[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 02:30:56
Retired breeder wrote:

Wait, if we get to the end we will get all THREE?

If not do we get to choose which one we want?

That's my understanding. : )
You have to land on the divines to get them, you still have to roll dice and take appropriate moves.
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FireProof wrote:

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I know the EC Updates are tomorrow morning...does anyone know what time tomorrow morning these will be? Will they be at the initial update around midnight? Or later in the morning?

I know that by the time you get home from school tomorrow, it will be updated. default smiley :) Make some extra equus for your EC so you can have more equus when the game is updated!! XD
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anneezhu wrote:

I know that by the time you get home from school tomorrow, it will be updated. default smiley :) Make some extra equus for your EC so you can have more equus when the game is updated!! XD

But what if you don't go to school? default smiley xddefault smiley ;)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Wait, if we get to the end we will get all THREE?

If not do we get to choose which one we want?

That depends on your luck

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In order to collect the Divines once on the last board - you need to land on the Space that offers them. As such - you can choose which of the three you want to try for the most. This is how the Final Board Looks - so you can have an idea of what I mean:

I say it is luck dependent as to move away from the starting space - you need a 3. From there - if you want to Hyracotherium *The silver coin*, you can simply just head down and follow the path.
If you want to try for Greyfell and Hipparion *the gold coin*, you need another 3 to land on the Teleporter.
It is then 7/8 spaces to Greyfell's space
For Hipparion - you would need to roll a 2 to land on the teleporter that leads to him...Then you will need to move a total of 24 spaces to reach him.
Depending on where you are on the board - if you don't roll the exact right number or lower - you can't move and will be stuck.)

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goldforever. wrote:

But what if you don't go to school? default smiley xddefault smiley ;)

Then that would be done by:

Whenever you decide to wake up
whenever you get home from work
Whenever you *insert other option here*
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 02:57:05
I have a question regarding the update,

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The timeline says, and I quote, "Speed, Gallop and Trot for forest rides - Stamina, Dressage and Jumping for mountain rides". Is this still accurate? Or has it changed?
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a question regarding the update,

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The timeline says, and I quote, "Speed, Gallop and Trot for forest rides - Stamina, Dressage and Jumping for mountain rides". Is this still accurate? Or has it changed?

There is a little confusion on this part because:

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The topic for the Rides on Preprod said the skills were:
Forest rides add skill points to:
• speed
• gallop
• trot

Mountain rides add skill points to:
• stamina
• dressage
• jumping

Yet in a post an Admin made about explaining the new format for rides, they had stated:

for mountain rides

For forest rides

This caused some confusion as to which is correct (I don't know for sure, but I think it was said the Time Line and note from the main post of the Rides topic are the correct ones (but we'll know for sure in less than 12 hours)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 03:07:46
Thank you!!
Yes that is very confusing. But I guess it adds to the challenge.
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I don't have many passes...do you think I can make it to the divine board?
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each ride is just like before.. they will gain skills in certain areas. You will need to complete them just like before. the main difference is which ec you put the horse in. depending on that the horse will gain those skills faster. Also some breeds will require all rides to be done instead of just the top three.
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When is the next update going to happen?
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  • Posted messages: 4,786
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 04:24:49
How do you make a spoiler again?
how can you bold you horse in jumping since the steep rides will be gone
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 04:49:10
Retired breeder wrote:

How do you make a spoiler again?

[spoiler] your message here [/spoiler*]

remove the *
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 04:51:18
Retired breeder wrote:

How do you make a spoiler again?

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Like this: [*spoiler]Type in the text here…[/*spoiler] Just remove the stars.
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 04:52:02
Know what? Forget I posted that.
Horsefan, a mountain is a steep sloop.default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 05:16:44
Okay I'm a bit lost here,
So what does beach offer
And forest
And mountain and which would I be looking at if I wanted to blup mustangs
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 05:52:14
So what are the updates coming tomorrow? Ive been trying to follow, but im so confused lol
By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 06:01:12
I hope you might be able to answer my questions.
I have four.
1 What does Beach offer?
2 What does forest offer?
3 what does mountain offer?
4 And which would be best for Mustangs?

Thank you if you can answer my questions.
1 beach offers sand and skills are transferred at twice the rate (in the same way that skills are transferred with the current beach rides but it will take half as long to complete).

2 forest offers wood and forest ride skills are gained at twice the rate

3 mountain offers iron and mountain ride skills are gained at twice the rate

4 either forest or mountain ECs will be useful since Mustangs have to do both types of rides and it probably doesn't matter which type gets the rate bonus. But having said that it is probably best to test it out yourself to see which EC type best suits your blupping style.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd December 2014 06:33:29
What would be best for thoroughbreds and KWPNS?
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