[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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I would LOVE if the trophies would show the real numbers rather than a percentage- it's a nightmare especially for the trophies requiring thousands of actions..
  • Posted messages: 149
  • Karma: 10 points
By Ardenia1, ?

I received an invite to Discord, to receive the grand news about the latest
developments on Howrse. I was of the understanding we have Dev's
Corner for all of the latest news updates. This is why Dev's Corner was created in
the first place. After being on howrse for almost 16 years I finally said if it was that important for them to send me an invite to Discord, I would look. I went
through all of the adding information to create an account on Discord
only to discover there was no news I could access....nothing at
all except for the rules. I went back today after creating my Discord account yesterday
only to be told I was not authorized to enter. Seems I am not alone.

Here is what I am wondering about now and would like to make
a few friendly suggestions to hopefully help everyone. Like I said before, I can see by the comments above me, I am not alone in this.

1: Please put every bit of news concerning Howrse in Dev's Corner so everyone
has access to it...not just the very elite teams or special persons. Everyone should
know what is going on with howrse from the new updates on Dev's Corner.

2: Why did I (and I can assume others, too) have to create a full account giving Howrse personal information just for Howrse officials to say we have your information now but you are no longer invited and you cannot use Discord? Is this some sort of error. Why make us go to the trouble of creating an account we cannot use.

If you create an account shouldn't you be able to use it when you want/need to as long
as you follow the rules?

3: I applaud the players who posted the information from Discord about the updated
news,but shouldn't this have been officially posted from the Howrse administration or the Discord Administrative personnel? The part I read said it was an official Howrse website I would be logging into. Otherwise, I never would have given them my personal information.

I haven't had the time to read all of the 3 parts of information wynter12 has graciously provided. I have hurt my arm so I can barely type, but I think this is worth noting not only for me but all of the players and Howrse. I am sure my friends...players, mods, and admins are all affected by this. I am pretty sure you are already working on a solution to correct
these issues.....I hope. Please consider what everyone has said here.

Please let all of the updates stay in Dev's Corner so everyone has access without all of the downloading stuff just to find out you were not really invited at all.It's like being invited to
a big birthday party only to be told you weren't really invited to begin with the invite was sent
by accident. What a let down. I am still waiting to see if Howrse will actually do an official post in Dev's Corner on what the invite news was about. I will never understand why you invite someone, have them to create a special account by giving you personal information just to tell the players they are not authorized to use the account they created just for you because you invited them to
see all of the news updates. It just doesn't follow. Please let us know if this was an error... t we were invited but an error occurred... or what caused us to no longer be invited.
I created the account yesterday and today I can no longer use it. I really don't understand this at all. If you have an explanation I am always willing to listen. Right now I am so let down with Howrse.

Still your friend.

  • Posted messages: 2,232
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Still glitched, tried on UK, where I have to stroke love divine 75 times, didn't go up from 76%. I personally am not going to work any of those divines on this server until this is either fixed or it gets close to the next update. I am also going to wait on sending horses to Heaven to age Yggdrasil today in case it's the case for that trophy as well.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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I decided to just do my old horses, didn't update, despite the age being enough to get it to 84%. Will be taking screenshots of this later on if it isn't updated and sending them to contact us to look into it. Just needed some proof that it's actually happening.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Oathkeeper wrote:

I decided to just do my old horses, didn't update, despite the age being enough to get it to 84%. Will be taking screenshots of this later on if it isn't updated and sending them to contact us to look into it. Just needed some proof that it's actually happening.

Yup same thing is still happening, I sent a ticket
  • Posted messages: 3,218
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HATE-! hate the little notif about packs-! I've already clicked on it to see the pack today. It shouldn't come back after viewed it. Fix it
  • Posted messages: 167
  • Karma: 10 points
MatchaBlossom wrote:

HATE-! hate the little notif about packs-! I've already clicked on it to see the pack today. It shouldn't come back after viewed it. Fix it

Same - it just showed up for me for the third time. default smiley :s I hope it doesn't appear constantly over the next three weeks while these packs are offered...
  • Posted messages: 14,946
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Same here.
The little, red, exclamation point is distracting and unnecessarydefault smiley (d)
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
Yeah the exclamation mark needs to get a fix somehow. I've had it twice. Once just to let people know packs are available is one thing but it doesn't need to re-pop up every hour once the page has been viewed, that's just irritating.

I was also having issues with the trophies before, but the one that I know for sure should have updated eventually did. The problem I'm having is many of them I can't tell if they're stuck or if I'm just not meeting the requirements, since they all take so long to move up a percent.

(Which, frankly, is a BIG reason they should get rid of the percentage bars and find a way to bring back the numbers. Even just a little "x/1000" thing next to or under the percentage bar. It would be a major troubleshoot help AND make the page more accessible)
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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The trophies are definitely still not working for me, I for certain should have received a gold and silver trophy but have not, very disappointing.
  • Posted messages: 80
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If there can be a red ! for the pass icon then there can be one for Ascent of Olympus to remind us to collect our daily Obol.
Crystal Coven
  • Posted messages: 2,799
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Why can't the game just put the Packs that are for sale in a banner at the top, as they have with Olympus and Cards Event, instead of that perpetually popping up exclamation point?

I realize that it's not a truly HUGE deal, but to have it keep reappearing every couple of hours and having to click on the pass page to get it to clear...over and over...is driving me batty!default smiley :@
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
I find the banners to be a bit unwieldy in their amount lately, and would rather not see pass or pack offers added to the ones we already have to scroll through.

Given how random the ! appears, I'm hoping it's just a bug, and isn't supposed to be there after you first look at the offer. Or at least let us deactivate it
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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Came here to say I, too, hate the little red ! over the pass icon, and that on mobile, it doesn't go away even after you view it! PLEASE get rid of this feature!
  • Posted messages: 496
  • Karma: 10 points
Same here. My trophies are not counting progress correctly and the red exclamation point on the passes is not going away after being clicked on... Please fix.
  • Posted messages: 321
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I was away for only 7 minutes after the red ! popped up and when I came back it was there again!!

I know technically its not a problem but my goodness make it stop.


Pretty please with a cherry and sprinkles and whatever else you want default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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It seems to be on the hour it pops up, as I have looked away for a few minutes several times and it happened, but what they had in common was that it was always just after the hour it happened.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Apparently I'm not the only one driven crazy by that pass page exclamation mark. It's absolutely annoying to have it pop up every hour or so.
gulo gulo
  • Posted messages: 58
  • Karma: 10 points
Are there people here that would be interested in an update that gave us the ability to sell back BMIs? Probably not for full price obviously, but we're able to sell back tack and food and stuff to the store, so why not the BMIs?

Also companions.

Let us trade/sell back companions

also also:

revert the coat collections back to what it was a couple of years ago. don't want you guys thinking we forgot about that default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 167
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Thank you for sharing your messages about the latest Devs' Corner!
  • Posted messages: 938
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Thank you for fixing the notification ! for the offers, I haven't had it happen since yesterday.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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Oathkeeper wrote:

Thank you for fixing the notification ! for the offers, I haven't had it happen since yesterday.

Same for me! Thank you!
Desert Dancer
  • Posted messages: 297
  • Karma: 10 points
No notifications here either, happy to see it fixed so quick! default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Check out the latest update in the Dev’s Corner!

Best Regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 938
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Most of the updates this month don't affect me. Not sure how I feel about the end of random fragments since my guess is that it'll be permanently geared towards the low end, making them ultimately more expensive than before. But considering it'll at least be easier to calculate and I barely ever bother with luck item Divines anymore anyways, it's not a huge deal.

The "new trophy" thing was just a massive letdown and I don't know why they even announced it? They've put out 3 new Divine series in the last month, why is this next one so super-special? I don't remember them announcing the Fire or Spice. Just seems like a slap in the face to be like "new trophies!!!" after we've been asking for more trophies based around other gameplay aspects for a year and then it's just yet another Divine series which we already have some 20 trophies for. Really getting sick of them. They clutter the page up and can't even be hidden or filtered for. They seriously need to work out a better layout for the trophy page if they keep insisting on adding 50 billion new Divines. I actually got excited seeing the new trophy update cause I thought we were FINALLY going to get some good news after so long only for it to be a Divine series tease. default smiley :@

Also I think putting the Starry Aura as trainer-automatic could be bad for some players who target train but again not something that'll affect me since I'm not buying any more Starry Auras unless they make them a free item again. Since they don't give a real prize they're not worth the 600 passes up front.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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