
I saw the Schleich topic and realized something. This game needs a Breyer topic page. My favorite breyers are Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa (I have one named Sirocco) and Spectre. I also like Sjoerd and Old Timer (I have the buckskin version).

~Talk about rare Breyers
~Talk about exciting Breyer finds
~Talk about Breyers!!!!!!
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glad to finally see a breyer topic! i have at least over 100 models now without a doubt. i’m an avid collector and even have a photography page on insta. i used to customize and sell customs for a bit a few years ago, but since hit an artist block and haven’t painted in a long time. i joined the stablemate and premier clubs for this year and i’m so excited!!
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Anyone else collect the Christmas Breyers?!
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I have been enticed by a sale... RIP my wallet, because i just got $700 in horses (some for my collection and others to customize and sell)
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Whats everyone’s favorite models/molds?

Mine is Gooitzen fan Teakesyl on the Goffert mold! (Was breyerfest 2014 celebration model)
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This is a bit late, and sorry there are no pictures, but here’s my Breyer haul from Christmas! I got a whole herd of Mini whinnies from the Breyer advent calendar. A model of Harley the lead pony from Churchill Downs, and a Secretariat 50th anniversary model!
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I have a rare gloss coated foal, sadly it's in some rough shape because I got it when I was like 7
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Anyone else here make and/or collect customs? I just finished some a couple days ago(I'd add a picture but I'm not sure how to). I love looking at other people's customs, especially decorater customs, some of them are even better than the OF models lol
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  • Seniority: 189 days
I'm bumping this up because i'm afraid it might get deleted. Don't know if it would or not, but don't want to risk it!default smiley 8-) I do have a couple of new ones but i don't have the time at the moment to post them. I'll try to soon!
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Bumping again default smiley :)
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  • Posted messages: 52
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I've been collecting since 2005. Only have a few hundred, but am going for quality over quantity as I wish to live show. My favorite mold is Flash and favorite model is Home and Away (with Midas a close second)
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Newbie to my herd!default smiley *-) Its a larger pic.

Click to display
Its Full Moon Rising!default smiley :-))

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I only have susecion she fell on the floor during fire, Justify little stablemate and my small morgan stallion. Dont know how to add pictures but susecion is no longer light gray.
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The only one I replaced was the t chestnut/palomino stallion comanche pony san domingo mode?
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breyerfest is less than a month away! anyone here going? i can only participate online againdefault smiley :(
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Howdy folks!
I was wondering if anyone can give me some good suggestions.
I've got a big move coming up, and over 200 fragile horse models to transport! All ranging in size from mini whinnies to Traditional, some Schleich, a Painted Pony, and most importantly, some gorgeous, FRAGILE ceramics.
I need packaging advice! I plan to put them in plastic totes. We will be moving them ourselves, so I at least don't have to worry about someone handling the boxes too roughly.
One thought I had is to put packing peanuts between the legs of the stablemates. Other than that, and many, many layers of paper towels and/or newspaper or foam sheets(if I can get my hands on some), and maybe some bubble wrap, I don't have many specific ideas on how to wrap them, especially en mass with many in one box.
I'm planning on packing them up in September, if the move is able to happen in November. Otherwise, next spring.
If anyone has any ideas or experience with it, please let me know! Better yet, PM me! Anything would be appreciated. Thanks! default smiley ^)
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Hey! I wish you the best of luck...i always hate to see that someone's horse got broke somehow when moving! I've never done so myself (moving) since i started collecting, but i have heard that using bubble wrap can go wrong, if you are moving in a higher heat situation. I think it can mess with the paint and leave marks or something. I've just heard of that so it might be something worth looking into, if that is your situation. If you do use bubble wrap on your Breyers, maybe it would help to wrap them with the other types first and put the bubblewrap outside of that. Sorry, this is all i know, but i hope its helpful.

jlmiller wrote:

breyerfest is less than a month away! anyone here going? i can only participate online againdefault smiley :(

I've never been able to participate, sadly. I hope you enjoy it!
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I absolutely love the lady phase models ! Specifically the short tails
  • Posted messages: 20
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I didn't know about the heat issues, thanks for the warning! Fortunately, the move is likely going to be in late fall weather, so it should be cooler, but I will *definitely* keep that in mind for any hot weather horse moving.

I'm thinking, as previously mentioned, peanuts between Stablemates legs, for one. If I can get my hands on those thin foam sheet things, that'd be great. If not, I'll settle for wrapping them each in a couple of paper towels for extra cushioning, with bubble wrap between the layers of ponies. I'll probably take extra special care of the larger ones. The ceramics, I will be paranoid about and might even get a box for each one.
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The biggest danger to my most of models was when they cool down schleich and Breyer except barbie horses. I thought i only had to throw out black stretch morgan stallion and one or two others. Barbie horses were gone first day .
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Ravenknight wrote:

The biggest danger to my most of models was when they cool down schleich and Breyer except barbie horses. I thought i only had to throw out black stretch morgan stallion and one or two others. Barbie horses were gone first day .

When they cool them down? How do you mean?
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Extreme heat room got smoked badly left door open and they melted
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They slowly cooled off im guessing
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Right now im working on my herd on here and buy more schleich and breyers later. Have to keep breyers from little hands. Ive been collecting breyers since elementary school
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I will be attending breyerfest! For future reference for anyone attending next year, almost all of the workshops sell out in like 4 minutes; it's insanely fast.

And on the packing discussion: if you use newspaper, never let it touch the paint. It can stain words onto the horse (it happened to some mlp custom bait ponies i bought a while back and I'm sure it can affect breyers as well).
  • Posted messages: 283
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