The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2018 07:53:37
Myn was Olena. After I changed horses and now all the time I ride Anny. IN REAL LIFE
default smiley (l)
The first horse I ever rode was called Diabolo and he was a beautiful Friesian gelding default smiley (l) Sadly, he's no longer with us default smiley :(
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2018 19:04:53
Mine was Chocolatina, sweet thing she was.
By Retired breeder, 10th February 2018 21:19:12
His name was Blazer I still ride him when I can. default smiley :)default smiley :)default smiley :)
The first horse I rode was a little white pony named Pina Colada, but we called him Po Po for short.default smiley (l)default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 10th February 2018 21:58:54
mine was libby she had to be put downdefault smiley :'(
Balto default smiley (l)
Such an adorable pony, I really miss him
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The first pony I ever rode in a pony ride was named Blue, but the first horse I rode in lessons was named Jack. Unfortunately, both have passed away since default smiley :'(default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2018 02:09:05
Tonka- adorable haflinger pony!
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2018 02:38:10
i dont ride but one time i sat on my sister's mother-in-law's horse naed Gracie. 16hh QH/TB mare. It was the greatest moment of my life, i felt so free, i cant even imagine how wonderful i would feel if the horse was MOVING. Unfortunately i may never know as my family can't afford horse back riding and Gracie has a knee injury.default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 15th February 2018 03:47:39
The first horse that I rode was named Mindy. She was a little red roan pony and she was so cute! default smiley (l) sadly she passed away about a year ago.
By Retired breeder, 15th February 2018 03:55:38
I honestly don’t remember because I started riding really young and whenever my parents could find a horse owner who would let me ride lol. But the first horse that I truly worked with and didn’t just sit on for a ride was named Buena. She was a cute little chestnut quarter mix. My first horses name was Bailey’s Tauten (tauten means footsteps) and Bailey was part of his sires name (he was a champion barrel racer). And that’s my novel lol. Can’t ever get enough horse talk lol
Mine was Nico. It's like 13 years ago now, haha
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By Retired breeder, 17th February 2018 04:38:41
A little guy named Alcapony. He is a very sweet boydefault smiley :)default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 19th February 2018 12:48:29
I rode a pony named butter and she was old but very sweet and kind. She died in my second year of riding due to old age.
By Retired breeder, 19th February 2018 22:44:21
Mine was Persephone, and she still is good at what she does when riding!default smiley (b)default smiley ;)
My grandma had a thoroughbred race horse farm and they only had one little pony named Annie. I miss her!
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By Retired breeder, 20th February 2018 05:56:02
Sugar, she was my friend's horse and I learned to ride on her. I took care of her and rode her for 5 or six years and by the end of it, she was my best friend. default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 00:11:51
Retired breeder wrote:

Sugar, she was my friend's horse and I learned to ride on her. I took care of her and rode her for 5 or six years and by the end of it, she was my best friend. default smiley (l)

Is she the horse in your avatar/picture ?
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 01:12:40
the first horse that i ever rode was a paint mare named Mariah and she had the most sweetest temperament
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 02:37:39
BlazingBarrelRacer, no, the horse in my avatar is my own horse, my 4 year old Dixie. I got her while I still was caring for Sugar and I've had her for 2 years now default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 02:53:44
The first horse I ever rode on was a gorgeous Tennessee walking horse named Pudge. The first horse I ever rode in lessons was a paint named Remmy.
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 16:26:33
His name was Bo. He was my cousin's horse. Sadly two years ago, he slipped on ice, fell and couldn't get up. When she got back, (she was not at her home) he was already dead.default smiley :'(
I really miss himdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 16:27:27
Retired breeder wrote:

His name was Bo. He was my cousin's horse. Sadly two years ago, he slipped on ice, fell and couldn't get up. When she got back, (she was not at her home) he was already dead.default smiley :'(
I really miss himdefault smiley (l)
sorry to hear that
By Retired breeder, 21st February 2018 21:56:32
My first horse's name was Barbie. Let all know that the name did not suit her at all! Her owner did not ride her at all for 6 months, and by the time I lunged her for the lesson, she was a wild mare. I got on her very cautiously, and she gave me this look of 'you try anything and I'll pick you off so fast I'll be gone from the ranch'. I asked for a trot, and she picked it up so smoothly you wouldn't even know she was moving. Then I asked for a collected canter, and that's when things went crazy. She started to limp sideways, an it was only when I got off that I discovered why. She had an old wound on her right flank where it looked like someone had beat her with a metal chain shank. When I had asked her to move faster, I found that there was internal bruising that got worse when she never got physical therapy. After a year and a half of physical therapy and several trips from the local vet, she became better, and her injury seemed well. Well, after I tried to get her into a collected canter again, she fell with me in the saddle. She got her head so hard against the metal rail that the later of skin above her right eye was skinned, and you could visibly see the muscle and the bone. Her skull was fractured, and she screamed out with the pain. Her front hooves were badly sprained, and her right shoulder was twisted. My only injury was a slightly sprained wrist and ankle from jumping off the saddle. I called for the vet to come immediately, but she was too late. I had propped Barbie's head into my lap as I tried to keep her still and calm. I was the only rider in the ranch, and the only one who could help her. Right before Barbie died, she looked up and tried to muzzle me, as if to say 'Thank you for trying so hard to help me. You did good for an amateur.' As for the owner, she moved and didn't once come back to thank me for all of the money my family put in to help her horse. The ranch owner though, let me have her halter and lead role as a reminder of the horse i loved and the hard work it took to get her better. Rest in peace Barbie. You will be loved forever.
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