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By Retired breeder, 10th December 2014 18:57:31
I must admit all the changes are taking me aback a little bit, with learning how to do things again. There is still no need to complain about uncertified things though. It might not even happen.
Don't worry, it hasn't begun testing yet so it won't be out for another few months at least. default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

My guess is you won't...

Ok, Maybe its time to move on, the lessons will be gone as well as pastures to feed horses and the put to stall actions gone, default smiley :(
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 10th December 2014 21:20:45
Horse Fan wrote:

Ok, Maybe its time to move on, the lessons will be gone as well as pastures to feed horses and the put to stall actions gone, default smiley :(

...that sentence right there literally defines jumping to conclusions. No one as said anything about lessons or stalls.

That's like me saying, "Oh you coughed? You must be dying." default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2014 22:11:25
Retired breeder wrote:

...that sentence right there literally defines jumping to conclusions. No one as said anything about lessons or stalls.

That's like me saying, "Oh you coughed? You must be dying." default smiley 8-)
Yes they have on the update and chain of future events.
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2014 22:19:33
When are pass packs going to be for sale?
By Retired breeder, 10th December 2014 23:33:12
Subject change, anyone know the next promo to come out?
Retired breeder wrote:

Subject change, anyone know the next promo to come out?

Pretty sure the GC is the next one.
  • Posted messages: 8,246
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Retired breeder wrote:

When are pass packs going to be for sale?

what pass packs
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Retired breeder wrote:

When are pass packs going to be for sale?

the 24th or maybe before thatdefault smiley (n)
Horse Fan
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when the “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted how will we feed our horses? Also what will have to the diamond divines that need to be bedded?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 00:03:47
Horse Fan wrote:

when the “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted how will we feed our horses? Also what will have to the diamond divines that need to be bedded?

We. Don't. Know. No one does. We aren't testing those actions. They are scheduled to come out in February, which is not anytime soon. When people *do* know, they will tell you.
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 00:07:59
Horse Fan wrote:

when the “Put in the meadow” and “Put in the box” actions have been deleted how will we feed our horses? Also what will have to the diamond divines that need to be bedded?

Did you not read anything previous people have been restating to you over and over?

What gives *you* the slightest idea that regular players like us would know such a thing! Even the testing players have told you that they have no idea.

And *nothing* has been mentioned about Diamond Divines and bedding. Howrse will 100% for sure compensate for absolutly *anything* they do as they always have done in the past with changes.

People here, of course, may raise genuine concerns, but your "complaints" are neither genuine, nor concerns that need be addressed at this time. default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 00:24:53
Horse Fan, I quite frankly Don't. Care. Anymore.
This is ridiculous, we don't know anything. When we do we will tell each other in here. That will most likely be a month or so.
whatever time to leavedefault smiley :$
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 00:30:01
Ohhkay. So Great Challenge next, what are the guesses on Divines?
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 00:32:30
Whats the big problem with buying hay? I don't really care for the action to put the horse in the pasture anyway because it takes away training time. And Im sure we will still have the pastures to grow crops in and just because you cant do the action to put the horse in box doesn't mean they wont exist.... whats the point putting them in it? It doesn't do much for them, Also as said above like a million times the equestrian centers will get the resources. Like wood and ect. So its not like they are going away.

Chill out everybody. Im sure it will all work out for the better.

Anyway does anybody know when the pass packs are coming out? default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

Whats the big problem with buying hay? I don't really care for the action to put the horse in the pasture anyway because it takes away training time. And Im sure we will still have the pastures to grow crops in and just because you cant do the action to put the horse in box doesn't mean they wont exist.... whats the point putting them in it? It doesn't do much for them, Also as said above like a million times the equestrian centers will get the resources. Like wood and ect. So its not like they are going away.

Chill out everybody. Im sure it will all work out for the better.

Anyway does anybody know when the pass packs are coming out? default smiley :)

Well, putting a horse into the meadow allows free feeding. Meaning its Fodder will not be taken from yours or the EC's stock. A lot of players use to do it back when we had to pay for food by the horse's page and not from the store in bulk.

Putting a horse in the box allows it to find certain items that gives a horse a competition bonus: Tub of Grease (temporary item); Hoof Pick; and Comb.

On top of that you can find other items like an apple, carrot, beet, or sugar cube that would either be added to your stock or add extra energy.

Some divines at this time require the actions of being placed in either meadow or box to find a Diamond which is another form of special payment for things in the Black Market or can be used to up equus or aging points as well as uping a specific divine's skills.

I'm not fond of the idea of those actions being taken away, but I also know Howrse will make a compromise or change so that it won't be too big a thing.
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 03:17:44
Retired breeder wrote:

Ohhkay. So Great Challenge next, what are the guesses on Divines?

That's a good question. I'm thinking maybe some sort of new holiday Divine or some type of water Divine. I actually want to see what Ow will come up with!
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 04:09:38
I hope they go back over some of the Divines again. xx
Anyone have a picture of the second board? I want to try and figure out whether to plough on through or pick some gifts if they are decentish.
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 07:37:07
alannah1510 wrote:

Anyone have a picture of the second board? I want to try and figure out whether to plough on through or pick some gifts if they are decentish.
the farther in you are, the more likely you are to get better presents. thats the way it was last year, at least. besides, im pretty sure that once a board is unlocked, you could go back later and try to get anything you missed.
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 07:57:27
Retired breeder wrote:

the farther in you are, the more likely you are to get better presents. thats the way it was last year, at least. besides, im pretty sure that once a board is unlocked, you could go back later and try to get anything you missed.

Yes you can go back, but to change boards I believe you need to get through the door again.
Good Day All.I just realized something and wanted to share .This is by far My favorite forum I find myself coming back here everyday .Anyone else?
Maddy Hunter
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By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 13:19:30
No offense Maddy Hunter, but I don't think that this is where your post belongs.
By Retired breeder, 11th December 2014 17:24:11
oh thanks you so muchdefault smiley (a)
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