
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I have a bunch of modles around 5000 at my house i have all of them
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That sounds like quite the collection!default smiley ^)
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Hello, I havent been here in so long, I have been busy selling some unwanted schleich and getting some new actually, now I have found this person that sells 52 horses for 100 euros which is a really good deal but I am unsure if I should do it, I’ll just sell off any that I already have then, but there are a few in there that I think might be breyers or some other brand, ill send pictures over once I have those
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Wow, i'm curious to see what you get!default smiley *-) And welcome back!default smiley <:o)
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  • Karma: 10 points These two are the ones that I really think might be Breyer but then again one is a bad paint job so could be Schleich too, I will post pictures of them all once I got them
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im pretty sure the tinker looking one is papo
the grulla horse is the collecta mustang mare i have her to shes gorgeous
wild horse stables
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The tinker is Papo, 'Skewbald Irish Cob'.
I have the CollectA mustang too! In roan though.

Can't wait to see what you get!
horses rock623
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It still hasnt arrived, there has been some kind of problem at the sorting centre, hoping it will these days, got another one that was wrong so hoping it also arrives soon
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Oh no, i'm so sorry! I hope it comes soon...its no fun having to wait for the normal shipping, let alone when there are hiccups! I had one the other day myself...the mailboxes on my street are all together down on one end, with some parcel boxes underneath. They leave a key to the one with your package in your locked mail box. Well, the mail comes shortly after i leave for work, and then after i am at my friend's farm so i don't usually get to check my mail until i get home later at night. Well, i got the email that my package had arrived, so naturally i was excited all day to get it when i got in that night. Got the key out of my box, but that's where the trouble started...the key would go into the parcel box lock, but it absolutely refused to turn and open. I fought with it several times, cause i wanted my package lol! I finally had to give up.default smiley :'( I had to wait until the next day and make a trip to the post office, explain the situation to them, and then i had to wait for them to fix it when they brought the daily mail, again, right AFTER i went to work. Which meant waiting until that night again, ugh, and crossing my fingers that they were able to fix it. Thankfully they did, so i only had to wait an extra day, knowing it was right there, but it feels like a small eternity when you have been anticipating your package ha ha.default smiley xd

Anyway, i say all that to say...i got a package!default smiley :ddefault smiley (lol) Two actually, as i got another today! Here's what i got!

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I got the Breyer Secretariat 50th Anniversary Stablemate!

I also got the CollectA Grulla Mustang Foal (I realized i had the mare but not the foal)!

Another one i got is the CollectA Dun Icelandic Stallion. I already have the Blue Dun one.default smiley *-)

I also got the CollectA Chestnut Belgian mare! I'm a bit of a sucker for the big ones lol.

Ok, and then in today's package, i got the Breyer Collector Club's Exclusive release, which this go around is called Shelby. It's a gambler's choice, meaning you get sent one of the models at random, so its a surprise which one you will receive! We got one of the three Shelbys in this picture!

All so beautiful! So who did i end up getting, you ask? Well, I got the Grulla Appy...yay!default smiley <:o) I really wanted either the grulla or the pinto most, although the bay is glossy and lovely as well. Sure wish i could get them all! I cannot find a picture of the just the grulla appy, so i have to post this larger picture! He's gorgeous!

Welp, i hope you enjoyed them!default smiley ^)
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Oooh, they're so pretty! My favorite is the grulla appy default smiley (l)default smiley *-)
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Oh yes, he is even MORE gorgeous in person!default smiley (7)
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I got in the latest Breyer Stablemates Club beauty! His name is Sidewinder. He's very handsome, and i'm a sucker for spots, and the primitive leg markings lol.default smiley 8-)

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I got a new, more unique beauty today from an antique store/flea market! I got a traditional Breyer, but what makes him different is he is an all white factory blank that was a special limited offer only for subscribers to the Breyer magazine for a period of time in 1980! He is in great condition...and never was painted, like those models were meant for the owners to do!default smiley :odefault smiley *-)
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Thats so cool and also Sidewinder looks so pretty, I wish I could buy Breyer too but its just way to expensive and I am saving up for a horse
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I have TONS of Breyers! I recently re-painted one of my foals a dark bay, she is so pretty now default smiley (l) I'm thinking of making her mother into an appy. I got most of my Breyers a long time ago, so they are pretty high-quality. (and now I'm rambling, lol)
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Would somebody be willing to point me in the direction of video tutorials about painting Breyers? I always wanted to try that as a kid but was way too scared to do it. Now I'd really like to try!
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Just now I looked up 'how to paint breyers' and discovered some pretty cool looking tutorials.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd May 2023 19:27:53
Yeah, I would love to be able to paint some of my models but I just don't have the artistic talent lol.
I haven't painted a Breyer before, but I want to try! I have several Breyer and Schleich models, and I love them to death. My favorite is my newest Breyer, Sunrise from the unicorn stablemates surprise pack.
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Famousamos wrote:

I got in the latest Breyer Stablemates Club beauty! His name is Sidewinder. He's very handsome, and i'm a sucker for spots, and the primitive leg markings lol.default smiley 8-)

I just got mine too! He's lovely!!
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Oh you're in the club too...awesome!default smiley :-))
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I have a few Schleich from when I was younger, but I've definitely moved more towards Breyer now that I've gotten older and have more adult money to spend, lol. I just recently purchased a lot of models because they had a Collectors Club appreciation event, and they are sending out a free glossy for it. I'm super excited to see which one I get!
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Oh cool! Which one did you get?default smiley *-)

I'm curious what critters you guys would like to see Schleich make? Just off the top of my head, i'd like to see a opposum, with some cute babies riding on her back, and i'd like to see an African Wild Dog!

On another note, while i don't have it yet, i did see this year's American Spotted Donkey the other day, and i must say, i was quite disappointed. It was so tiny compared to the other donkeys they've made, and even the paint seemed dull and flat, like they put just enough on. I don't know...i was saddened cause i have been looking forward to that one. With the size the way it is, i wondered if it was supposed to be like a miniature donkey, but that's not the in the name so i don't know. But i know some animals have tended to get smaller over the last severals the new Mayalan Tapir that came out not too long ago...but especially the dogs! I don't like this shrinking trend at all. Also, when they released the user voted animal new Okapi version a few years ago, i was disappointed because it was very similar to the old version. Obviously it would be, since it was the same animal, but at least they could put it in a stance that was different than the old one. Comparing them side by side, the differences is the new one is a little smaller (of course), and their heads are turned in opposite directions. I guess they are looking at each other? Lol! Sigh.

Ok, so besides all that, i am highly anticipating getting this year's new Harpy Eagle! I'm counting on it being a good size...please let it be a good size! They are the largest eagles in the world, so fingers crossed!default smiley :-))
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What would I like to see Schleich make? Well, I can't really comment on the wild life, since I don't collect those, but the thought of an Opossum with babies on its back is a cute thought now in my mind lol. I would like to see more dragons, or dragon kind, like wyverns for example. Though pygmy dragons would be quite cute. I suppose some 'normal' unicorns would be nice to see, like their normal horses, with a horn or wings attached. I guess I'm just seeing an Appaloosa unicorn foal now. Though knowing Schleich, they'd make the spots rainbow coloured or a combination of the parents strange colours...

Wasn't the Harpy Eagle out at the start of the year? Or am I imagining things? Or is this a similar thing with the Black Swan?

Still jealous you guys get the Breyer Club models, they look amazing!

I have unfortunately spent a lot of money this month, and we're only just approaching the middle of the month... Oops. No more spending for me default smiley :-x

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Got Amethyst, which means I now have that set, only for the 2nd half of the set to be released recently...

Elementa Fire Unicorn Stallion

Elementa Water Flames Unicorn Foal

Noriker Stallion

Peruvian Paso Foal

CollectA Lusitano Stallion

CollectA Oryol Mare

CollectA Morgan Stallion

CollectA Peruvian Paso Foal

CollectA Haflinger Foal

Finally, Breyer 90's Throwback (was 1/3 of the price it normally is, so why not)
horses rock623
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I really like the idea of unicorns on normal horses, and the appy would be so cute! But you're right, i'm not sure if they could let it out the door without adding extra color or glitter ha ha.default smiley (lol)The Harpy Eagle is part of the new wildlife this year, not a special. I don't know exactly when it was coming out but i've been anticipating it since they announced the newbies late last year. I have yet to find it.default smiley *-)

I am waiting on the new Stablemate Club release now. I can't wait till it arrives!default smiley :d And it looks like you got some great models...i may or may not be drooling over that Morgan stallion!default smiley (m) The Noriker is nice too...i do have that one already! I like the heavies. I don't have the Elemental set yet, though im hoping to get them this year! I think, based on just the pictures, the mare is my favorite.default smiley 8-)

I'm also partial to the 90s Throwback horse, mostly just because i was a 90s kid, who loved Lisa Frank, so it reminds me of that lol. So i bought it. The one i bought that i wasn't set on buying is the Keep the Peace unicorn. I do have him now though, just because i found him steeply discounted lol.default smiley (lol)
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