[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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I'm glad to see the magic ride promo will be back this year but going away for two weeks means no chance of getting a 3rd greyfell default smiley xd
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@anneezhu Luckily I have tons of downtime at my job, so I'm online a good portion of my day anyway. I'm sure the updates will have occurred by the time I get to work and am able to get online. default smiley :)

I was just curious to know if there was an estimated time. default smiley :) So glad to know when it should most likely occur.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:03:54
There's only 4 hours left of this morning, so we should be pretty close default smiley :-))
Don't forget, no update like this can happen until Ow is in her office in Paris, is sufficiently caffeinated, has a large supply of oxygen and cookies on standby, and default smiley (ow) has been caught and safely secured default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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Expecting to be chucked out of Howrse any second now... *waits nervously for update* default smiley (m)
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It's only 8:28am in Paris, so Ow is not yet in the office. This part of the world starts work at 9, not 8 default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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I'm flying out back home here in a few hours so i can't wait. XD
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So I'll be logged out at 7 pm for me? Okay... *goes back to do some last minute rides*
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:32:52
It's update day! Yay! I brought celebratory doughnuts for breakfast.

| ooo 000 |
| 000 ooo |
| ooo 000 |

They are still in the box to keep them fresh default smiley :d
I hope you guys like them!
changsu wrote:

So I'll be logged out at 7 pm for me? Okay... *goes back to do some last minute rides*

Not necessarily. Just because the French work day starts then does not mean that the launch will start then. Coffee, getting organised, last minute checks, default smiley (ow) and so on default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:38:34
*Gold Tree Stables takes one*

So 9pm me for me so it's celebratory doughnuts for desert for me
*goes and does even more last minute rides* Maybe I should start using those 7000+ APs I have in stock...
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Again.... not looking forward to these changes!!
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:39:53
So could be ten pm for me, oh we'll I'm having my ex at beach.
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:39:55
goldforever. wrote:

What? did they change it again? Last I heard, it was forest = jumping, dressage, gallop / mountain = speed, stamina, trot.
That might be right, I'm trying to go from memory XD. All I remember really is jumping and dressage together and stamina being with trot.
I'll post my new training / blupping guides in my forum as soon as it launches, and after checking one last time that the rides have not changed again default smiley xd They started out one way in testing and then changed to another way.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:40:31
Darn autocorrect EC not ex lol
Retired breeder wrote:

Darn autocorrect EC not ex lol

aw, because it sounded so intriguing default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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I threw timers on 27 unicorns yesterday and did the short slope rides for them all, since I always liked blupping my horses doing those first and then trot/gallop/cross country competitions. I'll miss that way with the new rides, but I have enough horses to keep me busy until I adjust. default smiley (8)
Lil Sunny
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:46:32
Stupid iPad, Lol never had a boyfriend so no ex for me.
Though that reminds me of a show that was being advertised. Something about ex's beaches. But I was too busy yell at the TV to put the music back on.

I hope these new changes make blupping easier. As I'm holding the two mustangs I have at 1 year and 6. Months for a day or so.
Almost every launch brings its little glitches at the start. I wonder what treats default smiley (ow) has in store for us today default smiley xd
Dr Zig
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finished the welsh rides for one of my unis - apparently I can get them finished by 3 years 8 mths. Actually, it probably would have been faster if I realised that the mash would have just managed to give them an extra half-hour of rides. Oops. So if I rush, I can probably do it by 3 and a bit. Be interesting to see how long it will take with these new rides...
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 07:59:11
I still remember the time the great challenge ran for the second time. I log in after I was logged out to find that it had some had been completed in 1 minute
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 08:01:36
So preatty much breeding PSH is going to take even longer Speed Dressage Gallop?
ooo it appears that the Great and All-Powerful Wizard has arrived default smiley (m) Hopefully default smiley (ow) can be caught and secured quickly default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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