[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

What is the TH?

Here you go - all the information;

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*copied from the Preprod Topic*

This contest is a kind of treasure hunt where the objective is to find the medallion of Amira, the legendary horse. You need to find objects on different scenes and collect points. These points allow you to win prizes.


You receive hourglasses that let you play:
►when you first log of the day (4 day)
► during grooming your horses (limited to 2 per day)
► victories during your horses in competition (limited to 2 per day)
► the black market against the pass when there is an operation

You begin with two games available, represented by hourglasses.
A timer turns while you look for objects.
There are a total of 11 items to find during a game. When you find an item:
► you earn 95 points
► a 10-second counter appears
If you find another object during those 10 seconds, you earn 15 bonus points.
There is no time limit to find the objects.

You earn points by playing a part. When you reach certain levels, you earn gifts (list available on the contest page)

There are 5 scenes where you can find objects. At the end of each scene a clue must be found to proceed to the next scene.

There are 5 different scenes.
Each scene you complete gives you Amira equipment. So if you have completed the 5 scenes, you will get 5 equipment items that will allow you to transform one of your horses in Amira.

Speed Ranking::
A ranking of the fastest players is available on the contest page. There is a gift to win for first place!

The chapters in the history of Amira will be released step by step during the competition for games played by the community. This way you will know all about the adventures of the mysterious Amira.

Amira is a beautiful Arabian mare. She lives in Egypt.

Some days she can hide. On days when it hides, it shows a UFO. For the lucky players, this UFO has a Chronos Timer or Piece of Cloud. To others, it gives Aging Points, Sand, or energy for your horses.

Game:: shows a special UFO if it is hidden
VIP: Automatically retrieve the leather on crops and meadows
This horse can not be sold. Note that Amira can not have foals.

Basically - it's a hidden object game. You'll use a timer and be shown a scene. You need to find all 11 items in the scene to earn points (faster you find them, the more points you can get). To the right - you'll see a list of the items (note you can only click on and clear an item if it's currently showing on your list *so you can't clear the pick axe shown in scene 1 until it appears on the list*)

Once you have enough points for a scene - the next time you play it, you'll find a clue as well. Finding the clue gives you a piece of Legendary Tack for Amira, and opens up the next area to search.

Here are some screen shots showing what (and where) everything is. Please note that the CLUE *circled in Pink* does not show up in the scene until you have enough points (I'm still working out the point values for when they show up):

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Here's a picture of Amira;
  • Posted messages: 52,418
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Late post, but thank you, Shorah, for the info on the Star default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 45,098
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Does anyone know if the Rainbow Series will come out in the reserved sales?
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 16:45:59
will there be a Pack for A...a like there's one for A....r ?
nioles11 wrote:

Does anyone know if the Rainbow Series will come out in the reserved sales?

I'd say it's probable - but we don't know just when *or if* that would happen.


Retired breeder wrote:

will there be a Pack for A...a like there's one for A....r ?

Yes, of course...

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At present time - we know nothing beyond the fact there will be an Amira pack that contains all needed items to transform a horse.

So for those asking about Legendary Tack Packs - be it Amira's or Altair's = beyond that there is a pack, we know nothing of its look, cost, how to obtain it, etc.
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 17:15:29
ShorahNagi wrote:

Here you go - all the information;

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Ooh I'm so excited for the TH! And Arabian horses are my favorite breed. Thanks for the info!
By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 17:16:52
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unfortunately if you look on the internet, there are maps of where all the treasure items are.........mods you can censor this if you want if I'm giving the players "ideas."
By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 17:18:26
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ShorahNagi, I found this on the internet, turns out it was a screenshot from your computer looking at the image url......
By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 17:21:00
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All this anticipation on the arrival of the Legendary Horses! Will we get the Legendary Tack from only the promos?
By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 19:03:08
ive been gone for a while, and i keep seeing this Legendary Horse stuff? could someone please explain?
Retired breeder wrote:

ive been gone for a while, and i keep seeing this Legendary Horse stuff? could someone please explain?

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They're a new series, like the Wilds, of Divines. I don't the exact specifics of them, but I'm sure Shorah has a good bit of info. There's also special tack pieces and packs (I think) that you can find to put on any normal horse and change that horse into that Legendary. Kinda like Croesus and Junior Croesus
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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When does the TH come? Or when do we expect it to come? A month? Next week?
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 20:38:52
Remi1996 wrote:

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When does the TH come? Or when do we expect it to come? A month? Next week?

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I would assume next month.. I think that on the 10, 17 or 24 August.
Remi1996 wrote:

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When does the TH come? Or when do we expect it to come? A month? Next week?

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Remember we still have the Great Challenge with Altair coming first so the Treasure Hunt will definitely be around a month away
  • Posted messages: 8,661
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Quick question. In the TH, if you are just working to get maximum points does it matter if you take longer to find all the bits or is there a time limit?
starlight dreamer!
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starlight dreamer! wrote:

Quick question. In the TH, if you are just working to get maximum points does it matter if you take longer to find all the bits or is there a time limit?

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There is no time limit on each scene but the promo only lasts for a certain number of days so you have to work quickly if you want the divine
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 22:15:08
Shorah, thanks for the full post!
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The T______ H_______ seems like a really cool promo and I cannot wait to try my luck at getting the lovely Amira!
By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 22:20:37
Is TH possibly the next promo?
Retired breeder wrote:

Is TH possibly the next promo?

No, it's GC then TH.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 22:59:33
What is the TH Promo? When will The Great Challenge start?
Retired breeder wrote:

What is the TH Promo? When will The Great Challenge start?

TH stands for
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Treasure Hunt

GC should start after the Water Balloons.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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Doh! Messed that one up! Shorah or any other mod, help?
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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When will the TH start and how do you post screenshots.
  • Posted messages: 3,289
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What is the spoiler code?
  • Posted messages: 2,067
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By Retired breeder, 25th July 2015 23:44:20
sherwood02 wrote:

What is the spoiler code?

[spoiler]the text will go here[*/spoiler]

Just remove the *
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