the cards are.
*NOTE* You can only buy 1 card from each type of sale (direct and auction) every 2 days so choose wisely!*END NOTE*
Diamond Card in Direct sales: 1,160,000e
Gold Card in Direct Sales: 152,909e
Silver Card in Direct Sales: 76,455
Bronze Card in Direct Sales: 25,485
I cannot give an accurate description of auction'ed cards, as there aren't enough players on pre-prod to predict how that would translate over here.
I do not advice wasting passes and equus on card packs or bronze and silver cards in the first few days as you will get plenty of them through the promo. If you can have patience (i know it's hard for me too) and wait, you will be able to get all the bronze and silver cards during the promo.
*NOTE* Taurus IS available in flash sales. Only 20 "copies" of him will be given out. I have yet to see him in the sales so I'm not sure how much he goes for, but I assume more than a Diamond card. *END NOTE*
  • Posted messages: 3,626
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Retired breeder wrote:

how many passes will I need to win Anubis?

Again, bringing back info from literally the previous page...

And I don't think we really had set calculations for this promo. It all depends how good you are at finding the objects and whether or not (and when) you use the Mega Hourglasses. I will say this, this promo will probably end up being a little more on the expensive side.
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:34:30
@starry97 sorry I didn't realize it was already clarified. Thanks thoughdefault smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 20:43:55
Are The Cards the next promo?
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yes, the cards promo is next
Legacy Ann
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