[UPDATED] Devs' Corner: October 2024

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More "trophies" added is all very well, but I want the old, actual trophies back. The current "trophies" would have been nice as an additional feature. Not as a replacement.
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
How does one "win" spices? default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 6,222
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My trophies haven't been applied retroactively... I really hope it's just a case of waiting! default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 9,629
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I think it is just going to take a while, they need to look back over a few months for everyone default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 10,662
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I think my long-lasting disappointment here stems from the fact that a trophy - an actual trophy - is something you are proud to win and to display, like when you win rosettes and hang them on the wall at home.

And I was, I was so proud of my old trophy collection. I was so proud of it and so motivated by the beauty of those trophies that I spent a lot of time and real money to acquire several of them. I took delight in arranging them to my liking on my profile.

It never did occur to me the game would remove the very thing they had encouraged us to spend money towards.

I am in no way proud of the current state of my "trophies" and I am exasperated by the fact it is impossible to tell WHAT exactly I have achieved when someone visits my profile.

I also am saddened that I can no longer view my beautiful retired coat and coat collections with ease. The collections feature is impossible to use for me, so I can no longer view what I have. default smiley :(

And I have lost all sense of what the status is with both my trophies and my collections. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
OMG, I HATE playing the "Ascent of Olympus" and now there are X amount of "Trophies" based on it. Kind of turns my stomach.....Why are they pushing this so hard?

Most of my game was about the old Trophies, now I hardly ever glance at the new ugly Trophy page. Such a joke....on us.....default smiley (n)
Arabians are best
  • Posted messages: 10,151
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Ruffian wrote:

How does one "win" spices? default smiley (8)

I think all will be revealed later this month default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 18,246
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Warning to those who rated the updates - if you try and rate the Christmas mazes, it won't let you but will instead change the trophy rating. Go and see and be upset.

I'm not impressed by the trophy update - I want my old trophies, not a couple gold stars for playing the new permanent event.

As far as the Christmas event, I'll make a decision when it comes out and I can see what they mean by "changes made to the meter's functioning."

Great job fixing the bug in the new permanent event.

I still really miss my old trophies. They were pretty and showable and these new things are a slap in the face. I refuse to display them on my page.
  • Posted messages: 969
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I doubt the rating is intentional. Different ratings have never been tied together before. The trophy rating seems to match what you rated the Mazes, but then when you go and change the trophy rating it resets the maze. So I don't think it's working correctly.

Hard agree on the trophies though. I appreciate getting new ones to work on, but it's only to get the prizes. If we could at least get unique icons for the trophies, it would improve the aesthetics to some extent, but the more we get the less I look at the them. It's just a long list of same looking circle medals, bars, and text
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 28,407
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I like the Ascent trophies honestly. Love the mini game itself so trophies to work on while you play it is a plus, and the new divine is stunning!
  • Posted messages: 12,363
  • Karma: 10 points
Love the Acsent and very excited about the new trophies.

I must admit I am annoyed that they created several starting at silver through diamond. I understand the logic that bronze would have been too easy, but it feels like cheating.
  • Posted messages: 1,645
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Well, I have never played Ascent and don't plan to, so the new trophies just clutter up the page even more on my end. Especially as people have been asking since the update a year ago for there to be more trophies added for the standard gameplay, with nothing more from the team than an "oh yeah we're working on that, it'll happen eventually" and now within... what, two months? They've added some 13 new trophies for this "new mode." I don't like it. default smiley (n)

Not to mention they didn't put it at the end of the trophy page like they ought to, instead sticking it in the MIDDLE of the Divine section with Spices (an unreleased series, so, spoilers I guess) at the end of THAT part. Absolutely messy layout. If I end up with a Spice Divine I'm not going to be thrilled having to scroll past 13 empty trophy slots just to see my progress.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
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I just wish they would change the drop down menus to tabs like the breeding farms... it would make the whole system so much easier to navigate!
  • Posted messages: 9,629
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I am not so fond of the new trophies. I would prefer something that is more fitted to my gamestyle, like I breed unis, and enjoy breeding unis, can there be a trophy created for me to "breed X amount of unis" etc.

I would also very much like to be able to group/hide trophies that I'm not actively trying to work towards, or have achieved 100%. The page is a little unwieldy now with everything mixed in. It's very frustrating to see a bunch of trophies that I can't actively work towards as the promo trophies take up a lot of space in the middle.
  • Posted messages: 1,915
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I mean, my most-visited page in-game used to be the old trophy page, the overview, where you could see each individual trophy and click on it to see the progress. It was so neat and tidy and easy to use. It took VERY few clicks to navigate, and you could see it all with a glance. It was nice and neat and small and easy to look at.

This new monstrosity is just BIG and AWKWARD and absolutely awful to look at and to interact with. Everything is so big and takes a million clicks to get anywhere and it forces you to look at tings you DON'T have... when the whole point of collecting sort of is to collect THINGS YOU LIKE. So that you can look at them. And only them, and not the things you don't like and don't want to look at. default smiley (d)

I also play on a laptop for a reason... the reason being I don't want the "mobile feel". So to have it forced on me and to have lost the old trophies... it still ruins the gameplay a lot.

I'm not entirely negative to the IDEA of getting rewards for progressing towards actual trophies, but to have the current concept as a replacement for the old aesthetically pleasing trophies and trophy overview is just insulting.
  • Posted messages: 323
  • Karma: 10 points
nlriver wrote:

I am not so fond of the new trophies. I would prefer something that is more fitted to my gamestyle, like I breed unis, and enjoy breeding unis, can there be a trophy created for me to "breed X amount of unis" etc.

This is my problem with the update, it's not that I'm against having Ascent trophies, it's a genuine gameplay mode and people who play are more than entitled to recognition for their efforts, it's more that it feels like players who still prefer the standard gameplay method are getting shafted, again.

Honestly, the new trophy system COULD be excellent. It has plenty of opportunity to encourage branching out and getting rewards for all types of gameplay, maybe even moreso than the old system which was more collection-focused.

Imagine if they took initiative from the daily objectives and modeled trophies after those? We could have trophies for breeding foals of different species, for training, for rides, for BLUPing certain numbers of horses, for use of BMIs besides just the custom ones (make x number of horses immortal, give birth to x sets of twins, make x horses into Pegasus, what have you), buying and selling horses, for growing crops, for finding items while doing horse care, the list goes on. I'm sure I could think of a dozen more.

Maybe they intend to do all this, but given that it's been a year and all they've added are event and Divine ones, and now these new ones for Ascent. Which is frustrating, cause if they'd change the layout and add actual workable trophies the new trophy page could be fine for what it is (I'd also like to be able to see what the trophies on your page display were actually FOR, but... baby steps). They just don't do it and so now instead of a fun page that encourages and rewards various types of game play we have the Event and Divine Advertisement Page (and you can't even do most of the Event ones for over a year when the event's not running).
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
Agreed, I really miss the old trophies and seeing what they were for on my page. I miss knowing the exact number too, instead of just the percentage...I'd like to see both. As for the way it is now...I'd love to see more trophies about regular game play rather than just events, especially since it's only now and then we can even work on them. I'm glad there are a few new ones about game play, but they are a smaller percentage of the overall trophies. What's disappointing at the moment is that I had already worked my Christmas and mythological horses today, and did extra reindeer games yesterday, thinking that the new trophies would take past actions into account like past game play trophies has, so I can't get as good of a start today.default smiley (li)
  • Posted messages: 14,543
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Famousamos wrote:

Agreed, I really miss the old trophies and seeing what they were for on my page. I miss knowing the exact number too, instead of just the percentage...I'd like to see both.

I was just thinking about how much I loved looking at peoples' divines! It was so fun to see peoples' collections. I really liked seeing what kinds of coats people liked using for their horses, too. It was just so personalized and told you so much about the player. Good times

I personally like that there's Olympus trophies now. I honestly really like the game mode.
  • Posted messages: 592
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Crookedstar915 wrote:

This is my problem with the update, it's not that I'm against having Ascent trophies, it's a genuine gameplay mode and people who play are more than entitled to recognition for their efforts, it's more that it feels like players who still prefer the standard gameplay method are getting shafted, again.

The thing is this is now a game about collecting so ascent is just an extension of what to do with your cards. What have they actually done for game play since they split comps into <>20 wins? Nothing outside of some items. You can't even change your ec from classic to western.
  • Posted messages: 6,222
  • Karma: 10 points
Why on earth did they change the name of the Mazes trophy to "Mazes: Christmas" isn't that just going to be confusing if they run a non-Christmas maze in the future? default smiley (o) Or are they planning to make mazes the only Christmas one forever now?
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
LOL I just realized this is one of the new trophies

Trophy: This is very unfair

'Lose in a room in Ascent of Olympus mode with more than a 90% chance of success'

Reads our complaints:

So... they're asking for a trophy, right? NOT for the odds to make sense? default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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Ok thrilled that Ascent to Olympus is a permanent game on here. Can you please do a menorah game too? This is feeling very Christian and excluding other faiths.
  • Posted messages: 1,028
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Also, the Sherlock game was based on choices. Which I like.
  • Posted messages: 1,028
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Gandalf wrote:

Ok thrilled that Ascent to Olympus is a permanent game on here. Can you please do a menorah game too? This is feeling very Christian and excluding other faiths.

I don't think they had any intentions for it to give off religion at all. Its just Greek mythology, and probably more common folklore then anything religious, honestly.
  • Posted messages: 12,363
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Greek mythology was (and still is, albeit rarely) technically a practiced religion, but it's not Christianity, it's a completely different belief system and is nowadays considered more ancient legend than religious.

Besides that, the Greek myth themeing on here goes back to the game's origins. Check the names on most of the old Black Market items. default smiley ;)

It's not JUST Greek either, there's lots of different mythologies represented among the Divine series like Egyptian, Norse and Celtic, but Ascent's theme is hardly a new thing for the game.
  • Posted messages: 29,523
  • Karma: 10 points
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