The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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Either Totara or Rocky...
I can't rememberdefault smiley (o)
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By Retired breeder, 6th May 2018 13:10:34

He was a palomino QH boy, I loved him! Everyone else thought he was a brat, but he was an angel for medefault smiley (7)

When we switched barns I was sad to leave himdefault smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 6th May 2018 14:41:45
Ohh, I remember it like it was yesterday- Through, it was 3 years ago at minimum.
I was on a Horse-Riding camp and honestly, i was just plain bad at everything. Turns out that everybody there came from horse-oriented families or at least had some experience. I had none.
Every day we had a new horse and we were choosing them by straws and the universe wasn't exactly merciful since on the First day, I got the most uncontrollable horse there- Jurašek, in English Jura.
He always found a way to unlock a stable and during the dinner when we returned to the hotel, one or two people had to left behind for another 2 hours to keep watch over him.

But honestly, he wasn't soo bad. He just didn't liked people and it was a real mistake to let kids ride him. I saw his owner once and let me tell you, He is a real sweetheart when he wants to be.
By Retired breeder, 7th May 2018 00:09:45
Anabelle! A calm and seasoned Oldenburg mare.
By Retired breeder, 7th May 2018 03:35:58
Ibex or mistral. Or a different horse i dont really remember default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2018 14:10:28
Bucky. He also bit my head.
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2018 16:38:00
I think mine was Winetou... But I was about one or two years old so you can´t speak of "riding", but "sitting on a horse". I learnt who to ride and handle a horse on a shetland pony called Teifi.
By Retired breeder, 9th May 2018 16:52:47
I was like 6, and his name was snowball
I wish I could was such a long time ago and it was such a beautiful black horse cracking temperament to !default smiley (y)
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Maverick! He was an absolute dream!
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By Retired breeder, 12th May 2018 19:57:16
Butter! He was so cute.
Nicky, he was the cutest little grey ever!
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DJ. He was 21 years old and so sweet.
Celtic Queen
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Bookie, a tall 25 year old bay Thoroughbred. He Raced and did Polo. His race name was Book to Win. Have not been able to find his records.
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By Retired breeder, 19th May 2018 11:25:52
Sport! A green-broke Chestnut Quater Pony! He didnt even buck or flinch just decided to sit down and let me slide off! I was 8 -.- and very much not amused as i rolled off into manure.
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2018 20:54:28
Prince, he basically thought me how to ride, sadly he died last yeardefault smiley :(default smiley (n)
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2018 05:38:56
Retired breeder wrote:

Prince, he basically thought me how to ride, sadly he died last yeardefault smiley :(default smiley (n)
that's really sad its hard to let go of the horse you learned to ride on
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2018 08:49:23
it was the Shetland pony we had, named Salty, the guy who sold her to us didnt like her, so we named her Sugar. we Loved her.
By Retired breeder, 27th May 2018 23:54:13
Her name was Sassy! She was my great aunt's horse, a dapple gray Arabian, and I had to have been only six years old. My great aunt had to re-home her a few years ago unfortunately due to bone spurs and family illness, and we both still miss the attitude she had.
Snoopy when I was 4 ish and I didn't stop riding him until I was 6 default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 29th May 2018 15:28:01
Nibbles, a little Shetland that we used to have. I rode him for the first time when I was about three years old. Cute little guy but really nippy (as his name suggests!). We sold him when I was about six to another little girl, he would be about 22 years old now.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2018 12:50:43
Hmm.. I do not remember the name of the first horse I ever rode because it was at a fair, but when I was 5 I started taking lessons on a pony named Feiry.
The first horse that I ever rode was named Robear. He hurt his leg when he was younger, and was given to me to pretty much live out the rest of his days, which was numbered. I used the grab a piece of bailing twine, and lead him up to the gate, then hopped onto his back and lead his around the paddock. Thats when my parents realised I could actually ride, and that I was, as they put it, "a natural".

I was four.

10 years later, here I am, competing for my state with 3 other lovely horses, Passion, an arabian, Marinette, a Stockhorse X Thoroughbred, and Cuddles, a Quarter Horse.default smiley :)
ᴡᴀʀ ᴘᴀɪɴᴛ
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By Retired breeder, 3rd June 2018 03:22:35

We went to a horse rental place and rode horses on the beach. My mom has rode Cheese-Itz.
A pony named Mickey!
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