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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 05:31:26
Just a comment on the newest promo and divine
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Pisces actually has a cool looking design, a better one out of the Zodiac coats so far.
Howrse is really fancying the '2 in 1' divines, aren't they?
Any news on Serpentarius's perk? Just cannot remember in this crush of recent info, will search into the tangle of pages if necessary. I hope it is worth it for those actively collecting.
Retired breeder wrote:

Just a comment on the newest promo and divine
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Pisces actually has a cool looking design, a better one out of the Zodiac coats so far.
Howrse is really fancying the '2 in 1' divines, aren't they?
Any news on Serpentarius's perk? Just cannot remember in this crush of recent info, will search into the tangle of pages if necessary. I hope it is worth it for those actively collecting.

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Serpentarius gives his owner one Special Fifth Element which allows them to pick a Fifth Element coat of their choice. He does this when he wins his first competition. I don't think Serpentarius is worth it for those aiming to collect all these divines, but he does come with a trophy...
ஐ Floral Unicorn ஐ
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Remi1996 wrote:

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It is the great challenge, and with what I remember, that it's going to start on the 11th.

OK, I hope it's like the last ones, I have horses all ready for the various objectives. Need to save up some equus .. . I spend them all during those promos.

I am going for a personal best on this one.

default smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 09:12:28
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I know there has been word of the first few Zodiac Divines so far, but has anything come about regarding Taurus? Just curious - I’m a Taurus and would certainly take pride in owning one ^u^

guess the mods were wrong and there is no promo today default smiley :$
  • Posted messages: 3,825
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JadedHunter wrote:

guess the mods were wrong and there is no promo today default smiley :$

Promos usually start at about 1pm GMT time, which is in just under 3 hours time.
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 12:56:02
Feferi is a real beauty, but looks a bit manly... 38?
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Hey, Great Challenge promo wise...Does anyone recall from Preprod what (if any) the bonuses of 'Buy X Golden Fleece - get 1 Free' were?

I'm debating trying my luck - but not sure if I want to wait until I have at least one level of this perk.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Hey, Great Challenge promo wise...Does anyone recall from Preprod what (if any) the bonuses of 'Buy X Golden Fleece - get 1 Free' were?

I'm debating trying my luck - but not sure if I want to wait until I have at least one level of this perk.

The lowest one was '1 free fleece for every 2 opened' so I think it's worth waiting!
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

The lowest one was '1 free fleece for every 2 opened' so I think it's worth waiting!

Thanks starry97 - I though that was the case (in that the options were the same as in the past) but just couldn't remember. Methinks I will wait (though we'll see how my patience goes with that...)
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Methinks I will wait (though we'll see how my patience goes with that...)

Heh, same- Though I already opened 4 of them whoops- I got 2 MAs though, so I'm happy! For the rest, though, I'll wait so I can get tickets for them as well~
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 18:57:57
I just did two of the 'Help the community' objectives...what does 'Recognition by the community' mean?
Retired breeder wrote:

I just did two of the 'Help the community' objectives...what does 'Recognition by the community' mean?

Nothing. You're just doing it to help people out after the first one.
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 19:00:40
Starry-Eyed wrote:

Nothing. You're just doing it to help people out after the first one.

Oh darn...I thought I would get my name mentioned! default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 19:12:41
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh darn...I thought I would get my name mentioned!
That would have been a cool idea, I was thinking.
Especially if those who helped the most people could go into a ranking and be rewarded for doing so. Too bad no one thought to suggest that.
Retired breeder wrote:

That would have been a cool idea, I was thinking.
Especially if those who helped the most people could go into a ranking and be rewarded for doing so. Too bad no one thought to suggest that.

Ooh, yeah! Perhaps something like that could be suggested for the next GC?
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Two questions.. does everyone have the same objectives (I haven't done one of these in forever, but I seem to remember you got higher numbers when you had more horses or something like that)? And, if so, do you know what page they are listed on in this thread?
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Here is another suggestion, now that we do not get to collect shoes from competeing in the Grand Prix, they give us back our full winnings.

Sure would be nice, we have been only getting half winnings from when the GC first came out.
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craven2311 wrote:

does everyone have the same objectives

No, not all players have the same objectives each day.
  • Posted messages: 2,270
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katiedingo wrote:

Here is another suggestion, now that we do not get to collect shoes from competeing in the Grand Prix, they give us back our full winnings.

Sure would be nice, we have been only getting half winnings from when the GC first came out.

Yea, that would be nice default smiley xd i win 8k a day from the GP and would looove to get 16k a day
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Same for me, the good old 16,000e a day, dearly miss them.
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Okay, I've been looking around for about 10 minutes. Can someone please send me a link to the post with the lottery's prize list? default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 1,132
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By Retired breeder, 11th February 2016 22:33:48
Will legendary tack ever come back again? I have at least one peice of each, but no complete sets.
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