[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

Our developers have something to tell you! Every three (3) weeks, our devs will provide you with information about their work in the “Dev’s Corner.”

This publication is a way of keeping everyone updated on what’s happening with the game. We invite you to discuss and leave your feedback for each of the publications.

Note: All posts must adhere to the forum guidelines and be constructively made.

Take a look at our very first Devs' Corner publication!

Warm wishes,

The Howrse Team
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Can’t collect objective passes on mobile version after update
  • Posted messages: 49
  • Karma: 10 points
Thank you sooooo much for adding percent bars on mobile objectives.
  • Posted messages: 1,645
  • Karma: 10 points
So...I need to change my earlier answer
My objectives didn't validate tonight.

HOWEVER, I could validate by switching to classic. So, that is an option until they fix it.
  • Posted messages: 1,645
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IceGa11op: "Also, why Love divines?? My list of "now I need to work these passive divines" are growing default smiley :( Yes, I know you don't HAVE to do it. It just feels like every "divine trophy" they add keep feeling more like a chore and tedious work rather than fun. I never worked reindeers nor Christmas divines nor mythological divines, and now I have farms for all that. Guess I have to add Loves in there too. I'm sure every non-worked divine will end up there because that's what this game is about. Divines and optional events. Nothing for actual horse accomplishments evidently, other than the ridiculous requests for basically 1 horse."

well you see, the more page refreshes/horses you have to click on, the more page views, so their ad revenue goes up (if not using an adblocker). plus now more people will probably feel like they HAVE to spend that sweet, sweet pass money on otherwise mostly-useless divines few people typically care about because their return rate is too low to be worth it in weekend offers for the sake of completion achievements. they've already openly stated they hate that users only care about divines that actually do anything other than sit there in your farm. so tldr my guess is it's not just slog for slog's sake (although with some aspects of this site it honestly feels like it could be), but most likely it's for padding site revenue. /shrug
  • Posted messages: 566
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In fairness there were complaints when the new trophies first dropped that only the most recent (and therefore most expensive) Divine series were counted towards the trophies, while Divines that were older and either pre-owned or easier to acquire were not, making the entire thing feel like a money grab. They seem to be adding them as they get re-released on the game, so my guess as to "why Love Divines" is because they just had one in the Divine portals last month so a lot of people will have one to work now. All the other Divines from the portals already had a trophy, the Love series was the only one that didn't.

I do agree the need to work them specifically is silly though. There's no real reason trophies can't be passively earned, as the seniority, dropping collection, UFO, and EC competition ones don't require anything much to "do" on the player's part, they just happen when they happen. I don't see why the Love series couldn't be about collecting their perk every month. That bit really MAY be about padding for clicks, I have no idea.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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I contacted Howrse about the issue. For those who haven't yet contacted them, I pasted the reply so you can prepare info in advance if you wish to contact them.

Hello Adalena,

Thanks for reaching out, and I'm so sorry for the trouble. Could you try completely re-installing the app and then restarting your phone and see if that helps? Also, if you're currently using battery saving mode, could you switch to normal battery mode just in case too? And lastly, could you see if switching from data vs Wifi makes any difference as well?

Also, to help me isolate the issue, does this happen when playing on a desktop browser, or just the mobile app? Can you send a screenshot of the entire screen when the error occurs? Also, what is your device's make, model, and OS version?

Please keep us updated here!

Kind regards,
The Howrse Team
  • Posted messages: 1,645
  • Karma: 10 points
I also seem to recall that they intend to eventually have a trophy for every divine series, which, considering they're already like 80% of the page and they've barely covered a third of the ones that exist... can't say I'm looking forward to it. default smiley (8)

Personally this doesn't change my Divine policy though. There's some series I will simply NOT own unless they throw them at me for free. No Plants; no Grayfells, no whatever that silly one is with the Minefield game that you have to beat your brains out daily only to not get a prize from (Sherlock I think?) And absolutely NO Chimeras.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Actually, I enjoy the Sherlock horses but once I do get the trophy, I won't bother with them. Most of the time I find the worthless prize that's offered.

I'm not interested in howrses that waste my time and I really dislike the Ascent to Olympus. I'd be glad to see that go away.

And just for the record I still hate the Trophy's. Can't call them new anymore......
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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Thank you everyone for your feedback and messages regarding the latest Devs' Corner! As always, I've shared your messages with the team.
  • Posted messages: 938
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Arabians are best, truly you're not obligated to play it, just ignore it if you hate it, as many many players love it, including me
  • Posted messages: 594
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Thank you for your advice Evita, never thought of that. default smiley *-)
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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I love ascent of Olympus and the new divine trophies, I love my Sherlock Holmes and professor moriarty, when you get the hang of it and recognize the patterns it’s easy to get a prize every day. There are some divines I don’t plan on ever owning unless I end up getting all the ones on my want list and just want to complete collections. I typically care for just my divines and then work on my special coats collections. I’m a big fan of collecting and don’t enjoy clutter so this game is nice for me haha
  • Posted messages: 138
  • Karma: 10 points
Ascent is, in my opinion, one of the best features they've added in quite a long time. Yes, it can be repetitive and frustrating at times, but it gives us something to do and allows us to get valuable divines for cheap. On my free to play AU server, I got Morgana, Seth, and Percival, three divines I doubt I would have gotten otherwise, with Anubis likely joining them before they switch out again. I applaud the team for giving us a way to get these divines without costing us 3-4 months worth of objectives every round.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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I admit Ascent was a letdown for me personally since it seems to be just another "collect Divines that clutter up your account" gimmick and I'm not into that, as far as I can tell the Greek Gods and Heroes series don't do anything or have perks so I have no interest. I have too many Divines already and really only want the useful ones which will benefit my game from here out. I know it's a nice thing for Divine collectors though, and just cause I don't get anything from it doesn't mean I want it off the game, it doesn't affect me at all being there.

The one thing regarding it I wish they'd fix is putting some kind of thing where the Greek Heroes come with their 20 wins pre-won so they're not always in the BLUP comps cause that's still a problem for me even months after and it's not going away, and that's the one part that DOES affect and annoy me about it.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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Sometimes I don't get people, if you don't like parts of the game, just leave it alone? I personally don't like blupping skillers nor breeding unicorns but I won't ask for it to be removed cause that's the game for some people right? Nostalgia made me come back, but the divine collection made me stay, and Ascent of Olympus honestly has been the best part so far!

Also daw am currently using Athena and Heppy to work towards the rosette per horse trophy but now it'll be removed default smiley :( Hope they can eventually fix the bug and bring it back though!
  • Posted messages: 691
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Yeah, I don't get people either.

Unfortunately, for me the Ascent does affect my game because I do collect Divines and this new Divine series, for all the "time" that I have to put into it, offers no perks, at least so far. Since I'm a collector and have been playing since the first year this game came out, I have all the Divines. Collecting is a big part of my game. (So was the Trophies) Like everybody else I am allowed to voice my opinion and yeah I don't enjoy the Ascent at all.
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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I think it would be nice to have a notification section for ascent which can be turned off for those that are not interested, the notifications could include -

Reminder to collect our daily obol
24-48 notice for when the divines switch out
72 hour notice for when the current god is about to switch out
Notification for when new divines/god are switched in

Something like this could help mobile users who can't see the countdown for the divines. It also would help those that don't realize that they have to collect their obol every day. And it can be disabled for those that don't care for ascent.
  • Posted messages: 10,662
  • Karma: 10 points
So for the new unicorn change, is it only counting foals born after the update? Or mares born after the update? I've got several mares that just had their 6th or 7th fail, but only the last 2 foals were after the new update (so the 5th/6th or 6th/7th foal were born after the update).

If this is the case, you may want to clarify that as a lot of people are probably wasting their breeding items thinking their mare can get a guaranteed unifoal and they don't.

It seems so far to be working fine on my BLUPed mares born after the update.
  • Posted messages: 23,793
  • Karma: 10 points
It only counts covers after the update. It doesn't matter when the mare herself was born though.
You'd need 5 fails covered after the update for the 6th to be guaranteed
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
  • Karma: 10 points
Got it. I didn't see any of that information on the update though, so might want to keep that in mind for the sake of players in the future.
  • Posted messages: 23,793
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How do I complete beginer objective 39, win a gift in a contest?
  • Posted messages: 1
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  • Seniority: 24 days
Mayahorselover! wrote:

How do I complete beginer objective 39, win a gift in a contest?
The current Blast: Winter event is a type of contest. Once you open a chest you won from playing and get the gift, the objective should validate.

In future, this type of question is best posted in the Game Play forum, as it will be more quickly seen. This topic is for discussing game updatesdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
  • Karma: 10 points
So what is the, "There's an announcement waiting for you on our Discord server! " I'm not going there.

Thank you
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
  • Karma: 10 points
Arabians are best wrote:

So what is the, "There's an announcement waiting for you on our Discord server! " I'm not going there.

Thank you
It's answers to a game dev Q&A.
Unless someone else can do so, I can paste the post later on. It's quite long, and I'm about to log off, otherwise I'd post it nowdefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,408
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So now we have to be on another social media app to get information about Howrse? Really?

I agree with Arabians are best. I'm so not going there.

If it is really important, you should just have sent out a message with the message. Not direct us somewhere outside of the game.
Bay Emperor
  • Posted messages: 169
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