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goldforever. wrote:

I'm Canadian obviously. My boyfriend is American. I think nearly every member of his family has spent time grilling me about Canada. His little sister AND his uncle both pointed out, on different car rides, every store and restaurant we saw, and asking "do you have that in Canada!?". "Do you have Burger King?" "Yes" "Mcdonalds?" "Yes. of course." "Walmart?" "who doesn't?" "Bob Evans?" "..... what's that?"

And we have Tim Hortons.default smiley :)

Yeah Timmy!
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Do you Canadians have Boxing day like the Brits? Well the British part of Canada that is. Not up on modern Canada history.
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 00:51:44
pretty sure

but i'm not canadian
Yes to Boxing Day
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:04:28
I heard something that you can buy old winter Divines again. Like Frost and Snow and others. Is that true?
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:36:25
As an American I have no idea what boxing day is. Then I remember that you guys don't celebrate the 4th of July. Or do you???default smiley :s
Retired breeder wrote:

As an American I have no idea what boxing day is. Then I remember that you guys don't celebrate the 4th of July. Or do you???default smiley :s

Isn't that when two boxes go at it? default smiley (lol)
Ash Duke01
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Boxing day is the day after Christmas. I know that from Harry Potterdefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:40:14
I honestly don't know. Could someone from Britain explain what boxing day is?
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:45:56
Does anyone know what the next promo is?
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:47:19
The next promo will be a W. C. see page 1475ish to see more info.
If someone wants to translate some of this. This is from the French test site.

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Text for the above.

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Il existe différentes forêts et différents sapins qui donnent des cadeaux différents. Vous pouvez effectuer 3 voyages en même temps.

Collecter les sapins :

Il existe 4 types de forêts, plus ou moins éloignées, ce qui va déterminer le temps que vous prendrez pour ramener les sapins. Les arbres disponibles dans chaque forêt vous offrent différents cadeaux.
La forêt divine devient accessible lorsque vous avez décoré 15 sapins, ou vous pouvez attendre le 25 Décembre qu'elle devienne disponible pour tout le monde.

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Sapins de Noël :

Lorsque vous avez choisi la forêt, vous pouvez choisir le sapin que vous voulez ramener, suivant les décorations qu'il demande.

> Puis vous envoyez deux chevaux qui ramèneront le sapin dans le temps imparti.
Vous ne pourrez plus vous occuper de ces chevaux ni les vendre pendant tout le temps où ils seront en route pour ramener le sapin.


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Le temps dépend des caractéristiques (encore inconnues) de vos chevaux & de la proximité de la forêt. Le booster permet d'avoir instantanément le sapin ; il coûte 2 pass pour la forêt proche, 3 pour le voyage long, 4 pour le voyage très long et 6 pour le voyage divin.

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Vous devez mettre les décorations demandées sur le sapin. Quand un arbre a toutes les décorations demandées, vous recevez un cadeau. Les sapins de la forêt divines donnent un cheval divin.

-> Pour les sapins des divins, vous avez le choix entre : Snow, Givre, Hiver, Balios Neigeux et Sagittaire.

Les décorations se divisent en 3 classes :
Guirlandes : 6 couleurs
Boules : 4 motifs de 4 couleurs
Suspensions : 16 variétés

Decorations below

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  • Posted messages: 5,913
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Spyder wrote:

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That's look fun
Ash Duke01
  • Posted messages: 10,790
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Retired breeder wrote:

I heard something that you can buy old winter Divines again. Like Frost and Snow and others. Is that true?

Nope - the Water Divines all had their sale awhile back. What you might have heard is that;

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It seems some of the Water Divines might be prizes for the Divine Forest in the upcoming Tree Decorating Holiday Promo. But this might also be a bit of an odd translation and is unconfirmed (we've not seen screen shots - only text based posts about it)

Anyhow - to get this topic back on track *fishes around her filing cabinets of Spoiler Information* - Hmm, I suppose I can let some of this one slip out:

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There is a 'Divines in the HOP' promo coming in the next few days. There will be 2 different Divines offered at different times (one for a few days, then the other). However, I'm not telling you which two Divines it is {though I will tell you they are Males and can not breed. And they have a regular perk, and a VIP perk}

And I will say no more on this matter - nor will I confirm or deny if someone guesses correctly.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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@Spyder - we've had a few translations already - but I'll bring them forward:

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There are different and various tree forests give different gifts. You can make 3 trips together .

Collect Trees :

There are 4 types of forests, more or less remote , which will determine how long you will take to bring the trees. Trees available in each forest offer different gifts.
The divine forest becomes accessible when you have 15 decorated Christmas trees, or you can wait 25 December it becomes available for everyone.

Christmas Trees :

When you have chosen the forest, you can choose the tree that you want to bring , according to the decorations he asks.

> Can you send two horses that will bring the tree in the allotted time .
You can no longer take care of these horses or sell the entire time they are on their way to bring the tree.

The time depends on the characteristics ( unknown ) of your horses & the proximity of the forest. The booster provides instant having the tree ; it costs 2 passes to the nearby forest, 3 for the long journey , 4 for very long journey and 6 for Divine journey.

You have to put the decorations on the requested tree. When a tree has all required decorations, you receive a gift . The divine pine forest give a divine horse.

-> For the Divine tree , you have a choice : Snow, Frost, Winter, Snowy Balios or Sagittarius.

The decorations are divided into three classes:
Garlands : 6 colors
Balls : 4 reasons 4 colors
Ornaments: 16 varieties

Something not included in Spyder's posts above is how to get Decorations:

How to obtain decorations:

> On certain days from the Advent Calendar.
> During rides with your horses (maximum of 2 per day)
> By winning competitions with your horses (maximum 2 per day)
> By purchasing with passes.
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Anyhow - to get this topic back on track *fishes around her filing cabinets of Spoiler Information* - Hmm, I suppose I can let some of this one slip out:

I think I already know but my lips are sealed. !default smiley (m)
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 01:58:10
Shorah!! You aren't gonna tell us which one it is??? How could you default smiley xd
ShorahNagi wrote:

Nope - the Water Divines all had their sale awhile back. What you might have heard is that;

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It seems some of the Water Divines might be prizes for the Divine Forest in the upcoming Tree Decorating Holiday Promo. But this might also be a bit of an odd translation and is unconfirmed (we've not seen screen shots - only text based posts about it)

Anyhow - to get this topic back on track *fishes around her filing cabinets of Spoiler Information* - Hmm, I suppose I can let some of this one slip out:

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There is a 'Divines in the HOP' promo coming in the next few days. There will be 2 different Divines offered at different times (one for a few days, then the other). However, I'm not telling you which two Divines it is {though I will tell you they are Males and can not breed. And they have a regular perk, and a VIP perk}

And I will say no more on this matter - nor will I confirm or deny if someone guesses correctly.

Aww, but... but It's a spoiler topic default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 215
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 02:01:00
Spyder wrote:

Decorations below

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It's so beautiful! default smiley (7)
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Well, at the very least, I'll get to decorate a tree! default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 02:06:50
Does anyone have any idea what Libra will look like? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 02:14:24
ShorahNagi wrote:

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There is a 'Divines in the HOP' promo coming in the next few days. There will be 2 different Divines offered at different times (one for a few days, then the other). However, I'm not telling you which two Divines it is {though I will tell you they are Males and can not breed. And they have a regular perk, and a VIP perk}

And I will say no more on this matter - nor will I confirm or deny if someone guesses correctly.

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I'm glad I saved that HoP from the halloween promo! Hopefully I'm luckier in that than I was in the GF.
Retired breeder wrote:

Shorah!! You aren't gonna tell us which one it is??? How could you default smiley xd

Orders from the Admins themselves to not reveal that information...technically, I shouldn't have even mentioned that to start with. default smiley :$
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Orders from the Admins themselves to not reveal that information...technically, I shouldn't have even mentioned that to start with.

The only surprise is that I was expecting them in the GF but that's OK. Whatever way is fine with me.default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 5,913
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Shorah, Is
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The advent/ Christmas Promo in Testing yet? Yall got an idea on a the amount of passes it will take?
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 03:01:50
ShorahNagi wrote:

Anyhow - to get this topic back on track *fishes around her filing cabinets of Spoiler Information* - Hmm, I suppose I can let some of this one slip out:

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Ooh, I really hope it is Summer and Winter! In any case, I can't wait! default smiley :-))
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