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Retired breeder wrote:

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Will Aries be released in a promo as well or is the only way to get him is Pisces? (She's the mare right? Or is it Aquarius? default smiley (o))

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Pisces is the mare, so you'll need her. She'll be the prize for the Championship promo~
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 02:19:12
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Darn I was hoping just to get Aries alone. I wasn't around for the Championship promo and I don't quite understand it from the pictures posted; all I got is the mini games. Can you clarify a bit for me? default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

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Darn I was hoping just to get Aries alone. I wasn't around for the Championship promo and I don't quite understand it from the pictures posted; all I got is the mini games. Can you clarify a bit for me? default smiley :p

Yeah~ Lots of text in spoiler pfft-

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Basically, there are three disciplines of competitions. Hunter, Steeplechase, and Endurance (?). You use your own horses to enter those competitions, and in each competition you can gain a certain amount of points. The higher the skills of the horse, the more difficult of competitions it can see so if you win the more points you get. The competition starts when 5 horses have been entered and those other horses belong to other players. Each place gets points, but the higher the place, the more points. So 1st gets, say 90 points while 5th gets like 40 or 50.

Before you actually enter the competition, you can give your horses two bonuses. One is the mini game, where you have to click some stuff in a number of seconds to get it. Last time, it was just the tail-braiding game and there were about 20 circles you had to click on, one at a time, in under 30 seconds to get the bonus. If you mess up, you can try again. The other bonus you need a friend to 'groom' your horse (basically drag the mouse across a little picture of it on their screen) so there's a bit of a community aspect to it too. Alternatively, you can give the bonuses to your horses directly using tickets, and you can purchase tickets for passes. (Last time, there were complaints about the one tail-braiding game being repetitive, which is probably why now they have a selection~)

Now, the three disciplines run one at a time every 12 hours. (Mind you, this is how it was last time.) It was random what discipline came next, and as a result I think we had like 2 days straight of Hunter. You got 6 free entry tickets per day and you select your horse like you did with the Maze promo. You can also buy more entry tickets with passes.

All of the points you earn add up, and at certain point milestones, you earn prizes. Last time it ran, it was a pretty pass-easy promo. It took most players around 10 passes to get the Divine (which happened to be Scorpio). The Divine will be the final prize, and you can see at which point level you'll get which prize.

I hope that helped! If you have any more questions just PM me! I'm gonna go sleep now, but I'll be happy to answer them tomorrow~
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 02:53:27
That helped a lot! Thank you!
By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 02:57:45
The bonuses are optional, but they help.
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyone know what the next Promo's gonna be?

Yes, as a matter of fact

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It is the Great Challenge - which will start on the 11th of February. After collecting Horseshoes - the Lottery will start (How many draws we have per day in the Lottery will be connected to how many Horseshoes we collect as a whole during the Great Challenge)

Aquarius will be offered in the Golden Fleece and as a prize in the Lottery during this time.

It is also possible the UFO event for Valentine's Day (the Heart Fight) will also begin at this time, but nothing is guaranteed. The new Divine Je T'aime is the grand prize for the 15 players to throw the most UFOs - it is also confirmed that there will be another way to get Je T'aime in the form of him being in a luck based item (While nothing is confirmed - Equideow has rumored it to be the Golden Fleece (other item options are Horn of Plenty OR Titan's Challenge))

After the Great Challenge - there will be a return of the World Championship contest which will have Pisces as the grand prize. While no word on when this event could start -I would expect it to be sometime in March.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Wait no, it'll be no passes won't there... since it's a matter of catching ufo's. Dam...
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You got it, just involves work and time
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 14:54:44
What do you do in the next promo ? The G.... C........
By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 14:55:46
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Hi !! I cant remember what you do in The Great Challenge. Can someone please explain ? default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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Hi !! I cant remember what you do in The Great Challenge. Can someone please explain ? default smiley :)

It's actually one of the simpler promos;

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You log in every day and are greeted with 3 objectives. As you do these objectives - you gain Horseshoes, as well as a puzzle piece which will give you a Prize once the Festivities (the lottery) starts.

Some of the objectives include;

Wake X amount of horses
Have an equus reserve ending in XX
Win X amount of competitions
Remove Water of youth/wings/horn from a horse
Congratulate X amount of players
Be congratulated X amount of times
Enter X amount of competitions
Give a horse a *color* Golden Apple Coat
Equip a horse with a *color* ear bonnet/polo wraps/saddle cloth

Once the Lottery starts - you can buy tickets with Equus, win them from competitions, and get them by using passes. The more tickets you have - the more prizes you will win from each draw (Note; More tickets does NOT mean better prizes - it is only means more prizes!)
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 16:08:59
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Aries is going to give any BM object like Aquarius? ^^
Retired breeder wrote:

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Aries is going to give any BM object like Aquarius? ^^

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At this point we don't know because no Aries' have been birthed anywhere.
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 16:37:44
So who're the new divine's coming? I know who they are, names I mean, but what're their perks/looks? And the great challenge is coming back, right? I absolutely adore the lottery and always get items I need from it...
By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 16:53:19
Would someone Please, PM me or answer my message on what the next promo is? and... maybe when its coming out??
although, the next promo might come out on Thursday, lately they have been coming out on Thursday....
Retired breeder wrote:

So who're the new divine's coming? I know who they are, names I mean, but what're their perks/looks? And the great challenge is coming back, right? I absolutely adore the lottery and always get items I need from it...

Retired breeder wrote:

Would someone Please, PM me or answer my message on what the next promo is? and... maybe when its coming out??
although, the next promo might come out on Thursday, lately they have been coming out on Thursday....

All the info you guys need is over the past 2-3 pages. This stuff has been asked many times-
  • Posted messages: 6,219
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The next promo is on this page, just a few spoilers up.
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[sp] I don't think it's fair that you lop off uni horns in tgc[/sp]
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I don't think its fair to lop off horns in tgc
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 18:02:04
Sorry for asking this again but my i pod isn't loading for viewing the “click to display boxes" so what's the next promo?

Thank you!!
By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 18:04:48
Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry for asking this again but my i pod isn't loading for viewing the “click to display boxes" so what's the next promo?

Thank you!!

If you can't view the spoiler boxes, then you will just have to wait and see, as we are supposed to keep anything concerning future things inside the spoiler tags.
By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 18:07:52
Oh, ok that makes sense default smiley ;)

Thanks anyway!
Clean your ipad shut down and restart.
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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By Retired breeder, 8th February 2016 18:29:12
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I can't wait for the new changes that are coming to Howrse within the next month. I think it may be an easier way to find things, in my opinion.
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