
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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I thought of another stance! What about one know, one front leg extended out, the other bent down on one knee, or whatever the horse equivalent is ha ha, and the head tucked between. I dont think that would require a stand.

Also, i thought more about the pawing the ground stance. Im not sure how they could clearly indicate that the horse is supposed to be pawing the ground unless the horse could move, which clearly they can't lol. So maybe scratch that one, and substitute in the bowing one.default smiley xd

I also really like a high stepper, with the knee raised up high.default smiley (l) Not sure if there are any of those already.
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yea i guess conformation issues are way more noticable to me. im actually currently doing a 3 year collage course on horses so ive had to evaluate sevral dutch warmbloods on their conformation so even in a breed i notice little diffrences and know how to judge a horse based apon them.

as for poses id really like a realistic cantering horse with a stand. a lot of model brands tend to change horses positioning slightly so they can stand normally but it removes a bit of realism for me. id also like to see schleich do a realistic gaited rocky mountain horse

schleich did produce six horses with a stand one of which i own
showjumping 42026
racing horse 42027
dressage rider 42035 (the one i own)
sliding stop 42036
bronc rodeo 42046 (arguably the most rare)
cross country 42047
wild horse stables
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okay so basically i got really exited your and mine ideas and decided to scetch out some concepts. (im low key thinking mabey i should mail them to schleich but they probs wont make them anyway so eh)

in order of appearance.
Pawing wild pony stallion. he's a bit scrawny looking because often times food is more scarce in the wild.

rearing warmblood. here we have a low rearing warmblood i decided to make a crazy tail but it looks a bit off to me

cantering draft horse with head throw. this ones head was really challanging to draw and partway trough i decided it should be a draft horse cuz darn they look powerful af.

tolting rocky mountain mare. i liked drawing this since i hadnt drawn a tolting horse before

wild horse stables
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wild horse stables wrote:

cross country 42047

Wow...i had no idea these models even existed! Probably partly because they were released before i started collecting. But that can only be a small part of it cause i have collected quite a few models that were before my time. They truly must be rare...thanks so much for sharing them! I now know that if i ever come upon a good opportunity to get one, i should think long and hard about snatching them up...but not too long or they'd probably be gone!default smiley xd Not gonna hold my breath much though, cause i've never even seen any of them for sale.

Also, i did not realize we had a talented artist in our ranks! Those are quite nice sketches! I imagine a three year college course on horses can be really helpful with that...why not send them to Schleich? The worst that can happen is they don't make it...but the best is it could influence future Schleich models, even if they don't make them exactly the way you drew them! Wouldn't that be a neat story to tell!default smiley *-)

Here's another idea for Schleich, or even CollectA...inspired by your first sketch. They should make a series about the more real life "wild" breeds of horses/ponies! Kinda like Howrse has a line of wilds. I know they both have the Przewalski, so why not expand on that?

P.S. If they have some of those already too, let me know.default smiley xddefault smiley :p
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Famousamos wrote:

Also, i did not realize we had a talented artist in our ranks! Those are quite nice sketches!
thank youuu
collage did help a little. i had to learn the bones and muscles of the horse which i used to improve on the anatomy in my drawings.

I might email them to schleich later this week when i have the time.

i dont know to much about collacta but i know schleich hasnt made a wild pony series. they have produced breeds that can be found in the wild tough like the dülmen pony, camargue horses, (sorraia) mustangs and some uk pony breeds.
wild horse stables
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Famousamos wrote:

Wow...i had no idea these models even existed! Probably partly because they were released before i started collecting. But that can only be a small part of it cause i have collected quite a few models that were before my time. They truly must be rare...thanks so much for sharing them! I now know that if i ever come upon a good opportunity to get one, i should think long and hard about snatching them up...but not too long or they'd probably be gone!default smiley xd Not gonna hold my breath much though, cause i've never even seen any of them for sale.

yea they dont get promoted or shared around much. they aren't terribly rare as they were regular releases but it is quite hard to get some of them like the rodeo one.
when i got the dressage one my parents didnt believe it was a schleich horse at first because they are so diffrent

i decided on the scetches. i think imma finish them into full drawings coloured and all than send them to schleich.
coat colour suddgestions are most welcome
wild horse stables
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I found a 2003 haflinger gelding at an antique shop
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wild horse stables wrote:

yea they dont get promoted or shared around much. they aren't terribly rare as they were regular releases but it is quite hard to get some of them like the rodeo one.
when i got the dressage one my parents didnt believe it was a schleich horse at first because they are so diffrent

i decided on the scetches. i think imma finish them into full drawings coloured and all than send them to schleich.
coat colour suddgestions are most welcome

Very cool! I'd love to see the finished products if your up for sharing them when you're done! As far as colors, its kind of an in the moment thing for me. I love flashy spots, i love a solid black, or contrasting black and white. I love a beautiful dapple gray, or a roan/blue/strawberry roan. I love deep red chestnuts that have bold stripes on their face and white "socks." Flaxen Chestnuts and rich chocolatey Liver Chestnuts are gorgeous (solid or with white). Cremello...need i say more? So i'm truly all over the map lol. And that's without knowing all those coat combos that i know exist outside this game.default smiley xd

I'm so excited for you...i hope you at least hear something back!default smiley (l)
Splash16 wrote:

I found a 2003 haflinger gelding at an antique shop

Oooh, i love surprises like that! I hope it was cheap and/or in great shape! That seems to be a little problematic when they come second hand like that.default smiley :)default smiley :) I know its most likely in vain, but i'm starting to feel my hopes rise since garage sale season is just around the corner!default smiley *-)
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Famousamos wrote:

garage sale season is just around the corner!

oh i wish i could go to such a sale or a flea market. but some pesky virus is causing a lockdown here so no events such as those are allowed.
we have a holiday here called kingsday wich features something called a rug market all over the netherlands. basically you get your stuff you wanna sell get a decent rug and mabey a foldable chair. go to your local village, city whatnot. plop the rug and stuff down and you sell your ish.
got like 5 schleichs for 5 euros 2 of which were a whole 0.10 euros each

also thank you for the sudgestions il be sure to share the finished drawings when they are done. lineart is done just gotta colour.
wild horse stables
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I hear ya...we have an annual garage sale trip on the first Saturday in May. We go a little ways away to the City Wide garage sale day of a suburb of a big city that is known to have tons of sales all over the place. We've done it for much more than a decade. Probably more like 15-20 years at least. Other than this trip, we do little in the way of garage sales in a year. Anyway, last year we didn't get to do it thanks to stupid Covid. I'm not even sure they had it at all, but if they did it was probably much more sparse. It may still be thinner this year because of the virus, but i'm hopeful it'll still be a good day. We will take sanitizer and masks and all that good stuff, to be safe. I always pray for Schleich to be found, although i've only found some at a garage sale once so far lol. But i'm always hopeful!default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 29th March 2021 21:46:30
I have a lot
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2021 01:28:27
I have 17 of them. I have a 2015 Knabstrupper mare, she is a bit faded because of my sister. Is it a good idea to repaint her?
By Retired breeder, 30th March 2021 01:44:49
CowboyCrazyGirl, I have a chestnut paint stallion too. I named him WindRunner because he looks kind of wild. But I have a chestnut Breyer named Copper. His name can be whatever. I like names that fit the color of the horse. Maybe Copper or Topaz?
Retired breeder wrote:

I have 17 of them. I have a 2015 Knabstrupper mare, she is a bit faded because of my sister. Is it a good idea to repaint her?

I dont repaint, but there are many who do...some are quite lovely too!default smiley (l)

Retired breeder wrote:

I have a lot

Great, feel free to share them here if you like!default smiley (7)

Got a lovely new pretty myself today!default smiley :p (Its a large image, i apologize...the others i found were even bigger!default smiley :o )

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Its the 2021 Silver Dapple Mare! Although, i'm not actually seeing any dapples in her? No matter, she's prettydefault smiley :)

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By Retired breeder, 30th March 2021 02:54:36
I have a beautiful grey dapple mare and she needs a name. Anyone have good names?
Here's something i find a bit odd, not sure if anyone else has any ideas why this is. Not too long ago i got and posted here the red dun Hanoverian foal that's new this year. For those of you that have him, what year does he show on his belly?

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When i got home, i thought i had mistakenly bought an old model. But i looked it up, and he is new this year. For some reason, he has the year 2016 on his belly. I have never known Schleich to make a model and then sit on it for five years before releasing it? Surely its not a typo/mistake. Also, i don't have the stallion yet...i wonder if he says the same year?
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nothing wrong with your foal. it"s typical for recoulered horses. the original was the 2017 bay (i think) foal everytime they rerelease it in a diffrent colour they use the exact same mold including the year the mold for said model was produced so in this case.
the mold was developed in 2016, the first foal to use said mold was released in 2017 and over the years its been reused a couple times but since the mold was made in 2016 it will keep saying that.
same goes for the stallion, the mare and basically all recolours
wild horse stables
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i finished the drawingsss

wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2021 22:54:29
I tried to write this message TWICE but for an internal error message every. single. time. Third time’s the charm...!

Wild horse stables, there are some Breyer horse molds similar to your drawings. I can post them after school today if you want.default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

I can post them after school today if you want.

sure i'd like to see them but i'd still love it if schleich would make the models i drew since breyers are really hard and expencive to get here in the netherlands
wild horse stables
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By Retired breeder, 1st April 2021 07:56:44
I also have a Schleich horse but I dont know what type is it. I am hoping someone can tell me. I dont have a picture of it but I can write it down how it looks like.

It has got a light brown fur with long white mane and tail. It also has got white legs. It is a kind of a sport horse
so it has no long fur on its legs and howes. It is rearing up on its two bsck legs. If anyone recognises the horse type from the writting than please send a PM becaus I am not often checking the forums.
Thank you.
Wow, those drawings are lovely...especially in color! I really love the manes and tails! I can't wait to hear what they say about them. If and when they do get back to you, be sure to let me know!default smiley (l)

As far as the new Hanoverian foal with the year 2016 on its belly, what you say makes sense. For some reason i had the apparent delusion that if and when Schleich used the exact same model (just with a different color) it was a special edition piece. How has it not dawned on me that they would reuse the same exact mold in a future year's regular release?! That doesn't seem like something i would simply forget. Not to mention the fact that i have never seen a new-for-the-year model with the "wrong" year on it before. So weird to me! Actually, now that i think about it, i do have one or two older duplicate horse models that have slightly different colors, one being lighter or darker, on the same mold. I just thought it was variations in the particular artist that painted it compared to another more/less heavy handed one, or even to location in the world where is was painted that had a different paint batch or painting method...just things like that. I guess i should look and see what year(s) they have on their bellies!default smiley *-)
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Famousamos wrote:

Wow, those drawings are lovely...especially in color! I really love the manes and tails! I can't wait to hear what they say about them. If and when they do get back to you, be sure to let me know!

thank you i'll be sure to let you know.

i ended up sending them a message trough the contact form on the uk site
i found a german and dutch email adress to so if response takes long i might try that.
but i didnt want to start with them since my german speaking abilities are trash and i got a feeling the dutch/benelux email doesnt have much influence in the company
wild horse stables
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The German one would definitely be a good one to write to, i think, since they are based in Germany. Kinda go straight to the topdefault smiley :-)) I have no idea how many middle people it would have to go through! I imagine others have submitted ideas as well...lets hope they are friendly and sociable with their customers enough to here us out!

I got a couple of newbies today!default smiley :d

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I got the Schleich 2020 Siamese Cat!

I also got the 2020 Horse Club Special Edition Arabian Stallion! An Exclusive...yay!

Both new with tagsdefault smiley :)
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I'm going to be doing things around the house this summer so I can earn money for schleich tack supplies and horses and sets
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