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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 09:11:02
Please can someone post pictures of all the prehistoric divines that will be in the reserved sales.. And how much each one is
Retired breeder wrote:

Please can someone post pictures of all the prehistoric divines that will be in the reserved sales.. And how much each one is

For prices, look in the topic about this (on this forum).
For pictures -> Directory or trophies default smiley :)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have any idea what's going to be after the water balloon fight? And do you guys think we'll ever have a reserved sales promotion thing with wild horses or divines? Thanks guys default smiley :)

After the Water Balloon Fight;

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We are looking at a return of the Great Challenge - rumor has it that its supposed to start this week sometime, but I feel it might have been pushed back a bit.

As for other Reserved Sales - Now that the Prehistorics are having a sale, there is only a small handful of Divines left who did not get a Sale (but may have gotten another event like being in the Titan's Challenge, or Golden Fleece). That list is;

The Mythologicals (excluding Gullfaxi, Hrimfaxi, Skinfaxi, and Midas)
The Rainbows
Winter and Summer

All other Divine sets (Chinese, Water, Gemstone, etc) and the Wilds already had a reserved sale and will not be having another one according to the Admins (but these Divines can still be gotten by other means (ex. Titan's Challenge or offered in a promotion). All we can do is wait and see
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Retired breeder wrote:

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How much will the Altair pack be? I'd like to buy the prehistoric mare, but she'll probably be too expensive soo...

Again - we have no idea on this. This was one thing that was not part of testing, thus - while we can make guesses based on other factors...we can not come up with any sort of confirmed price...

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Though based on various things;

if it's going to be sold for Passes = the price will probably be somewhere between 10 to 20

if it's going to be sold for Real Money and be part of a 'Pass Pack' deal (like the 2014 Lucky Day pack or the 2013 Asgard pack = It will probably be in the range of $30 to $60 USD.

*For those who do not know what Pass Packs are - they are special offers for buying passes. For example: the Lucky Day pack I mentioned was $60 USD and contained;

2 months of vip membership
10x titans challenges
A Treasure Chest that contained the Tarpan Divine
10 passes
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 11:23:13
no idea how to write a spoiler :s but we have a Blue Moon July 31. anyone know if Ow plans on selling pass seeds?
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 13:54:58
Retired breeder wrote:

no idea how to write a spoiler :s but we have a Blue Moon July 31. anyone know if Ow plans on selling pass seeds?

you do spoiler by writing [spoiler] [/spoiler*]
And removing the star ( * ) so it looks like this

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So I'm guessing the GC will come next week?

We have just had Pass Seeds, they only come around like once every 2 years, or for something special like some big game achievement.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 16:25:15
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Preprod is open. Have to say the new promo is going to be hard on those that have trouble seeing small details. default smiley :s
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Depending on the length of the promo and "double hourglasses with passes" weekends" the new promo can be quite costly - by my quick calculations you need ~280 hourglasses to complete it - you get 8 free per day and can buy them 2 for 1 pass. With promo lasting 3 weeks (20 days) (i doubt it would be even that long) you'd only get 160 free hourglasses...
Action Hero
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Click to display
This promo is very repetitive and although fun initially, gets kind of tiresome...
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 17:30:59
Yes. Now take to us some ss from the new P__o :-)
Rayne777 wrote:

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This promo is very repetitive and although fun initially, gets kind of tiresome...

I agree. I got fed up after about 5 tries default smiley (lol)
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We are getting a new horse breed after the
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Great challenge

And it's the
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Selle Français
Miss Fortune
  • Posted messages: 11,513
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 17:57:50
New breed page image
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Well thats a cool breed, but still would of enjoyed an Olden. Oh well.default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:16:45
I'd wanna see Cleveland Bays tbh.
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:17:16
Also, Yay! I love the Great Challenges! But will we have another Lottery again anytime this year?
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:27:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Also, Yay! I love the Great Challenges! But will we have another Lottery again anytime this year?

During the Festivities so pretty soon.
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:31:25
Retired breeder wrote:

Also, Yay! I love the Great Challenges! But will we have another Lottery again anytime this year?
Same I always get something I need I remember that in the last lottery I won a Hestia's gift with one ticket
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:32:53
Olds would be really nifty, though i wouldn't mind a rerelease of some of the rarer breeds like mustang, fjord, or another HOP promo releasing older uni breeds.
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what are the Legendary horses a thing showed up for it in my trophies section.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 18:40:00
spirit1032 wrote:

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what are the Legendary horses a thing showed up for it in my trophies section.
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there're a new type of horse that's coming out in the next promo
By Retired breeder, 23rd July 2015 19:11:41
So many pages here , cant find the pics from promo game !!! Don't mean GC , the other other one after GC.
Retired breeder wrote:

So many pages here , cant find the pics from promo game !!! Don't mean GC , the other other one after GC.

If you mean the one we are currently testing - here you go;

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Apologies these are in French - but it shows where all the items you will need to click on are *works on an English translation*

And here's the full prize list for this event

*Timer is for the Event (allows more searches) - it is not the Cronos' Timer

Info on the new breed of Riding Horse - as it is a Riding Horse, it means it's like any other breed (so it can breed unlimited times, with other horse/pony breeds (except drafts and donkeys) etc))

*Selle Français is the actual name of the breed (SF for short) - literal translation of the name is French Saddle Horse if memory serves.
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In regards to my post - here's a translation and explanation in regards to the first image shown relating to the new promo and how it works:

Click to display

The items circled in White are what you must find - the faster you find them all, the more points you can earn.

You can only click on an item if it's one of the ones currently shown you need to find - so in this picture, if I click on the Monkey - nothing will happen...but if I click the Cobra, it will clear that one and give me another item to find.
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