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ok thank you everyone!!
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:19:09
The last update, i did not like; but I am actually really excited for this one. If someone could please pm me what the bonuses are again for the EC center locations, it would be a big help!
gabbigirl1 wrote:

Does anyone know about the





What do they do? default smiley :d


Forest, Beach, and Mountains are locations for your center (woods is just another word for Forest).

When we are able to make our own items - the location of your center will determine what Resource you can harvest (Forest - wood, Mountains - iron, Beach - sand [other items like fodder, carrots, etc. can be grown no matter where your center is])

Also, provided nothing has changed - when doing a ride that matches the location of the center the horse is boarded at (Ex. a Forest Ride at a Forest Center) - the horse will earn skills faster if memory serves and this was not changed
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I can't see why you wouldn't be able to sell droppings or manure. What would be the logic behind that? Some don't own ECs, they'd be stuck with them. You just won't be able to buy them.
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1- when is the updates
2- what are they.
3- when is the next promo?
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Yes I remember something about that, you will be able to sell manure, and buy manure, but you cant buy droppings, I'm not sure if you can sell droppings.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:28:49
When it comes to the EC locations, which would help the most resource wise?
Neferka wrote:

Horse Fan - For starters 3 rides instead of 7 does make things easier. I remember when I started I didn't realize that to get speed skills I had to do rides of 1 hour or less... Judging by the Game Play forums I don't think I was the only noob to have trouble with that either.

But having said that, I don't think changing the rides was done for the purpose of fixing or simplifying anything. If Ow's posts on preprod are anything to go by it seems the changes are intended to bring more balance to the breeds - to make things more fair.

Compare blupping a Curly to a Tennessee Walker as the rides are now:

- TWs only have to do 50hrs of rides using 810% energy in total (and 25 competitions) to get their skills.
- A Curly has to do 100hrs of rides using 2340% energy in total (and 50 competitions)...

Now it will take 2 extra years to BLUP a horse cause of the new changesdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:31:00
Could anyone give me more information on The Prehistoric Divines? Which are mares? Which are foals? What do they look like
Oh, and how do you make a spoiler banner?
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:32:36
And does anyone know how much they'll be?
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:35:46
Laurenzoe wrote:

1- when is the updates
2- what are they.
3- when is the next promo?

Regarding your questions

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It's been said that they will happen tomorrow. They will be the merging of the reserves, from what I've heard. (I don't know much more than that.) The next promo should happen around the same time as the updates. (It should be the Magic Ride.)
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:37:28
Retired breeder wrote:

Could anyone give me more information on The Prehistoric Divines? Which are mares? Which are foals? What do they look like
Oh, and how do you make a spoiler banner?
Retired breeder wrote:

And does anyone know how much they'll be?

[***spoiler***] Text [***/***spoiler***] Delete the stars.

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They will be in packs, not sold. Forest horse is the only foal that I know of. I'm not exactly sure about the rest.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:40:24
Regarding the update

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What would be best for Paints? (I have a wide variety at my EC, but I would like to know.)
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:43:42
Regarding Meadows after update:

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Are the prices of meadows raising?
how will you blup a horse with the new change?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 22:52:28
Horse Fan wrote:

how will you blup a horse with the new change?

With a lot of strategy, forethought, and trial-and-error. Basically, everyone will be starting from square 1 all over again.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 23:01:47
To answer some few questions I saw a little ways back about the rides:

If your horse is boarded at one of these locations it will gain double the skills [faster, not more] than usual. However this is not faster than it is now. So, basically, whatever ride they do based on the EC is the same skill gain now, with slightly less energy. Making the rides for the other location twice as long because they are in half. But basically all breeds will have to do two rides so either way it is the same amount of time no matter where you board. It's a matter of the skills you want to reach quicker.

Forest - Jumping, Dressage, Speed
Mountain - Stamina, Gallop, Trot
Beach ~ Makes your beach rides progress twice as fast [you can also choose which skill it goes in and comes out of] But choosing this does mean you only get half skills for both Forest and Mountain. taking you even longer than usual.
wow this just makes the game even harderdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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For a lot of the answers you last few ask, the answers are a head if you.

Just about everything you have been asking about is on this page and a couple pages back..

There will be updated bluping and skilling guides coming out after the updates.

Mist of it will be figuring out what your horse needs and resetting your brain.default smiley :)
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Will your horse gain about the same skills if you train at 1 ec as I am still not sure where to place a qhs that I only train in english
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 23:16:48
When will the updates be going in to affect on this server?
katiedingo wrote:

For a lot of the answers you last few ask, the answers are a head if you.

Just about everything you have been asking about is on this page and a couple pages back..

There will be updated bluping and skilling guides coming out after the updates.

Mist of it will be figuring out what your horse needs and resetting your brain.default smiley :)

what page?thanks
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 23:17:35
Retired breeder wrote:

When will the updates be going in to affect on this server?

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tomorrow. It was posted on the h o me page.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 23:20:15
Horse Fan wrote:

Will your horse gain about the same skills if you train at 1 ec as I am still not sure where to place a qhs that I only train in english

Your horse is still going to gain the same amount of skills it's supposed to; the only thing that's affected is the speed of said gains. You'll still be able to do all types of rides regardless of which EC you're boarded at, but if you do that EC's specialty then you'll gain skills twice as fast. It's kind of like having a Timer on a horse.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 23:22:47
What's The Magic Ride?
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