
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2021 03:25:56
I really really want to find some Western tack for my horses because I don’t ride English and I guess I want to have my horses western too? I don’t know why.
thats understandable
schleich mostly has their western tack in sets
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2021 13:46:19
Hey everyone! What are the really “worth it” schleich models?
anything thats older than 2015 and doesnt cost over 10 to 15 dollars would be a good starting point
wild horse stables
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Retired breeder wrote:

Hey everyone! What are the really “worth it” schleich models?

Hmmm...worth/value is different to different people. wild horse stables has a good suggestion. I would include any model that really strikes you, that you really like, or that you would consider "beautiful" or whatever kind of quality you like in model (uniqueness?...that would probably qualify more with Breyers though since many of theirs are not of natural colors and such). It also depends on how long you are talking about, cause value changes over the years. If you are talking about monetary value, i would go for the older models (that are often retired already) that aren't too expensive yet...condition of the piece is also important. And, i think they are worth more to many if they still have the Schleich tag. But if you aren't in too much of a rush to "flip" them or if you don't intend to resell for a long time, then i'd go with your very favorites, even if they are considered "new" and still on shelves, and therefore not as valuable as many of the older models. At some point down the road, sooner or later, they're pretty much all bound to retire. Which means they will go up in value the more time passesdefault smiley :) I recommend, when you get them new, to leave them in the packaging if they are on a box, and leave the Schleich tag on if they aren't packaged. Be as careful as possible to avoid scuffing and roughing them up...yes, boxes too. For those that are inside a box, i do take mine out, but i am careful with the packaging and keep it put away so that if the sad day comes that i need to sell, i'll have that valuable original packaging that collector people love. These are just ways to help them retain more monetary value. As far as other things like beauty or sentimental value, only you can decide which models are "worth it." Hope i've been of some sort of help!default smiley ^)default smiley (l)

Oh one more thing...if you do intend to display them for years, try not to keep them in direct sunlight. I hear that fades and/or miscolors the paint, which means less value.default smiley (y)
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Alright guys, i need some help! Is anyone familiar with or a collector of Bayala models? I went out of town to a Tractor Supply earlier, and couldn't find any new wildlife or horse models but found some Bayala horses. i dont usually go for the Bayala models, but a couple of them were half price, and they are like NEVER on sale. I didn't want to leave empty handed, so i now own two new Bayala, which brings my total to four. Unfortunately, i do not know what they are called, so i can't look them up to post pictures and share. So i thought maybe somebody here could help. One is a unicorn with a light colored body and a light pink mane and tail with glitter. She has a few red and blue flowers on her chest, mane and tail, with a few leaves. She has blue dots by her horn, not sure if they are flowers or jewels. the tail has a red ribbon thingy near the top, with three blue jewels in it. The other Bayala is a foal that seems to be the foal of the unicorn mare, except that in addition to its horn, it has a pair of blue wings with glitter on the ends. Do these sound familiar to anyone? I'd like to know what to call them. Sure wish i had kept better tabs on my might be still in my friend's truck lol. Probably says what they are right on it!
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Wait a minute, i just got a better idea ha ha...they are still on their boxes, and i noticed the number Schleich gives them on the box! Gonna go visit Google lol. Why didn't i think of this first?! Sigh lol.

Ok here they are:

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The first one is called Decorated Unicorn Mare:

And the foal is the Decorated Unicorn Pegasus Foal:

Is that all the better names they have to call them by?!default smiley xd
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I know that its not technically Schleich but I got nowhere else to post
I think you'll understand
I got Hwin and empress Breyer models!
just thought id share my good news
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So update on my email adventure to schleich.
i haven't heard anythin yet low key startin think that my email didnt send properly
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 7th April 2021 06:59:04
I haven't ordered in a while, do they make gypsy cobs or gypsy banners at all?
there are a couple Tinker horses yea, a mare, foal and stallion

Famousamos wrote:

Is anyone familiar with or a collector of Bayala models?

i'm not completly familliar with them but i made a identify system for schleich horses and horse like creatures a while ago.
it's due to be updated somewhere this summer but it works okay for the time being.
you can find it here
wild horse stables
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wild horse stables wrote:

So update on my email adventure to schleich.
i haven't heard anythin yet low key startin think that my email didnt send properly can always resend. Or maybe they get so many other emails with ideas that they can't answer them all. Either way, if they see it, it still could influence them, even if they don't answer. Maybe, just maybe, you might see a similar type horse be produced in the next few years! Gah, i wish we could look into the future lol!default smiley xd And thanks for the link, i'll have to check it out!

Meanwhile, today i got a Schleich animal and a CollectA horse!

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I got the Special Edition Brown Llama model (the normal one is white)! From what i understand, it was available at the Leipzig zoo for like a year back somewhere between 2005-2010 i think. I also read that there were only 5000 made worldwide, but am not 100% sure that is right, as i only found it stated in one place. It is brand spanking new, with the tag and even the neck thingy on it! It was still in the plastic but i took it out. Not sure yet if that was wise, but i wanted to be able to look at him and hold him!

I also got the CollectA Sugarbush Draft Mare! I already had the foal, so i wanted the mama.default smiley *-)

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Those are sooo cool! I got the limited edition golden Donkey last Christmas!
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PewDiePie wrote:

I know that its not technically Schleich but I got nowhere else to post
I think you'll understand
I got Hwin and empress Breyer models!
just thought id share my good news

Great! Feel free to share your Breyers here...there used to be another model horse topic that involved lots of Breyers, but it was locked up by the creator. Ever since, we have been sharing those, along with CollectA, and whatever else you want, heredefault smiley :) Schleich is the main one here, but all are welcome.

DianaDelta wrote:

Those are sooo cool! I got the limited edition golden Donkey last Christmas!

Oh neat! I have a question...did you open yours? The packaging said something about a code being included as part of a giveaway (which i imagine is over now). I never could find said code, but didnt want to open mine, so i was wondering if it was on the inside of the package?
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Hey yall, i uave a challenge for you.

Tell me what to order next on the schleich website.
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Well, nobody can really tell you what's right for you to buy, but I have one suggestion that might help. One piece I recently bought from a schleich site is the 85th anniversary golden lion. I only suggest it because it's a limited piece that probably will be harder to find and more expensive, and maybe worth more, in the future. But I dont know if that, or any other particular piece is right for YOUR collectiondefault smiley :)
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My newest Schleich!default smiley :-))

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Its the Schleich Pheasant, which was available from 2001-2003.

No tag, but came from a large private collection, and is otherwise in excellent conditiondefault smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 22nd April 2021 06:40:02
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
My newest Schleich additions!default smiley :-))

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First, i got the new 2021 Warthog! You'uns might disagree, but i find her rather cute!default smiley ^)

My other new one is the 2021 Hanoverian Mare!

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i'm currently saving up so after my exams pass and the new sets release i can get them
wild horse stables
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wild horse stables wrote:


i'm currently saving up so after my exams pass and the new sets release i can get them

Oh, good luck with the exams!default smiley :o Lol, which sets are you hoping to get?
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well here's all the ones i want i don't think i'll be getting them all at once but defenitly a few of them

wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 26th April 2021 22:09:08
I love schleich! I have a model from 2006! And my barn I too small. Any building tips?default smiley (a)
Famousamos I mostly like the flaxen chestnut stallion I had with white stockings no white marking on face from the 90s.
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By Retired breeder, 26th April 2021 22:57:10
Btw y model is a Percheron stallion from 2006default smiley ^)
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