[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2009 23:02:17
The thing with the Black Pearl coming back is that retired coats are reentered
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2009 23:08:03
Is this coat retired? I have no clue!! |
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2009 23:22:28
Nope, that one is still active.
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2009 23:25:48
Okay, thanks
By Retired breeder, 13th June 2009 23:46:43
How do you tell if a coat is retired?
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 02:35:12
Used to be by clicking on it...if you could see the coat it's not retired, but if it says 'select a coat for horse...' then it's supposed to be retired. BUT it seems even if the don't show the picture some are not really retired.
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 05:12:40
You have got to be KIDDING me----Really??? Ok, I am sending off several letter's myself. I am going to bypass the contact button......that seem's to be really helpful. And they wonder why we keep quitting!! This is ridiculous that us player's that "support" the game--yes, I buy passes (I did anyhow) cannot get an honest answer & won't be taken seriously with our question's (example billdadog) Seriously, we do know how to tell if they are retired!!! I have pulled all my retired coat sale's, I don't want anyone else to lose money.......at this point, I think I just want an answer. Probably can't get our lost equis/passes back.
I will let you know IF I hear anything...best of luck |
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 11:55:20
First message @ the bottom and most recent message which they haven't replied to @ the top...probably don't want to read it all. I didn't put original message & reply...but this is the rest.....ugh
Jaguar: "Make sure the coat is no longer available to buy through the GA. To check, click on the picture on the horse's page and it should take you to the GA page. If it has been retired, then no picture will show up on the GA page to select." This above is how everyone checks if coats are retired. All the horses were talking about has no picture showing up when everyone clicks on it, thus everyone thought they are retired. So yes, you could say the site says they are retired. I really don't know how to make this any clearer...many of the coat collectors are finding the 'retired' coats some of them spent many passes & equus on truly aren't retired. Support team message on the 14 june 2009 23:07:02: Hello billdadog, But who is saying, this is a retired coat? A player? The site? If it is the site, where are you seeing the word retired? Sincerely Howrse Team You have answered on the 13 june 2009 19:19:49: Everyone has been thinking these coats are retired, including myself. Let me pull a few comments from the retired coats topic... Maranatha Meadows: " OK, in the interests of seeing what's going on, I just went in to my Hunters. This coat is showing up as retired, but is still for sale in the BM. I used a pass and put it on the horse this link is hopefully directing you to. It put the coat on my horse, but if you click the horse, it shows that the coat is retired. So, there's your answer gizmogizzard - the coats are usable, but then show up as retired. That's ridiculous! " Inner Chorus: "Crossing fingers for a reply soon - I also tested putting a coat on one of my horses (My First Coat) and it worked fine yet shows as retired when you click on it. " Thanks for putting up with me. Support team message on the 13 june 2009 19:05:57: Hello billdadog, Ok. Maybe I should explain this way. Howrse does not retire coats generally. The player who made them has a link to retire them. That removes them from being bought. After a time, howrse may remove them for space constraints. So, what I am failing to understand is why you think they are retired. Who said, this is retired? Sincerely Howrse Team You have answered on the 13 june 2009 18:54:21: When you click on the coats they say 'select a new coat for your horse.' When non-retired coats give you the option to give that coat to your howrse. Thanks again. |
I have seen this happen before but maybe not to such a large scale as now.
Last Oct or Nov 2008 I have noticed that a few of the CraXor coats where appearing in the auctions and sales. This seem very strange to me as these coats where very rare and also retired for a long time. I checked the BM and found them available to purchase with a GA. Yet the coat was and still is retired. Many of the long time collector will know which horses that I am referring to. For those of you who don't this is a description for you ( the golden pegasus with the pink mane and the golden horse with purple mane ) There is a picture posted of these two horses on page one of this topic.
Eh? im confused now.........
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 15:33:46
Sorry for not replying, I haven't been online much and all I've been able to do is just rotate my meadows for my EC boarders.
With regards to the issue, I will be checking with administration but this is how I was aware it had been working - if the coat is clicked on but does not show up on the page to be purchased, it's no longer available. If you can click on a coat and you can choose it to add onto a horse, it's currently available. If there are some coats which are not showing up but which are definitely available, could you pop me through a PM with a link to the horse (and preferably where it is in the golden apple!) so I can have a quick look? I've had a look at some of the horses on the thread but a lot of them got a bit confusing due to bad links etc. The other aspect I'm not sure if anyone has covered yet is the fact that an owner of a coat can choose to re-activate a coat at any point. If it has been retired a long time ago but the player still wants it on their game, then they tend to bring the coat back for a brief period every so often so the coat doesn't get deleted just in case they do a massive server sweep. If a coat is fully deleted, the player is refunded their passes and as far as I know, all horses with that coat have it removed and you get a free golden apple to choose another one. It's rare that the deletion happens, so most horses are safe, but I have heard from some players who have had this occur. Of course the owner might also want to reactive the coat for a bit just for other reasons. I have 2 "retired" coats myself which do not show up on my public page for coats because they are not activated - however, I can go onto the coats page on the My Account page and reactivate them whenever I want (the coats in question can be seen on my Aussie farm). Just to make it clear, I've been here since 2007 and my coats date from then too - I retired them about Christmas time. I can't remember seeing any major deletion since that point, but if there's a lot of BP coats there then it's plausible there might be a clear out when there's a huge amount of coats. However, before anyone blows up, I would urge you to remember I'm literally just a volunteer on the staff and don't get a lot of the big coding/memo type things - this is just me speaking at this stage rather than an official mention from admin ![]() Sorry for the confusion, and hopefully I'll be able to clear up some more when I can. Not that I've cleared up much in this huge post, but hopefully it's a start.. O.o |
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 15:41:50
Just a quick, idle question (mostly because I can't check it on my own account), is there anyone who could do me a favour?
I'm after someone with an account which doesn't have a howrse of one of the catagories in their farms (eg you don't own a unicorn), then could you try clicking on a known available unicorn coat and see whether that comes up with the picture or whether it just comes up blank as though retired as well? |
In my forum is a list of coats by picture URL. Those are the ones that paint queen owns or I am holding for her to buy. I know some are retired like the ones by Strange who quit howrse, some are stolen art, and some the owners retired the coats. If you are collecting the coats I sugggest using the coat number to help you keep them in order.
I just sold a CraXoR coat for 8 passes. Some like a pain that I bought for over 25,000 are extremely rare. Yes, I have paid up to 5 passes for a coat.
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 16:45:26
is this coat retired????? ![]() |
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 17:03:19
rightiho, I've had a look at the pirate one from the other page - although it does have that blank screen, it does appear not to be retired so I am talking to admin with regards to that. As not all retired coats have come back, I can only assume that coat was intended to be returned by the owner but I'll double check with them to make completely certain. I'll pass on all the information to admin to see whether they can check the coding too
However, with regards to any of the coats, please do remember that players can bring back coats whenever they like. What is retired now may not be retired a month in the future, if the player opts to bring it back (most don't). You're really buying a "limited edition" coat rather than fully retired coat. I'm assuming most of the long term collectors are aware of this anyway, but extreme apologies to any of the newer collectors who weren't aware of this ability. |
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 17:18:17
Thank you to the 2 mod's that are listening to us!! I am talking privately with them also, so we can get this figured out!! Most of us just want someone to pay attention to us---so hat's off you you --Jaguar Anyhow, I have sent the personal pm's too. Thanks for helping!
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 17:19:19
I forgot to say, I think there are at least 15 or so that are "doing" this right now. All coat's that came up "retired" in the past few week's. Plus a few from a few month's ago. Doesn't seem to be happening with the older coat's.
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 18:21:31
is it retired or not
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 19:59:10
wings of spirit - It shows as retired when clicked, but to be sure you'd have to chcek through the BM and make sure it's not there.
Thanks to the mods looking into this, hoping it can be resolved soon (whether that is to have the coats show as available or have them fully retired - anything to clear up potential confusion for coat collectors and sellers). If it helps, here is the link to one of my horses wearing the My First Coat which shows as retired when clicked on but is present in the BM. I placed this coat on the horse yesterday. I pay passes for rare coats, especially if I like them. Hunting for the CraXoR coat without wings at the moment. |
By Retired breeder, 14th June 2009 21:24:07
Thank you so much Jaguar for posting...contact replied once again talking about pegasus' or something...
That is a craquotte coat that says it is retired but is one of the ones you can still buy for a pony currently. Choose a pony then set it to chronological then on page 7 is the coat. I do not know why that one would be retired since the owner is an active player.
I feel really cheated and robbed as well as dirty for selling coats that may other players may have bought for one pass.
I have put a lot of passes into howrses whose coats were retired but then turned out to be available. I noticed two dear friends suddenly getting their hands on many $10000 retired GA coats. THIS IS NOT FAIR. I DO NOT CHEAT PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY OR COMMIT FRAUD. i have defrauded people because I did not know that the coats could be bought for one pass. I have checked for retired coats this way for two years and now I am cheating my friend who will probably pay me lots of cash for what I could get for one pass. I need a bath as I feel so morally corrupt and vile as this goes against my gamesmanship and morales. I want my passes back for every howrse that I bought and my cash back for every howrse I bought that did not have a retired coat.
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2009 02:30:16
mechurchlady, you are not the only one feeling cheated and robbed. I have spent 65,600equis and 30 passes since June 6 buying retired coats that I could have gotten for 1 pass via the black market. I have also had NO reply through the contact us link.
The $45 I spent buying those passes was a sacrifice for me right now. I chose to make the sacrifice by waiting to buy some things I really needed more than I need fake ponies, but it was money I could spend. In my family, we have had to tighten our belts with this economy, so that was the tiny bit of "luxery" money I had . . . I chose to spend it in this way because I enjoy this game and it is an escape. I am so frustrated right now with this whole thing that I'm really evaluating whether I'll even keep playing. I've spent hundreds of dollars on this thing in the just under a year I've been playing, and I don't really get any sense that there is any appreciation or concern from Owlient, or loyalty to the players that support the game. Certainly, much to ponder. . . |
By Retired breeder, 15th June 2009 03:40:20
This is part of the list I sent Jaguar in response to her message. Perhaps others of you can add to this as well. This was for a Quarter Horse - that may matter for the page numbers.
I will give you coat name - designer - page Night & Day - Hey Blondie - 3 Firehorse - pimoossee - 3 horse white - chvalette - 4 Mother Earth - afield5000 - 5 Autumn - chloky - 6 I'm In Camouflage - Erudas - 6 Black Splashed White - dualydoo5 - 7 fire - ulivo - 8 Jump! - Larrimer - 8 Fuego - Hey Blondie - 8 Blue Flames - Brazen - 9 Medium Chesnut - Polychromer - 10 my very 1st coat - Megan_rules_1 - 11 Fireking - afield5000 - 13 Panda Horse - Erudasi - 13 My Blue Dream - Tigger Lilly - 13 la fuente - neoromero - 15 Calymphe - Craquotte - 15 Mr. Palomino - pimoosse - 16 Grulla Sabino - duallydoo5 - 16 Painted Mustang - bluebunny2005 - 16 Hore In Black - Aphrodite31bis - 16 PaintyPaint - czamelie - 16 Golden Trotter - equites - 16 The following are not horses I know of directly, but other players have mentioned and I came across them as well: Rose Grey Rapunzel - Bellastone - 13 dk grey/black - fresianlvr - 15 Jolly Roger - Pirate Captain - 17 |