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What do you do on the Magic Ride? I know that it's a board game and stuff, but how do you do it and what does it actually give you?
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2014 21:02:34
Whee my favorite Christmas promo!
hydraulic wrote:

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What do you do on the Magic Ride? I know that it's a board game and stuff, but how do you do it and what does it actually give you?

The way it works is;

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The Magic Ride works like this:

You log in and roll a die to see how many spaces you move. The rolls start at 12 hours apart if memory serves, but can be brought down to lower times and more rolls per time by doing various objectives (similar to how you gained clicks for Pinatas)

As you move - you can collect gift boxes (which you can open starting on a certain date (usually the 25th) to receive gifts. You also need to collect Keys if you want to move to different boards (though once you get the Keys, you need to move to the Door space)

The gifts will be of different sizes and contain different things (like equus, aging points, a new horse breed, etc). Note however that gifts can not be opened at first (The chance to open them comes later in the Event) IF you can make it to the Final board and land on the proper spaces - there are also Divine horses you can win.
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By Retired breeder, 5th December 2014 22:19:28
is the christmas promo
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the magic ride?
By Retired breeder, 5th December 2014 22:28:39
@ little cowgirl

I don't if this will work but
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Isn't the Christmas Promo starting on Dec 7th
Peanut is my horse
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Do we know what's in each kind of gift yet
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On christmas morning you will find out. Basically other than a special new prize, same things as lotto
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 00:10:58
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Does anyone have an estimate on how long will the packs be for sale?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone have an estimate on how long will the packs be for sale?

about a week
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 01:05:54
Anyone have lists of
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The gifts you can gather and the prizes they give?
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 01:37:40
Peanut is my horse wrote:

I don't if this will work but
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Isn't the Christmas Promo starting on Dec 7th

That's when ShorahNagi said it will most likely start default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 02:40:35
omg i love
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the magic ride! It reminds me of mario party!
Does anyone know how much the

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Ultimate, Olympus, Lucky day and Prehistoric pack costs?
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Starrykins wrote:

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Ultimate, Olympus, Lucky day and Prehistoric pack costs?

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Ultimate is 185, Olympus is 100, Lucky Day is 35, Prehistoric is 60. These prices are from prepod and might change by the time they hit us default smiley :)
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What location is best for kwpns?
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 05:24:38
KWPNs belong in the forest!!
do the foal games still work or is there a new one somewhere?
Horse Fan
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I'm pretty sure foal games still work.... there's no reason for them to change, yet. Until the
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meadows and boxes are removed... They will be, right?
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 07:07:48
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Does anyone know if you can open you gifts after christmas day as well? I am going away for christmas and don't want to miss it!
Horse Fan wrote:

do the foal games still work or is there a new one somewhere?

You can do foal games without the boxes/meadows.
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Temi- if i remember correctly you get a few days to open them usually Uptil New Year!
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Does any one know what comes first? the Christmas board game or the packs? or do they come out at the same time? and does anyone know when?

Thanks default smiley :)
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With the Prehistoric horses coming out, does anyone know if any of them breed to have a youngster? if so which ones?

Thanks default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 6th December 2014 12:41:20
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Hippidion breeds with Tarpan and gives birth to Horse of The Forests (or named something of that kind). The promo comes first, then the packs. Last year, if I remember correctly, the packs were released on Christmas day when very few banks work default smiley xd
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