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That is if they would put a bigger break between promos, so you have time to gather more passes.
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 21:10:22
Spyder wrote:

Those EC workshops are literally a gold mine. I was stuck at the 1/2 million E for years. Since they came in ( just earlier this year) my reserve just exploded and on other accounts ( other servers) I am in the 60 plus million and rank in the top 10 in wealth on most.

They take the least amount of work and allow you to do so much other stuff.default smiley (y)default smiley :)

So basically I should get a lot of workshops, and make a lot of tack and stuff that will resell for a lot, and then sell a bunch of it and get a ton of equus?
katiedingo wrote:

That is if they would put a bigger break between promos, so you have time to gather more passes.

Indeed, longer breaks would be nice. Considering that we've had maybe a 3-day break between events in recent times...and if I've done some calculations correctly...the next promo won't even have a 24 hour break before it starts. *I hope I'm wrong though with my calculations*

Retired breeder wrote:

So basically I should get a lot of workshops, and make a lot of tack and stuff that will resell for a lot, and then sell a bunch of it and get a ton of equus?

Yeah, that's the best way to do it (when not expanding my center - I use things like Flax and Leather to produce tack that I then sell off for profit). Having 6 meadows used for crops also helps with making money.
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Retired breeder wrote:

So basically I should get a lot of workshops, and make a lot of tack and stuff that will resell for a lot, and then sell a bunch of it and get a ton of equus?

In a nutshell yes. The number of workshops will be limited by your EC prestige and if you can hold your prestige at 60% or better then you can have 4. If you can buy or manufacture the large ones they pay for themselves.

So lets say you go for 2 star western saddles. They take 1 day so you are not bothered by checking numerous check in times. 1 workshop can produce 30 saddles X 4 (workshops) equals 56,720 per day. So that times say 20 days is 1,344,400 e and voila you pretty much have enough equs to buy 10 pass horses. No aging points used, minimum time invested and you can simply leave that equs in your store to use at anytime if you wish.

Over that last bit of time I simply have left mine to grow and I have a high enough prestige to be able to have 5 workshops so I can accumulate faster. But even at 4 large workshops your "bank" can grow and supply you with equs at anytime you want. default smiley :)
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Is there any chance at all non-pass buyers will be able to get a divine in the new promotion?
  • Posted messages: 11,056
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By Retired breeder, 11th November 2015 22:29:00

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the divines are in the HoPs this weekend? How high are my chances of winning one of them? And how many HoPs does it take on average to win a divine in one of these events?

I didn't know if I needed to put a spoiler on that, but I just wanted to be safe. default smiley ^)
That is something hard to predict, you could be super lucky with the first you open, or....not.
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Legacy Ann wrote:

I use a similar method (except I was too impatient to wait a month before buying 10 more horses!)

I name mine in groups with 5 ages to each group (G1, G2 etc up to G6.) that way I can search by name how many horses of each group I have so I know when I need more, which I'll probably just breed so I don't waste money by buying more. I've been storing my money as fodder so I can produce a foal for 100e if I use my own stallions, and you can't get a horse for cheaper than that!

I forgot about 'fodder banking'. Lol. But yeah, I do that every now and then. Do it more often on my US account so I probably have a good several hundred to a mill stashed away there.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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Is there not a Norse divine trophy anymore? I thought there used to be one, but no I can't find it on the trophy page.
  • Posted messages: 19,186
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Triss wrote:

Is there any chance at all non-pass buyers will be able to get a divine in the new promotion?

I've heard yes, but I won't know until I've tried it.
  • Posted messages: 19,186
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*LipizzanerKgirl wrote:

Is there not a Norse divine trophy anymore? I thought there used to be one, but no I can't find it on the trophy page.

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It should come back, may be a glitch. If not, they're getting way ahead of themselves with the Christmas promo. I think we get a new Norse in either the Promo or the Pass Packs
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what is a norse? I keep seeing the word but don't know what is means lol
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 01:51:15
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 01:56:25
I meant, what horse breeds would be best for the upcoming W-- C- competitions?
By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 01:59:12
@cheecko27, as far as I remember, Norse is a heritage thing, like Norse vikings? It's a weird thing to explain, but the best way to describe it is that it's an old word that normally comes back when people talk about Vikings and their gods. I think it's in relation to Greyfells on here, though.

Also, I dunno if anyone else is aware, but I've been told (on the Aust. server) that there's a 3 day break between each promo and they normally start closer to midnight on the 3rd day. At least, that's whats been happening over on the Aust. server.
Triss wrote:

Is there any chance at all non-pass buyers will be able to get a divine in the new promotion?

Technically - with enough planning and forethought, a non-pass buyer can win any promotion (ex. hoarding HOPs that are used during a Pinata event). However -

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With this event - I've yet to find a calculation that has come up with no passes used - though most calculations put this in the 10 to 20 range from what I've seen

*LipizzanerKgirl wrote:

Is there not a Norse divine trophy anymore? I thought there used to be one, but no I can't find it on the trophy page.

There was never a trophy for just the Norse Divine - There IS the trophy for Mythological Divines however, which encompasses Divines of the various Mythologies we have here. Its list includes:

Slepnir, Greyfell, Hrimfaxi, Skinfaxi, and Gullfaxi - Norse Mythology
Balios, Xanthos, Croesus, and Midas - Greek Mythology

cheecko27 wrote:

what is a norse? I keep seeing the word but don't know what is means lol

Nordic or Norse Mythology - As I listed above, a few Divines come from Norse Mythology (so they can be called the Norse Divines, or just Norse for short)

Retired breeder wrote:

I meant, what horse breeds would be best for the upcoming W-- C- competitions?

Any and all Breeds can work well (indeed, I had a few horses surprise me with how well they did) and any and all skill level of horses work well too.

Just look at the skills of each breed - compare it to the skills needed, and go from there.
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Are the Treasure Chests and pass promo packs coming back for Christmas? I loved the TCs and pass packs last year. default smiley :d
Longest Ride
  • Posted messages: 746
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Also, what I've read about ECs on this page, is having an EC and workshops actually a huge advantage? Does the equus earned from reselling items go to your breeder reserve or EC reserve?
Longest Ride
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Longest Ride wrote:

Does the equus earned from reselling items go to your breeder reserve or EC reserve?

The reserves were merged. So, the money you make with your ec, you can use for your horses. The money you make with your horses, you can use for your ec. But usually, it is easier to make money with the ec than with horses default smiley :)
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@Starkitty - looks like I'm going to open an EC then! default smiley (b)
Longest Ride
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 12:39:42
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I would like to give a tip. As well as storing your equus as fodder, wheat bran works even better because you can buy 100,000 at a time instead of 10,,000.
13,000,000 wheat bran and 100e covers, it really doesn't get easier than this.
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 13:03:25
World championship has officially launched!
Yes and all Ready got better prizes than the dumb Trick or Treat thingy.default smiley :d

Having a little trouble with the helping a friend though.
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By Retired breeder, 12th November 2015 13:20:32
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