[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

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The Howrse Team
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I'm getting the hang of the the new trophies now that I've been using them, BUT I really wish they would keep our old trophies and make this an alternate page for them (or something similar to that).

I enjoy the collections page at least, it's really helpful for RC collecting, but in my opinion that's something they could've added without changing our trophies.
The Pinto Pony
  • Posted messages: 1,334
  • Karma: 10 points
Probably the best update! Been collection for fun since i started, makes it even better receiving prizes for it now. Thank you default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 6
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The Pinto Pony wrote:

I'm getting the hang of the the new trophies now that I've been using them, BUT I really wish they would keep our old trophies and make this an alternate page for them (or something similar to that).

I enjoy the collections page at least, it's really helpful for RC collecting, but in my opinion that's something they could've added without changing our trophies.
This was my wish, too.
Make the new Trophies an Achievements page
Add the Collections (but really changing the navigation of it)
Keep the old Trophies (but just giving us the option to enlarge some of the icons a bit)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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It's a relief that we no longer lose trophies once we earn them. Bye-bye the monthly panic that one of my horses has reached 225 rosettes so I don't lose my trophies default smiley (lol) Sod's Law though, had this started a few weeks ago I'd have more points and an additional bronze trophy on the Grand Prix badges.

Now that there are more trophies to be earned in some areas... well, let's just say that with there being a gold trophy Master of The Manure Pile XII which required 500,000 droppings... Fairgreen Stud is going to get a whole lot stinkier default smiley :p 'Phantom' Sleipnir, general manager of Fairgreen Stud, is uh... thrilled? default smiley xd
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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I miss my trophies the way they used to look and how they were displayed on my profile but I do love that I get rewarded with some BMI or even Divines now which that part is nice.
Pinson Farm
  • Posted messages: 3
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I feel that there is a pattern to the prizes, I purposely picked up the big lot on the app as it grabs them all for you, I got 3 of each plus 2 divines, with divine 3 being the next prize or the one after that, so it seems it's one of each prize and then a divine.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Okay so, I know I havnt been the most active in past months but friends told me to check out the new update.

I have to say, Im incredibly underwhelmed and find it disapointing.
The old trophies seemed to focus on induvidual things and helped people make more collection choices, wich would then also be proudly displayed on their page. (something i personally adored, it also showed what kind of playstyle a player preffered, collecting, competitions or other misc things)
The current system is sterile and devoid of any personality, infact I wish id taken screenshots of my old trophies and the acievements id made with them, a lot of them made me feel proud of the things i focussed on.
The old system made me feel like (in my case collecting) was growing, I achieved "Gold I" or even "Gold III" maybe even "Diamond II" with some that were in parts.
It was also fun to achieve the "all coats of X breed" to show on my profile wich horse breeds i liked to play with most. and maybe oneday try to achieve them all. Or show off i love unicorns (till a few months back i avidly kept the 1 of all breed of unicorn updated asap)

But most painfull is that my favorite aspect of the game, Collecting Retired Coats, where i was growing my collection steadily, wich was a decently impressive collection, i was nearing gold or just reached gold even, Is now displayed as a [b]mere 4%[/b], because it takes in account every retired apple the game has ever seen, making it an impossible completionist goal that only cares about trying to collect the impossible. (very fun to have coats with only a handfull or even as low as 1 or 0 left in existance count for the tally)
having well over 200 diffrent RCs, only account to 4% is a slap in my motivation, a slap in my effords.
It also doesnt help that none can see what your trophies are anymore, nor what got you there.
Nolonger can someone take a peek at the divine species or the golden apples, Helios rays, Retired apples and other things from another users profile anymore. Not without sorting through hundreds of horses many of wich likely dont display things without opening each one in a tab like companions or helios rays..

This new update is a sterile, unpersonal and unfriendly change to howrse.
Sure getting a reward and even a divine after completing some is nice, but i dont think that system warranted to get rid of what showed each users personality of their gameplay.
I think the old and new system could have co-existed, But howrse once again choose the least fun route and got rid of the old. got rid of the charming little trophies for the most boring un-fun medals.

This only made me less motivated to play very actively again. Another downer ontop of the already many issues of howrse.
  • Posted messages: 327
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[quote=1404391384][author]Oathkeeper[/author]I feel that there is a pattern to the prizes, I purposely picked up the big lot on the app as it grabs them all for you, I got 3 of each plus 2 divines, with divine 3 being the next prize or the one after that, so it seems it's one of each prize and then a divine.[/quote:0]

Can confirm that this is true, as I did it on desktop and had to collect each prize one at a time.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I feel that there is a pattern to the prizes, I purposely picked up the big lot on the app as it grabs them all for you, I got 3 of each plus 2 divines, with divine 3 being the next prize or the one after that, so it seems it's one of each prize and then a divine.

Admins on the French version have stated that the cycle is 10 Items with the 10th prize being a Divine.
They also stated that prizes get better the more cycles you complete (allegedly! It was all written in French and my French is a low B1 so some things might be lost in translation).
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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I do not know yet wether I like this new trophy thing or not. I spend quite some passes and equus on trophies last month (I finally compoeted my uni collection), but now it kinda means nothing anymore. Thanks for the divine though.
  • Posted messages: 95
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Kiru wrote:

The old trophies seemed to focus on induvidual things and helped people make more collection choices, wich would then also be proudly displayed on their page. (something i personally adored, it also showed what kind of playstyle a player preffered, collecting, competitions or other misc things)

did you see that you can click into the trophies? there are still coat customization and breed trophies. actually id argue there are MORE coat and horse related trophies now than before
  • Posted messages: 3,805
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That's good that it has been confirmed default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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I'm personally having the time of my life, I have so many low level companions and coat items that I never bother to use, so I'm not just throwing them all over the place.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Nalu93 wrote:

Admins on the French version have stated that the cycle is 10 Items with the 10th prize being a Divine.

That sounds like what my strike rate was as I clicked through all the prizes for my trophies. I've received Tarpan, Tiny, Tianma, and Etrian so far, plus a stack of heels, VAs, HOPS, CTs, p-stones, etc. default smiley (7)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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I absolutely hate the fact that our old statistics are not being counted correctly.

I definitely have over 250 rosettes on my account, considering one of my horses has just over 1,000. And even if this is limited to non-Divine horses, I have a non-Divine with over 600 rosettes, so it should still register.

I have close to 200 non-GA special coats, and that's not counting the ones in my immortal farm. I should not be 51% to 150.

The GA trophy is also not being counted correctly, but there's too much math for me to bother getting specific #s on that.

Win 50 rosettes with the same horse? Done and done many times over.

Organize 50 competitions in my EC? They've been running for... oh, a few years at this point, and I'm fairly certain I have them set to run once a day. That's 5 competitions a day for the past 2-3 years *at least*.

If the feature wasn't ready to roll out, they shouldn't have done so. I don't want my general ranking negatively impacted because the new feature is calculating things incorrectly. From reading this thread it seems as though I'm not alone in this camp.

Please, for the love of everything, if you're going to keep this around, make it keep track of things accurately.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

I absolutely hate the fact that our old statistics are not being counted correctly.

They are.
For objectives that were carried over, only the latest 30 days are counted, so only the month of December.
From now on, they will not reset every 30 days.
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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Nalu93 wrote:

They are.
For objectives that were carried over, only the latest 30 days are counted, so only the month of December.
From now on, they will not reset every 30 days.

That's absolutely ridiculous. So the years of coats, rosettes, etc. I've spent collecting on my account don't count and I need to essentially start collecting from scratch?

Also, I'd like to make it clear that I'm not speaking with any animosity toward *you*. I know tone/direction can be difficult to interpret over a forum format.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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JadedHunter wrote:

did you see that you can click into the trophies? there are still coat customization and breed trophies. actually id argue there are MORE coat and horse related trophies now than before

I did, Love seeing my collections that were once "high ranked" as in gold level be "4%" now /s default smiley :@

This is much worse, and many of these are impossible to complete now. and many will not see their % rise unless they obtain an absurd amount. default smiley (o)

The old trophies gave a sense of being able to achieve the top level, this way none is able to 100% unless your on a tiny server where few things are gone default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 327
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Nalu93 wrote:

For objectives that were carried over, only the latest 30 days are counted, so only the month of December.
From now on, they will not reset every 30 days.

It confused me at first too but yeah, that it. It will take a wee bit of work to build some of those up, but we can do it!

One of the things I like about this is that there are in effect rewards, in the shape of BM items and even divines, just for playing your game, breeding and training and competing with your horses, all to done at your own pace and preference. It's like an ongoing built-in reward to seniority too because the longer you play your normal game, the more points you will build up on that page and so the more prizes you will win. That's kinda cool default smiley 8-)

I do hope it doesn't mess up the overall general rankings though. It's taken a lot of work to get where I am default smiley (lol)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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Nalu93 wrote:

For objectives that were carried over, only the latest 30 days are counted, so only the month of December.

default smiley (o) Fantastic so my 11 years were tallied up in.. 1 months worth where i focussed on other things?
  • Posted messages: 327
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

So the years of coats, rosettes, etc. I've spent collecting on my account don't count and I need to essentially start collecting from scratch?

No, that's not exactly what I meant.
I'm specifically talking about the trophies that were timed, so Rosettes, yes, Rosettes for your ECs, yes, Grand Prix honors, also yes.

Coats and pets are not affected, but those only count the items that YOU yourself have used, and not those you have bought.

I hope this makes somewhat more sense.

Also, I know you aren't aiming it at me, worry not, it's a... big update to swallow on a good day default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

That's absolutely ridiculous. So the years of coats, rosettes, etc. I've spent collecting on my account don't count and I need to essentially start collecting from scratch?

They all count as normal, as do things like the number of competitions you have entered and won, and the number of times you've entered the Grand Prix and times you've unlocked the fountain.

It's only the things that used to reset every 30 days, like trophies for rosettes won, or comps and rosettes earned by your EC, that have the lower than expected points already awarded.

All coat trophies give full credit for what we have.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,950
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Also, the coats and pets trophies were added at a later time, after the Backlash of the community bled well over Preprod, so those might have some inaccuracies because they scraped the data a second time and not with the same script.

I'm just pointing this out for fairness. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,946
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I really dislike the new trophy system. I wouldn’t mind new system, but this looks absolutely ridiculous and I’m very unhappy. I spent a lot of time collecting trophies and it was one of those things I actually still enjoyed in the game - and you found a way to ruin this. I wish you kept the old pictures and the way trophies looked. On the profile page, it looks so horrible that I had to delete my trophy showcase - from that huge amount of pretty trophies I had, it turned into a few rosettes with numbers that tell absolutely nothing.

Very unhappy. This is really one of the things that make me think if I perhaps should finally quit this game. Each update seems to bring somehing even worse than before.
  • Posted messages: 5
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Nalu93 wrote:

Coats and pets are not affected, but those only count the items that YOU yourself have used, and not those you have bought.

I hope this makes somewhat more sense.

Thank you for clarifying. *That* makes sense.

However, the coats and companions trophies are still way off. A vast majority of the coats on my account were added by myself. A vast majority of companions on my account were *also* added by myself. There's no way I have only applied ~75 special coats to horses myself, I have over 50 5th Element horses alone (these are just the ones in the proper breeding farm, I have more scattered throughout), over 40 Iris coat horses alone, and over 60 VA horses alone. I don't buy horses with those coats so these items were all applied by me some time in the past.

My immortal breeding farm has *95 horses* in it, every single one of them with a special coat that *I applied myself*.

Unless the trophy means that you need 150 *unique* special coats, in which case they need to update the wording because nowhere do I get that impression.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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