The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 12:55:32
His name was Crunchy XD He lived at my old barn, and he past away a few years ago due to old age, he was so sweet!
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 16:19:32
Mine was Gary, but everyone called him Gare Bear.
By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 17:50:24
Arizona. He was 35 years old!
Skipper! A big ol' lazy sweetheart.
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By Retired breeder, 30th May 2015 18:09:33
Goldie, she is a dun Quarter Horse. She is 28 years old now...
Sunshine she was a Quarter Horse. default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 31st May 2015 16:19:28
Sandy (: She belonged to my old riding instructor and he used her for teaching kids to ride! She was such a confidence giver.
By Retired breeder, 31st May 2015 18:33:22
Niki, she can't stand being left behind!
By Retired breeder, 31st May 2015 19:26:30
Truffles, a cheeky black Shetland.
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2015 17:34:24
Scooter, a very tall Appendix Quarter Horse
By Retired breeder, 1st June 2015 18:10:43
Rubicon. He's now 4.
By Retired breeder, 2nd June 2015 02:39:49
Epoch, my mom's old Appaloosa western champ. He was 15 then and is 29 now. default smiley (7)
prince was his name.
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By Retired breeder, 4th June 2015 02:19:41
Foxy default smiley (7) She was a big ole gray QH mare who treated me like a princess
By Retired breeder, 4th June 2015 14:33:13
Sonny, he was a Quarter horse cross if I remember correctly.
By Retired breeder, 4th June 2015 17:06:15
Maggie, I rode her on a trail and fell in love with her default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2015 12:06:02
Minstrel, he belonged to the barn I used to ride at
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2015 13:22:55
Rango hes a large pintodefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 6th June 2015 15:32:01
My horse's name was Mr. Grey. Flea bitten quarter horse who almost pooped on my head! He had to leave the barn he was at (it wasn't very sanitary, and the owner was mad when he cut his nose on the fence) and I haven't seen him since. My mom is on Facebook with the owner, though, so we get updates on how he's doing and where he's at. I still miss him. default smiley :(
Mine was a pony called Cinnamon.
Warriors 123
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By Retired breeder, 8th June 2015 01:15:12
Buster but for my first lesson I rode an old little mare named star
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2015 04:49:51
Kate. she was a mule. Most stubborn animal I have ever met default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2015 05:38:24
Honey default smiley (l)

She was the crankiest palomino mare on the face of the earth but I desperately loved her!
By Retired breeder, 8th June 2015 14:58:45
Uhmm I think it was Snoopy or Zomiro
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2015 18:44:10
His name was Moon. He was such a good horse
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