[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:29:49
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Here are all of the prizes you can in the Eleven Gift in the Magic Rides!

~The 5th Element
~Themis's Scale
~Hestia's Gift
~Nyx Pack
~Morpheus's Arm
~Philosopher Stone
~Hera's Pack
~Harmony Pack
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:32:17
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Cocobean3 is going to be here a lot! default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:33:41
Retired breeder wrote:

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Here are all of the prizes you can in the Eleven Gift in the Magic Rides!

~The 5th Element
~Themis's Scale
~Hestia's Gift
~Nyx Pack
~Morpheus's Arm
~Philosopher Stone
~Hera's Pack
~Harmony Pack

There is no need to put that in a spoiler. We can all see for ourselves when we go to the Magic Ride page.
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:35:18
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"Yahooooo!" I just reilized once again they will be adding Draft Horses! Hopefully Shires, Clydestales!
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:49:21
I am confused how do I get a spoiler banner and what is a tester player?!
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:55:19
Retired breeder wrote:

I am confused how do I get a spoiler banner and what is a tester player?!

Spoiler Banner:

[spoiler*] Text here [/*spoiler]


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It looks like this obviously

A tester playing is a person who was invited by howrse to test a few new feature that might be added.
Retired breeder wrote:

will there be any draft horses?
default smiley *-)

Not in the Magic Ride. They'll be coming soon with the next EC updates. However we're not sure if they are going to be like the cattle used for Roping or if they will be actual breedable horses.
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Can someone post the Holiday Packs prices and what they all contain? I want a list so I can see which one is worth buying.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 01:29:17
Retired breeder wrote:

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There adding a new breed to Howrse the Lippanzier! default smiley (7)

We've known about that for a while now.
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 01:29:22
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I have seen a new breed. Who has it though? I can't find it in sales or anything.
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 01:42:07
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When is the draft horses coming?
Retired breeder wrote:

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When is the draft horses coming?

Not for a while, sometime after February.

Retired breeder wrote:

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I have seen a new breed. Who has it though? I can't find it in sales or anything.

No one has it yet, the presents containing them can't be opened until Christmas.
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I was a little surprised you coul,d see what was in the gifts before opening them.. Usually you couldn;'t in the past.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 04:26:04
wildfire7979 wrote:

I was a little surprised you coul,d see what was in the gifts before opening them.. Usually you couldn;'t in the past.

I'm pretty sure we could in the past...
Or at least I remember it as we could.
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 04:27:47
wildfire7979 wrote:

I was a little surprised you coul,d see what was in the gifts before opening them.. Usually you couldn;'t in the past.

Yeah .. I know default smiley (o)
I really want hippidion. History pack is not worth 35$ to me.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 06:11:41
wildfire7979 wrote:

I was a little surprised you coul,d see what was in the gifts before opening them.. Usually you couldn;'t in the past.

Really? How do you do that?!default smiley (8)default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 06:24:51
Go to your Christmas Tree and wave your mouse over the presents there/tap on a mobile device.
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 06:42:53
wildfire7979 wrote:

I was a little surprised you coul,d see what was in the gifts before opening them.. Usually you couldn;'t in the past.

Correct me if im wrong but if you hover the mouse over them you only see what things you could get from the gift.
so after the meadow and box change opal and ruby will no longer get diamonds??? howrse better fix that
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the packs were ruined with the removel of the silver apple default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)
Horse Fan
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So now Ruby and opal will now became worthless, What about Pearl when the lessons are gone?default smiley :@
Horse Fan
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Horse Fan: you did notice the slight disagreement that some players had with the idea of the silver apple, didn't you? default smiley (o) And nobody can any more say that Howrse does not listen.

About the divines, I would wait until we get the test server for the February change to see whether the Howrse team found something else for them to do or not. . default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 09:14:10
why would it effect ruby? they dont need to go in the meadow to get their diamonds? default smiley :s
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 09:16:01
*or box . its Quartz that goes to the meadow. default smiley (y)
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