
I saw the Schleich topic and realized something. This game needs a Breyer topic page. My favorite breyers are Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa (I have one named Sirocco) and Spectre. I also like Sjoerd and Old Timer (I have the buckskin version).

~Talk about rare Breyers
~Talk about exciting Breyer finds
~Talk about Breyers!!!!!!
  • Posted messages: 65
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Yes, good info...I wouldn't chance the newspaper contact either, as I can imagine the ink staining onto models in that scenario!
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I found a leftover Gibson (Belgian Draft) at a Tractor Supply today for only $16!default smiley :o I already have him, but i couldn't pass up that steal of an offer, so i gifted it to my best friend who was with me.default smiley (l)
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I got an early birthday present today...Its Beowulf, this year's Halloween horse!default smiley :d

He's not actually green...those parts are actually white, but the white parts glow in the dark like the Halloween models typically do.default smiley 8-)
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i never get halloween horses. probably because i don’t collect decorator models lol my collection is mostly stock molds with a few warmbloods.
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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I personally really like realistic looking horses, especially here on the game. But i do also like and collect the Breyer decorators as some are quite pretty even if not realistic. Halloween horses are limited edition, which always catches my eye, and seem to be pretty popular among collectors because they are often sought after and their value is sustained and typically grows over time.default smiley 8-)
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I like realistic breyers but i have mine hidden from littles. Want to collect more schleich now because they are 100 percent unbreakable. I like realistic horses on game too. I have glasses im going to start drawing more
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I am a hopeless collector of both Schleich and Breyer, and yeah, Schleichs are harder to break for sure (but pets can certainly chew them up)! My collections are everywhere in my apartment so they would not be safe from littles, or pets lol. I don't have kids and my live animals are at my best friends farm, where i go often. So my collections are safe! I would love to see some of your artwork!default smiley *-)
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My stash got found by my little siblings... That was badddd, especially since I had a rare gloss coat one default smiley :'( so yeah I've got a lot of schleich
  • Posted messages: 94
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How can I post some breyer pics on here?
  • Posted messages: 94
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Oh no...i'm sorry! I imagine they are/will be what we call "well loved."
  • Posted messages: 14,708
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The code is [img*]the pics url here[/img*]

But you have to take the stars out or it won't work.
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Thanks so much! Will it work on Mobile though?
  • Posted messages: 94
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I have no idea, i don't use mobile.default smiley :$
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  • Posted messages: 94
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Oops nope nvm didn't work default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 94
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Ill try to take pics of breyers not sure about susecion shes light brown now. Shes supposed to be light gray.
  • Posted messages: 1,661
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I'm a member of the Deluxe Stablemates club this year, and that was in large part because i wanted this guy! He is on his way to me, for free! I can't wait until he shows up because i love this mold (Othello mold), and his coat!default smiley ^)

Meet Horatio!

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Ok guys...i don't know how many even check in here these days, but i'd like to know something. The next Stablemates Club release is now up for sale, and i have purchased mine. So this release is the Gambler's Choice release, which means there are a few different coats/colors the release comes in, and you don't know which color you will get until it arrives in the mail. You can only order one, which is unfortunate, because much more so than in the past, i really don't know which one i want most! I want them all ha ha. So what i want to know is...which one would you hope would come to you in the mail most? Hopefully someone will come in and answer, and when i get mine in i will let you know who i got!default smiley *-) The picture is larger, but here he is...

Click to display
Its Miguel, a donkey!

The colors are Spotted Brown and White, Dark Brown with Pangare, Zonkey Dun, and a Glossy Blue Copenhagen Decorator. Its gonna be bittersweet for me...i'll love whatever i get but still be sad i can't have them all!default smiley xd
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Miguel looks so cute in all the colors! If i was getting one though, I'd hope for the copenhagen one; I've always been a sucker for decorators default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 283
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Cool, thanks for answering! That particular one i believe will be glossy! Definitely looks pretty!default smiley :) I'm so excited to get him! Horatio should be arriving soon as well!default smiley (l)
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Ok, time for the reveal! Which Miguel did i get? Drumroll please.....

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I got the spotted brown and white!default smiley ^)

He's a cutie for sure!default smiley 8-)
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So cute!! default smiley (7)

That one was probably my favorite color of the lot, but as you said, they are all so beautiful, it would have been hard to go wrong!
  • Posted messages: 184
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I know, right...i totally wish i could get the others!default smiley *-)
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After some thought, I decided to get the entire halloween set for both 2023 and 2024. They all glow in the dark really nicely. I think slither is my favorite among them; pictures don't do his green-purple colorshift justice
  • Posted messages: 283
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The Halloween horses always seem really popular! I have Spectre and Slither, and of course Beowulf for this year. I'm not sure if i'll be getting Draftula yet, but hopefully. I missed Stitch who surprised me by selling out, but if they get more in i will try and get him. I'm a sucker for a good stuffed animal, even though i'm supposedly an adult lol. The larger Salem came and went before i was collecting, and i'd love to get the stablemate one that's out this year, but i can't afford the stablemate bags, especially since there is no guarantee i'd get Salem! I've only been collecting the Halloween horses for a few short years, and my favorite so far is Thriller!default smiley *-)

Click to display

The back of his box cracks me up lol.default smiley ^)

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