The name of the first horse you ever rode

By Retired breeder, 21st July 2014 21:47:20
So? Mine was Sunshine, what was yours?!default smiley ^)
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By Retired breeder, 17th October 2021 22:41:57
Retired breeder wrote:

I want to get a horse but i dont have a shlter or fence yetdefault smiley :'(

You’ll get ur own horse one day! Don’t give up! I don’t own a horse either and I’ve been riding 4 YEARS!default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 18th October 2021 20:30:47
The first horse I rode was named.... Big Lilly. That was when I was like 5 years old
I now have a 12.5 hh Welsh mare named Willow. (she's to small for me, but my parents don't think so (my feet come down to her knees when I ride bareback) (hopefully I will be getting a bigger horse soon!)
By Retired breeder, 21st October 2021 13:00:31
Spot, he is a paint and is very nice, his colors are dark brown and white. Idget(Heavens little lots a socks) is the first horse that my family owned that I rode, he is very stubborn and I’m too big to ride him now default smiley :(
Lucky, he is was a Tennessee Walker. He lived to be a grand age of 35.
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The name of the first mammal I ever rode was a 20 year old mule named Quincy. He picked me, not the other way 'round.

The very first HORSE I rode was a 7-year-old gelding named Morgan who was a chestnut bay (sorry if I butchered the correct term for all brown with brown mane - he was chestnut something). Anywho, I first rode the mule at Boy Scout Camp Fife. The gelding I rode at a CYO horse camp out on an overnight trail ride.

Gosh I miss horseback riding. It's been like 13 years since last I rode.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd October 2021 16:34:28
Ramesses - appaloosa stallion.
By Retired breeder, 2nd November 2021 17:48:15
Romeo, he was this mixed pony, he was black with a tiny white star, he was a goofball but he was a good boy, he lived till he was 25-26 :")
By Retired breeder, 3rd November 2021 22:58:28
His name was Scar. He was a large bay retired Thoroughbred racehorse. He was so gentle and sweet. He was a gift from my father. I was 2 at the time. default smiley (7)default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 7th November 2021 21:13:10
Vella. She’s a bay Quarter horse mare with a white blue, she has the sweetest temperament EVER and I rode her bareback and with a dog leash at our deer lease, haha
She’s pretty great lol
By Retired breeder, 9th November 2021 17:16:52
Also Sunshine. I was at an amusement park when I was very little. At least I'm pretty sure it had a name. I think my cousin and I might have randomly named them too XD
Lyra and she was a palomino and I think she was a quarter horse but I could be wrong bc that was like 8-9 years ago but she lived to be I think 18 or 19. I miss that sweet girldefault smiley :'(default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 14th November 2021 04:19:24
Lady, a quarter horse (white)
By Retired breeder, 14th November 2021 15:36:48
Tempo her full name was Tempora and she was an Andulasian horse I started riding when I was just about to turn nine
A chestnut Arabian Ducky. I miss that girl!
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2021 20:16:32
It was a fleabitten gray camarque named Atilla default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2021 21:18:34
The first horse I rode was a chestnut quarter horse named Flicker. Bounciest horse Trotted my very first lesson
By Retired breeder, 27th November 2021 22:25:22
The first horse I ever rode was named was Kizzy. She was the sweetest horse ever! default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 29th November 2021 02:49:12
Pipi - a dapple welsh cob
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2021 03:39:46
It was so long ago! I think his name was Captain. He was brown, and that’s pretty much all I remember about him. default smiley (lol)
Falcon a feisty dark chestnut quarab mare. She taught me a lot. I still have her grandson, sometimes i see her in his eyes.default smiley (l)
~Beth Dutton~
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I was 3 when I first rode a horse. Chester was a paint gelding (he actually used to be a racehorse, or so they told me :P). He was sweet, nosy, and liked to nibble. He was also kind of an idiot, and years later, when I got my mare, he chased her around the pasture like he'd never seen a mare before LOL
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2021 15:25:22
I don't remember what the name was of the first horse i ever rode, but one of the first horses was called Disney
Mine was Superglide! (I was 4) and the dog nipped his hooves, and he began bucking- I fell and had a 2 foot bruise on the front of both of my legs- but then he ran off back into his stall, but I’ve ridden him again, and many more times
Brooke Rabbitheart
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2021 17:58:42
Mine was a bay thoroughbred named Beethoven default smiley (l). He passed a few years ago but was lovely. I showed miniature horses for a long time when I was little and the first I showed was this adorable boy named Sisco. He had quite the personality though.
By Retired breeder, 13th December 2021 01:34:45
Emma, she was a black shetland Pony and could never be caught unless all the Horses came in too default smiley xd
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