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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:06:19
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I have seen a new breed, Lipizzan. Who has it though!
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:06:48

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there is a new breed
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:07:18
What? It won't let me post it
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:23:23
Seahaven wrote:

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Can anyone tell me the contents of the ultimate and olympus packs? Also does anyone have a photo of what the haflingers look like?

The packs (the ones for this year) and their content can now be found at the Site Map under Products.
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:23:41
We have a new breed its in one of the penguin gifts...If you look at the presents under your tree and you move the move along all the presents you can see it default smiley :)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 14:36:20
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when are the packs coming out?
what do the prehistoric horses do? i.e. what are their bonuses?
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 15:28:58
caribooster wrote:

what do the prehistoric horses do? i.e. what are their bonuses?

- Hipparion

Hipparion is part of the prehistoric divines.

Each day he progresses of 1 point in each of his skills in the limit of half the skill total from the best horse of the game for that particular skill.

Each time his skill total reaches a multiple of 200 points, Hipparion provides you with a foal of a breed and coat that you do not yet have. If you already have all coats for each existing breed, you will not receive a foal.
This horse cannot be sold.

- Hyracotherium

Hyracotherium is part of the prehistoric divines.

Each day he progresses of 1 point in each of his skills in the limit of half the skill total from the best horse of the game for that particular skill.

With Hyracotherium, all the female donkeys that you cover give birth to foals with 50% additional innate skills. This benefit is not cumulative if you have several Hyracotherium but is compatible with Aphrodite's Tears.
This horse cannot be sold.
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I found this on another howrse server, it's the haflinger, for the person who wanted to know their stats http://www.howrse.de/dossiers/race?id=41
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 16:33:42
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I have lost over 100 pts in my rank...default smiley :( this is because im selling them..I think this game is over for me...$$..im broke...so yeahdefault smiley (n)...its not fun any-moredefault smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 640
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Does anyone know if the mobile app will get an update to support ECs?
  • Posted messages: 37
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I dont think so, and if it worked the same for ec as it does for horses it would not be worth it anyways.

The ap is good for pass horses, ap farming, congradulating players and reading forums. That is about it.
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 19:37:02
I can do things from the update on the ap... EC included I think.
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 19:38:51
Nope. Sorry.
I use the app for forums, replying to PMs, checking out horses I might want to buy later.
does anyone have a price on all 4 packs
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 20:17:37
I think the most expensive is around 130 USD. I may be wrong though.
WarEagle! wrote:

does anyone have a price on all 4 packs

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History: 35 USD
Lucky Day: 60 USD
Olympus: 100 USD
Ultimate: 185 USD
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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Yup, even with my new, higher paying job.. there is no way I can fathom paying that much for the Ultimate pack.. smh.
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By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 22:42:52
Might be treating myself to the 35USD one. Asking EVERYONE for ten bucks this christmas!
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 22:43:11
I will have it in no time! x
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 23:15:59
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The actions "Put in Meadow and "Put in Box will be removed, along with the addition for resources:wood from Forest, iron from Mountains,and sand for Beach. And along with cattle(Leather), to name a few of February changes.
Retired breeder wrote:

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The actions "Put in Meadow and "Put in Box will be removed, along with the addition for resources:wood from Forest, iron from Mountains,and sand for Beach. And along with cattle(Leather), to name a few of February changes.

What I dislike about that is that is going to change how Opal gets his Diamond. He needs one of those actions and I'm sure another Gem has to be placed in Meadow for its Diamond. I really like my Opal and I don't want him to be a 'sitting pretty' Divine like my Emerald after foaling Topaz.
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By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:24:12
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There adding a new breed to Howrse the Lippanzier! default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 9th December 2014 00:26:21
will there be any draft horses?
default smiley *-)
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