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By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 20:27:59
^Ask questions in the game play
They gradually loose health each day, even if they are cared for. They will then at some time die, and you send them to heaven to receive a gift (diamonds and equus) after that you revive it
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 20:29:17
Lol sorry, I'm so slow at typing, and I'm on mobile version so I can't see others post once I write mine default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 23rd March 2016 22:22:43
T_ information and information on the C___ promo (Sorry if this has been posted; if it has, disregard it as a post for myself to go back to.

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Taurus looks like he's missing ears. XD

Taurus is one of the horses of the Zodiac.

Each day, when waking up, there is a chance they will find 1 x Zeus' Lightning Bolt.

If you were born under this sign, Taurus will give you 1 x The 5th Element every year, on your birthday, if you log in on that day.

What's more, the 21st May, when the daily update takes place, a Taurus horse is offered to a player native of this sign.

By collecting all 12 horses of the Zodiac, you will get the horse, Serpentarius
This horse cannot be sold.


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Some cards will give you gifts and others will allow you to complete puzzles.
Take a look at the Joker cards as well! Use them to obtain the card of your choice from among those of the same level.
Win golden horseshoes for the Event trophy when you activate a card:
3 different cards
13 different cards
33 different cards
63 different cards
How can you win cards?

When you connect for the first time each day (2 cards a day)
When training your horses (limited to 1 ticket a day)
From winning contests (limited to 1 card a day)
In the Flash Sales
By trading your duplicate cards with Equus (1 times a day)
By purchasing cards

Complete all the puzzles and win a divine horse: Taurus!

I love this promotion; second only to the lottery for me. Something about
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scratching cards
is exciting to me. XD
For anyone wondering - here's some numbers from this round of testing;

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spent 10 passes and purchased a pack of 25 Cards and *while I suspect this is only because of the low number of cards I currently have and not my actual luck...I only ended up with 3 duplicates*

2 Gold
15 Bronze
8 Silver
0 Diamond

Though I did get two Joker cards - For players unfamiliar with them, here's a picture:

The Joker card will have a rarity assigned to it. When you scratch one off you'll see the above. At the top of the list - will be all the cards of that rarity you do NOT have. At the bottom of it - it will show the cards you already have (My Cards).

With Joker Cards - If you get them, I advise waiting to use them until towards the end of the Event. This is because the chance is high - depending on the rarity - that you will scratch off a card you already chose to get with a Joker. This can also come in handy for getting some extra items, if you already have all the Puzzle Cards for a certain rarity.
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 00:08:09
ShorahNagi wrote:

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spent 10 passes and purchased a pack of 25 Cards and *while I suspect this is only because of the low number of cards I currently have and not my actual luck...I only ended up with 3 duplicates*

2 Gold
15 Bronze
8 Silver
0 Diamond

Though I did get two Joker cards - For players unfamiliar with them, here's a picture:

The Joker card will have a rarity assigned to it. When you scratch one off you'll see the above. At the top of the list - will be all the cards of that rarity you do NOT have. At the bottom of it - it will show the cards you already have (My Cards).

With Joker Cards - If you get them, I advise waiting to use them until towards the end of the Event. This is because the chance is high - depending on the rarity - that you will scratch off a card you already chose to get with a Joker. This can also come in handy for getting some extra items, if you already have all the Puzzle Cards for a certain rarity.

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I got a Greyfell with my joker on prepod. default smiley xd

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I got the Greyfell card on its own after buying another pack of Cards.

On that note - after using 50 passes to purchase cards *again, purchasing Cards from the start can make the promotion more expensive in the long run*

1 Diamond Card
3 Gold
and I didn't bother keeping count of the Bronze or Silver Cards - but I did get many duplicate Silver/Bronze cards BUT I did get enough to get all cards of this rarity from my pass spending.

Also, as I've seen some questions pop up about them - Greyfell

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You do not need to care for a Greyfell Divine. Regardless of if you connect to the game or not, care for them or not, etc. a Greyfell will lose between 1 - 3% of its health each day. Once its health hits 0 - it will die.

Upon its death - you MUST send the Horse to Heaven in order to get the Equus and Diamonds that it offers. You can then revive it with a Pandora's Box, and repeat the process.

You can give a Greyfell a Philosopher's Stone to make it immortal - however, doing so will make it impossible for you to get the gifts they offer.

The Greyfell you get is Randomly chosen from the possible 12 options.

If you do NOT own all 12 Greyfell (and yes 'dead' ones are counted) - you *should* receive one you do not yet have (Ex. if you own Greyfell 1, 2, 3, and 4...You will receive either Greyfell 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12).

If you already own all 12 Greyfell - you will simply get a random one.

Once you own all 12 Greyfell - you can transform One of them into a Palomino Sleipnir (note that doing this will cause you to lose that Greyfell - but you can always win another one). This can only be done ONCE - regardless of how many times you complete the Greyfell set.

10 of the Greyfell are Male - while 2 of them are Female. As such - you are more likely to receive a Male Greyfell than you are a Female regardless of how many Greyfell you may own.

While Male Greyfells can offer unlimited coverings - Female Greyfell can only ever give birth to one offspring.

Born Greyfell CAN be Gelded between the ages of 2 years 6 months and 6 years. Like with a regular horse, they will receive the Gelding bonus at the cost of no longer being able to breed. (Don't belive me on this? Click here to see a Gelded Greyfell!)

*I say should receive one you do not have as sometimes, there have been glitches that have rewarded 'repeats' to those with only a couple of Greyfell.
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:20:46
Do you get to keep the horse if you're on test mode?
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:25:41
I got invited to prepod for the first time, along with so many people. :-D

Just a little quick note:
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There is a limit on how many cards you can buy from the flash sales per day. 2 max. from each type of sale (direct and auction). Making it 4 total.

Retired breeder wrote:

Do you get to keep the horse if you're on test mode?

Nope. I wish we did along with all of the passes and equus. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:27:13
Whats the next event going to be?!?!?
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:30:56
Sorry to be a pain, but could I please have a link to the master post regarding the next promotion?

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I think it is the Treasure Hunt? Not too sure ahaha XD

Thank you xx
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:34:46
Bumping up the masterposts for the next promo:
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The next promo is the Treasure Hunt, by the way.
Link 1
Link 2
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:38:15
Retired breeder wrote:

Bumping up the masterposts for the next promo:
Click to display
The next promo is the Treasure Hunt, by the way.
Link 1
Link 2

Thank you! default smiley ^)
ohh goody.. my zodiac is in my favorite promo! YES! I know I am going for that one!
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 01:59:43
Retired breeder wrote:

Whats the next event going to be?!?!?

Please look over past pages. The next event has been posted several times already.
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 02:16:03
What's the divine for the next promo?
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 02:18:44
And also, I see a lot of people buzzing about Prepod. what is it and how do I get it?
Legacy Ann wrote:

Click to display
no, I got a different one. My trophies page says Greyfell 8 and the card looks like Greyfell....well, not 8default smiley (lol)

Thanks bibbs. I like making sure. default smiley ^)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Do you get to keep the horse if you're on test mode?

No - nothing done on testing transfers over to live (otherwise, it would not be fair to those who didn't get on testing)
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Retired breeder wrote:

And also, I see a lot of people buzzing about Prepod. what is it and how do I get it?

Preprod is short for Pre-Production. It is the test site for Howrse so players can beta test new features and upcoming promos. If you are VIP you can click a special banner to get a spot as a tester OR Ow will personally invite you to be a tester (though VIPs may also get an invitation instead of using the banner). Though the spot as a tester is only valid for a specific length of time so new people are chosen for every testing period.
  • Posted messages: 3,928
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Retired breeder wrote:

What's the divine for the next promo?
Look up to chickennugget's post above yours. They kindly bumped up two links to masterposts for the next promo.
AlyxStone wrote:

Thanks bibbs. I like making sure. default smiley ^)
no problem!default smiley :)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 03:05:05
It will not allow me to do so.
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 03:31:28
Retired breeder wrote:

It will not allow me to do so.

I posted the links right below your last post.

Regarding the C___ promo:
Does anyone want me to post some sort of stats like Shorah posted? I went ahead and completed the whole thing to get the stats of each "package." I also wanted to see how many items T____ gives out before the time runs up.
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 03:40:31
Anyone got a pic of the Aries divine yet?
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 03:47:31
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone got a pic of the Aries divine yet?

He's already out. Look him up in the directories. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 24th March 2016 04:14:57
Retired breeder wrote:

Do you get to keep the horse if you're on test mode?

No. Basically, the test site is a backup of the original/real game. This backup is used to allow VIP players access to the site (without having to rewrite all the code and make a completely 'different' site). Because of this, we don't see any horses we have bought recently on the real game in the testing site.

That said, any horses we buy, win, or receive during testing, any items we buy, any horses we age, rename, add items to, any horses we buy or sell, or any changes we make to our profiles, ECs, and basically any account activity does NOT transfer to our real game on howrse.com

Further more, anything we do or win on the test site does not remain on our test accounts on any subsequent testing sessions. For example, during the Mazes, we did not get to keep the divines we won on testing, and they disappeared from our testing accounts upon testing the Great Challenge and this current testing session.

Retired breeder wrote:

And also, I see a lot of people buzzing about Prepod. what is it and how do I get it?

Only players with VIP accounts (and only current subscriptions) may access the testing site.
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