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I just looked at Ow's horses...

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And they already own Je t'aime (the name hasn't been changed). I have a feeling the hearts UFO fight will start soon!
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 13:08:05
thanks for answers ... default smiley :d
SpeedySonic2 wrote:

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And they already own Je t'aime (the name hasn't been changed). I have a feeling the hearts UFO fight will start soon!

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He's so beautiful! default smiley (l) I like the background too. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 13:43:12
Hello everybody.
Many of you have probably noticed that Howrse will change the layout of the game. (front page news)
I have to say that the current layout is better than the new layout. Colors are better in this one for example. I also read Facebook comments from this change and many people said that the current layout is better than the new layout.
When I started to play this game (on Finnish server) most of horses and ponies were more beautiful than now. (previous horses and ponies) I don't mean that howrse should not change at all. Howrse has changed a lot in my play time. And some of the changes have been really good. Winged unicorns, draft horses and trophies were really good changes for example. I am not against every little change.
I know that the game needs to change sometimes and it can't be always the same but Howrse has changed a lot and it isn't necessary change everything. I think that the Howrse team should listen to the people and many people said on Facebook that the current layout is better. So why they do not listen to the people?

I know that this doesn't belong here.
I just hope it starts soon, pfft- I have to go get groceries!


That's just your opinion, though. A lot of people like it as well, and I'm betting that once the change does come into effect, a lot of people will end up liking it. Same thing happened with the mailbox change a few months ago.

At first, people were raging how it wasn't necessary, but later like 90% of the people who hated it said 'oh, wait, actually I like it'. So give it a chance, yeah?

And if you know it doesn't belong here, then why post it?
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Retired breeder wrote:

So why they do not listen to the people?

Howrse does listen on several matters - for example, there was a change tested on Preprod (actually, a few different things) that players had a mostly negative outcry on. Because of these opinions - these changes were either canceled or altered.

It is highly possible that they will listen to what people have said on FaceBook and stall the changes, or make alterations per some of the suggestions (Ex. they might add the ability to choose which 'theme' you want to use, might change the color, etc.)

All we can do is wait and see;


Anyhow - back to spoiler matters...

SpeedySonic2 wrote:

I just looked at Ow's horses...

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And they already own Je t'aime (the name hasn't been changed). I have a feeling the hearts UFO fight will start soon!

Most likely,

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I think UFO events tend to start around 10 am EST (so less than an hour) if it starts today.

Not to mention, most of them last about 5 - 7 days, no? If it started today - it would probably run for around 5 days, and end Valentine's Day - which would make the timing perfect (Then have the power to get Je t'aime in whatever luck item he'll be in during that time on the weekend as well).
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So..the french name for divine won't be changed, right? Because I oike it the way it is now default smiley :d
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Retired breeder wrote:

I have to say that the current layout is better than the new layout. Colors are better in this one for example. I also read Facebook comments from this change and many people said that the current layout is better than the new layout.

I actually think the new layouts look great... As someone said somewhere else (Can't remember where) the site currently looks a bit... Outdated. As with everything, there are styles that come and go. The new sites looks more in touch with the times than the current one looks.

Anyway, I like the new look. I just hope it's still easy to navigate here. What a lot of web designers forget is user friendliness.
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Rynx wrote:

So..the french name for divine won't be changed, right? Because I oike it the way it is now default smiley :d

That seems to be the case

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Considering Ow currently owns one - and usually if a name is going to change/be translated - it is done before being put on the game (ex. Osiris was originally called Anubis when we were testing him - but before things went live, it was changed at player requests due to how he looked);

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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:34:54
default smiley (lol) I have a shirt that says
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Je t'aime....

Is it true that
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the promo might be starting TODAY?
By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:44:50
I hope so.

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I actually really like the look of the new layout. I'm just glad they don't change the horses AGAIN! I also like the mailbox change.

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I guess if Ow has Je t'aime already the promo is starting sometime today... can't wait!
By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:47:53
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Anyone know the promo AFTER the heart fight, GC and lottery?
Retired breeder wrote:

default smiley (lol) I have a shirt that says
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Je t'aime....

Is it true that
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the promo might be starting TODAY?

It's possible - as I stated earlier;

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Most UFO events run for 5 to 7 days. If they want this Divine on the game in time for Valentine's Day *and plan to run him in a luck-based item around the same time* it would make sense for the promo to start within the next day or so.
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:49:19
If it does
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start today...would the GC start as well?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Anyone know the promo AFTER the heart fight, GC and lottery?

Bits and pieces - seems we're getting a newer old promo back;

This leads to a page where the information is posted.

Translations can be found over the next few pages from it
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Retired breeder wrote:

If it does
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start today...would the GC start as well?


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Great Challenge is set to start on the 11th.

It is possible the Heart fight might start at this time as well, but I suspect that one will start earlier due to Je t'aime being on the game (Aquarius who is for the GC is not yet here so that's also why I suspect the Heart fight will start first)
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:52:56
ShorahNagi wrote:

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Great Challenge is set to start on the 11th.

It is possible the Heart fight might start at this time as well, but I suspect that one will start earlier due to Je t'aime being on the game (Aquarius who is for the GC is not yet here so that's also why I suspect the Heart fight will start first)

Aww darn...I miss the
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 17:54:04
Oh no....the next promo
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after the GC...
is one of my least favorite!
Is it possible for the

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UFO fight

to still start today? It seems kind of late now- It's past 7 pm in France...
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

Is it possible for the

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UFO fight

to still start today? It seems kind of late now- It's past 7 pm in France...

You never know with Howrse. I really feel all we can do is wait and see in this case...
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 18:28:45

It's only 10:28 (am) where I live.
I guess so.

And it might be early in some places now, but Howrse usually launches promos at around 2 pm France time (at least lately) so I was just wondering if it would come today or tomorrow. Based on Ow's first post in the new updates forum I thought it would be today, but I guess not...
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Retired breeder wrote:


It's only 10:28 (am) where I live.

Howrse is on GMT time - which from where I am (EST) they are 5 hours ahead of me.

Right now - it is 1:30 pm EST for me
But it is 6:30 pm GMT for Howrse (and the office might now be closed - can't recall what time Howrse 'shuts down' for the night)

AS such, it is possible that no more updates will happen today (save massive fixes that need to be implemented to keep the game breaking) but we never know.
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It's possible, I have on occasion seen them start around 3pm my time, it's currently 11:30am for me.
  • Posted messages: 13,232
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By Retired breeder, 9th February 2016 18:41:53
Then I'm guessing the promo will start tomorrow?
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