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thank you very much xwarhound default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 591
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What kind of draft horses do you think we will get?
  • Posted messages: 802
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Well, draft horses to me are mainly Shire horses and Clydesdale horses...and other horses like that default smiley :) so heres hoping default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 16:57:37
If we don't get Belgian Draft Horses I will be upset. default smiley :(
ohhh yer, that would be awsome too. However my fav are the Boulonnais horse (also known as the White Marble Horse) who are usually grey, but can come chestnut and black. Its a French horse and is so beautiful and looks elegent and majestic default smiley :)

Plus I like the Clydesdales and Shire horsesdefault smiley :)
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In my opinion, I think they will come out with a more "known" horse, such as a Shire or Clydesdales, maybe a Belgian draft.. Who knows?! default smiley (ow)

(This is my opinion and is NOT a fact!)
  • Posted messages: 192
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Percherons would be nice too. But it only says 'Draft horses'. That could mean anything. It would be great if Howrse went back to regular horse breeds. Getting tired of all the new Divines.
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I just saw the contents in the Ultimate Pack...I'm scared to ask, but how much is it? default smiley (lol)
T i g r e s s
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T i g r e s s wrote:

I just saw the contents in the Ultimate Pack...I'm scared to ask, but how much is it? default smiley (lol)

I think they said $185 or maybe it was $135.....

BRM wrote:

Percherons would be nice too. But it only says 'Draft horses'. That could mean anything. It would be great if Howrse went back to regular horse breeds. Getting tired of all the new Divines.

Yeah I'm hoping they're not going to be like cattle, didn't think about being Divinesdefault smiley :o
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Sherloki wrote:

I think they said $185 or maybe it was $135.....

default smiley :o*twitches* Ug...I knew I should've been scared. default smiley xd
T i g r e s s
  • Posted messages: 16,715
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Sherloki wrote:

Yeah I'm hoping they're not going to be like cattle, didn't think about being Divines

From the sounds of it, the Drafts won't be Divines (and I pray they're not). But it's hard to tell if they'll be regular breedable horses or if they're going to be like cattle.
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 17:43:14
When is the magic plants coming!!!
Retired breeder wrote:

When is the magic plants coming!!!

That's more a Spring/Summer thing. But we won't know until possibly next year.
  • Posted messages: 13,426
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Retired breeder wrote:

When is the magic plants coming!!!

I think they happened in summer the last time, but that was years ago....
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Anyone know if there's supposed to be a new breed coming out this Christmas?
  • Posted messages: 23,841
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SmileBuddy wrote:

Anyone know if there's supposed to be a new breed coming out this Christmas?

Fingers crossed. I am dying for a new breed.
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the new breed Lippizaner comes in the magic ride. It is in the snowman's gift I think
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 18:18:04
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 18:35:18
I think most people have said around dec 8th
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 18:51:25
Can someone explain all of it to me haha like the
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the lottery and all of that junk and the Christmas stuff
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 19:27:25
What time is the magic ride coming? I really want to know...
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 19:37:24
Retired breeder wrote:

What time is the magic ride coming? I really want to know...

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It was meant to come out today, maybe tomorrow?
Temi, I think tomorrow. But your time could just be ahead of mine...
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 21:26:36
Can anyone explain to me when the new divines, new promo packs and such are coming out? I plan on buying them but I don't know when to start saving up my money....
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 21:30:40
I would start saving now
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