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Retired breeder wrote:

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the premium key cost ? and what are the objectives ?
Retired breeder wrote:

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post photos of the sea companions ? thanks
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Companions are all visible under Nalu's "prize" spoiler above. The Key costs 600 passes
This is from the Dev's corner
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I had to Google Translate it, so some portions may read a bit oddly: The Devs' Corner patchnote Here are some minor changes that were made to the game with this update: Changes: Three new Rays of Helios from Ow are now animated: Tailor's house, The forgotten kingdom and Celestial Counsel On mobile, if you search for a player in the directory, if his nickname is correct you are directly redirected to the player's page The message sent when a divine of love is offered goes back to a private message rather than a notification New daily objectives have been added and the number of accessible objectives for each player has been increased A link to the official Discord is now available on the homepage in the news block as well as in the footer Fixes: Correction on vintage apple filters when you already have dresses Removed the second buy button that could appear for a VIP on the Ray of Helios page
I've no idea what the new
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objectives are for the dailies that the Dev's Corner refers to. The ones I have today are ones I've seen before, so it's something we'll have to see about over time
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,230
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Bumping this to the next page
Nalu93 wrote:

Next Event:
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For those of you wondering yes, that is a Premium key that also offers bonus points, effectively rendering ANY Pace Checker void and null.

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Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 14th June 2022 18:21:11
thank you !
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yes i know about the companions on the list but i wanted better pictures.
Oathkeeper wrote:

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The first key promo didn't offer a divine, only the second one did. Many people consider the pastries useless, but a chimera gotten like this will pay you back and give you a bit extra. There's also the MA, BoM, and WS, all of which have a decent value to them.

My main problem is
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That you ALSO have to shell for Little mermaid, and that's another 2000 passes on top of it. With no chance to use items to offset. So yeh... default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 17,294
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Legacy Ann wrote:

I've no idea what the new
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objectives are for the dailies that the Dev's Corner refers to. The ones I have today are ones I've seen before, so it's something we'll have to see about over time

Yesterday I got
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"Complete 30 missions" and "Enter a horse with companion in a competition". I'm more than sure they are new.
  • Posted messages: 63
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So you can't get Delphin without the premium key? That is annoying - I was quite happy about the lineup until I saw that...
  • Posted messages: 3,215
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My objectives today were "Start a crop" and "Ride on the beach for 30 hours".

The former could be tricky as I usually just have cattle and it's unlikely I'll have a meadow free when I need it.
  • Posted messages: 559
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Qoquaq wrote:

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My objectives today were "Start a crop" and "Ride on the beach for 30 hours".

The former could be tricky as I usually just have cattle and it's unlikely I'll have a meadow free when I need it.

We may need to keep a watch on
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objectives like that first one, and provide feedback on preprod.

Starting workshop production is a doable objective, because it's not terribly inconvenient to keep at least one workshop set aside for producing something that can be collected once a day. But the meadow one is just not practical to workaround. Odds are that you'd have to either stop a current meadow's harvest, or skip the objective.

Legacy Ann
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My Silver dropped for the first time today! It only took 13 days this first time. (Hopefully this is the right place to put this.)
  • Posted messages: 79
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The sad thing is that I care so little about chimera, I am more interested in the key for the sea companions. And the other premium prizes. Don’t think pastries are useless. They gave me good foals some with rare coat or from rare breeds. Chimera give you 150 passes. That three days of connection for me. Less if Jade is in a good mood.
  • Posted messages: 543
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FalbasMeduline wrote:

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The sad thing is that I care so little about chimera, I am more interested in the key for the sea companions. And the other premium prizes. Don’t think pastries are useless. They gave me good foals some with rare coat or from rare breeds. Chimera give you 150 passes. That three days of connection for me. Less if Jade is in a good mood.

Chimeras give you 750, not 150
silver B
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Qoquaq wrote:

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My objectives today were "Start a crop" and "Ride on the beach for 30 hours".

The former could be tricky as I usually just have cattle and it's unlikely I'll have a meadow free when I need it.

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That first one is really unreasonable, many of us that actively use our meadows put longhorn cows on them, which is 30 days and a loss of almost 180k per 25 acre field + trough you don't have in use. I'm all for making more use of the EC for some of the objectives, but please reconsider this one, it's not fair, unless you would consider allowing us to stop our meadows early and get a part harvest.
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I concur whole heartedly.

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My meadows are always in use, one for apples, and 5 for cows, which takes an entire month for both. Its unfair that we would have to either cancel one of these, taking a good sized loss, or always have one open, just in case of a terrible objective like that, which again, means a big loss. And say, for examples sake, i do leave one open and get that objective. What happens if i get the objective again before my crop can be ready? I have to take another loss, or miss the passes and/or HOP for completing objectives. The only good thing is, we can change one objective. But i shudder at the thought of changing out an objective, just to get this one in its place.default smiley :o This objective needs to go before it even gets here!default smiley (o)
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150 if you substrat the 600 passes key.
  • Posted messages: 543
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I just got an objective to...trigger the falaballa bonus??

Uhhhhhhh I think there are several problems with that? I find it ludicrous.
  • Posted messages: 1,453
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Bumping up info on next event.
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Medieval kingdoms

The middle ages and the tiles event are returning to the game! Collect tiles and try to complete your Medieval kingdoms.

How to play?

Your goal is to collect tiles to place them inside levels. You earn gifts by completing levels.

The tiles are ranked in three categories:

1 star
2 stars
3 stars

To place a tile, it must:

Connect with another tile already placed (you can rotate tiles)

Match the same environment (same color) with the tiles placed nearby

The places where you can fit tiles are highlighted. When you select a space the tiles that can fit are automatically proposed.

� If you don’t have a compatible tile but if you own a tile with the same rarity as those that are compatible, you will be able to exchange that tile.

You can win fragments and chests by placing a tile on the board.

You don’t have to open your chest when you collect it. You will find your chests with the button on the upright corner.

Changes in this edition

� The main change in this edition is that you don’t have to surrender territories to earn a gift, but you have to complete levels.

� What is also new with this event is that you can now retrieve a tile already placed on your current game board!

Kingdoms & Cups

Complete levels to unlock new Kingdoms to explore.

You can change an already processed Kingdom, even once you have started it if you have another kingdom available.

When you fill all the available squares you also win a prize and receive a cup.

� You can redo the Kingdoms you have already completed to win the prize again but you won’t be able to win any new cups.

Once you obtain 12 cups, you will be gifted with the jackpot - Solar System starry aura.

How to get tiles?

You can earn tiles by:

Connecting daily to the event (4 per day)

Playing the event 5 days in a row (4 tiles each 5 days)

Winning competitions (2 per day)

Taking your horse for a ride (2 per day)

Buying them with passes


Solar System starry aura

We introduce this new item that offers the possibility to transform a normal horse that you love into a special one.

Your horse with the item gets a special ability, although its appearance is preserved. It will become a star horse and will be immortal with maximized competencies.

Such a horse cannot be sold anymore and cannot reproduce anymore.

The item, however, enables you to earn fragments of divine horses from the Solar System series by winning competitions. To win divine fragments with such a horse, you will have to win a competition for 5 days (not necessarily consecutive).

You can win up to 1000 fragments with this item. Once 1000 fragments are provided, your horse will not give you more but will stay in the star horse category.

A new divine from Grail horse series: Galahad!

Throughout the event, you can win fragments of the new Grail divine, Galahad.

Use the Tyche's Crown items to win Galahad's fragments or, if you are lucky enough, to get this special horse directly.

By completing this horse's special quest, you can win a Black Market item - Philosopher’s stone.

Prize list
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Finally, an event to look forward to! I’d say it’s worth the 600 passes. I paid for it last time. Though not keen on the tile events. It’s a bit dull and boring I’m afraid.
  • Posted messages: 3
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  • Seniority: 136 days
The Twitter Feed hath spoken!

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Summer, the Wanderer Music Spirit (?), one of the 12 Greyfell and Longma!

This sure is a full week! default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 17,294
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Seems like the weekend offers are getting bigger and bigger with every weekend… default smiley (zzz)
  • Posted messages: 110
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Yeah, by freeing one slot with the Crown they're quite happily sucking us dry default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 17,294
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I'm really not trying to be rude, but who thought these objectives were fair and reasonable? Expecting people to have certain divines and put their game on hold in places is not a good idea, it's very unfair and will likely just make the divide even bigger between casual and competitive players. Like, I enter a few hundred comps a day with auto comp and my divines, usually one will get the divine to trigger, but what if they don't? Does that mean I have to lose my progress just because I had bad luck? What about those that don't have any?

It's hard enough having to own a divine, win a rosette, give birth to a unicorn, and use items 3 or more times the pass prize, why keep making it harder? In my opinion, the ones listed plus the ones people have been getting should result in a higher pass payout, a measly 10 or 20 passes isn't worth the effort they require. Thinking about it, this could be a great way to unlock an optional 30 pass daily objective after we've completed the other 2, an objective that doesn't count towards the horn, but offers harder objectives for more passes.
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Well, cheap weekend for me.

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These are really only good for collectors. Summer gives equus, Longma doesn't trigger the tub of grease very often and it's available in CF's and Bonus Packs anyway. Chitu doesn't do anything.
Kitty Poker
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The issue with the season divines is it takes years for them to amass enough skills to be useful for high end/EC comps. Of all of them though, Summer is the best as there are more days of this season for them to accrue points.
  • Posted messages: 6,243
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Forgot to mention the Greyfell.

Worth collecting if you want the Palomino Sleipner but, afterwards, of no use unless you have a source of Pandora's Boxes or can be bothered to trade for them.

Personally, I love my silly number of Greyfell and bring them back month after month. default smiley (lol)
Kitty Poker
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Weekend offers.

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Oh, should we expect more Chinese divines to be re-released later with Longma this weekend? Cough cough Shenma??

Also, they really just skipped over Spring, hey?default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 5,346
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I suppose the Greyfell will be just Greyfell 2, since we had just number one last time. Which means it will likely be a long time before i can get the last two i need to have a complete set. Really frustrating because i have been waiting years wanting to finish my collection, and now that they are finally offering them again its a slow, painful, one at a time release, instead of being able to pick which one you want, like how the Falabellas are. I will have to wait through this weekend, and then 8 more offers to have a chance at the ones i need. I hate being patient!default smiley (o)default smiley xd It probably has something to do with everyone likely wanting a female so they can get two for one. At least that's my guess. But i mean, you can breed with Falabellas too, so...

Who knows, maybe they will surprise me...but i'm not holding my breath.default smiley (m)
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