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that was actually just a few months ago
Retired breeder wrote:

I honestly like the card games more than the magic ride - the last card game was in 2012 and i miss them
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 19:58:00
Yup, a few months ago.
I'm very happy it's the Magic Ride, 'cause last year it was also the Magic Ride, and there were a lot of presents..
And, Carts is also fun but Owlient can do them whenever in the year, and MR only Chrismas default smiley :p

btw, my last post, I think some people shared their opinion with mine default smiley :-))
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Hey, does anyone know where the post is that says which gifts are in which presents for the Magic Ride?
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 20:58:55
Spyder wrote:

I think that is why they suspended the BC because they could devote more time and effort into a very special promo.default smiley :)

Of all the promos this one gives you the most gifts and divines and "special packs" so that is why the most time was needed.

It is going to be a very busy time for all of us this next 2 week both in real life and howrse life. default smiley :-x

Not to mention the amount of promos you'd have going on at one time as the BC would be running at the same time as the Christmas Promos at that rate :'D which would mean at least 3. But Christmas promos don't tend to be different in length to the normal ones. They just feel longer because everyone is so busy and because they release the packs and the promo at the same time default smiley (8)
So it's tomorrow?
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 21:11:34
Well there goes the 13:00 start time theory... default smiley :(
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 21:16:56
It is 21:16 and I am pretty sure they go on French time so way to late for today
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 21:20:38
Okay thanks! let me test first please!'

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the magic ride will come around 3:10 that or it will come tomorrow
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 21:23:18
Retired breeder wrote:

When is the magic ride?

I should start around 3:10 but if it does not start today it should start tomorrow!default smiley :)default smiley 8-)
In summer promos always started at 1:00pm my time . At that time it was plus one GMT. since it's winter I'm now on par with GMT a meaning it would be an educated guess to say the promo will start at 12:00Pm GMT.
GMT is A clock that never changes default smiley ;)
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Velvette wrote:

In summer promos always started at 1:00pm my time . At that time it was plus one GMT. since it's winter I'm now on par with GMT a meaning it would be an educated guess to say the promo will start at 12:00Pm GMT.

Would that be 5am EST? good grief...default smiley (lol)
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 22:10:39
Velvette wrote:

In summer promos always started at 1:00pm my time . At that time it was plus one GMT. since it's winter I'm now on par with GMT a meaning it would be an educated guess to say the promo will start at 12:00Pm GMT.
GMT is A clock that never changes default smiley ;)

It's actually GMT on the dot or +0000 (basically UK time) so @taylorganny that's probably 4am EST default smiley xd
Phantom Ghosts
I think I understand what you said ( I'm in the UK ) and I did mean 12:00 GMT? Mabye I read what you wrote wrong default smiley (lol)
It's late default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 22:30:19
Oh gosh sorry I read yours wrong! :'D I though you said it was +1 GMT but you meant BSM for the first time. Gah my apologies I'm a little tired from doing commissions all day default smiley xd
will players be using elven packs or hops to buy elven packs to get more rolls?
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caribooster wrote:

will players be using elven packs or hops to buy elven packs to get more rolls?

1 pass equals 1 elven pack of 3 rolls.
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 23:37:06
is it just rolls you get or do you get anything else in those packs?
By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 23:38:09
Oh how ironic. The new promo starts on the first day of winter on here...I see what you did there Howrse. default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh how ironic. The new promo starts on the first day of winter on here...I see what you did there Howrse. default smiley ;)

Oh wow...real nice monkey. default smiley (ow)
T i g r e s s
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Retired breeder wrote:

is it just rolls you get or do you get anything else in those packs?

Just rolls, nothing else.
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By Retired breeder, 7th December 2014 23:57:12
Anyone have
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The gifts you can gather and the prizes each of them give?
By Retired breeder, 8th December 2014 01:00:15
Retired breeder wrote:

is it just rolls you get or do you get anything else in those packs?

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You also get a random gift (like the kind picked up on the board) with the purchase of an Elven pack.
Well, there is a rumor that new horses will be introduced in this Promo. I think its a
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Lippizaner and another horse
. Although those won't be the only thing offered in this Promo.
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Spyder wrote:

Just rolls, nothing else.

you actually get rolls and a present for your virtual howrse tree...at least you got a present on the test server....in response to
Retired breeder wrote:

is it just rolls you get or do you get anything else in those packs?
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λzeroth wrote:

you actually get rolls and a present for your virtual howrse tree...at least you got a present on the test server....in response to

On the test server I got nothing but 3 rolls. Last year we got nothing but rolls also. The only "presents" you got was if you landed on a square that had a gift on it.
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