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what would be a good ec for a qh?mountan or forest?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:35:30
One more question before bed. I use my EC for myself and primarily breed Mustangs (top 3 skills Speed, Stamina, and Gallop), which EC would be the best choice? Mountain or Forest?
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:36:22
I think it's safe to say that it'll be an adjustment for everybody.
Retired breeder wrote:

I think it's safe to say that it'll be an adjustment for everybody.

un-need adjustment for everybody(Meanining the new rideing system)default smiley (n)
Horse Fan
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Retired breeder wrote:

One more question before bed. I use my EC for myself and primarily breed Mustangs (top 3 skills Speed, Stamina, and Gallop), which EC would be the best choice? Mountain or Forest?

I'm going to say mountain because mountain rides boost 2/3 of those skills (stamina, speed and trot), unless I'm much mistaken. But take my opinion with a grain of salt-- I'm not on prepod so I haven't tested it!
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sounds like mountain for qhs as well
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 04:22:49
Horse Fan wrote:

un-need adjustment for everybody(Meanining the new rideing system)default smiley (n)

I would beg to differ. The rides have been needing some sort of update for a while now; we all know that certain skill sets are more highly favored than others, which is way unbalanced. I for one am stupidly excited to not have to do a bajillion short trot rides for speed. Is the new system perfect? Nope. Is it technically more balanced? Yep.
It was fine the way it was default smiley :(
Horse Fan
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Well I am going to shut things down, and turn the brain off again. Hoping to wake up and get this up date over with.

Night all.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 04:32:48
Idea, I am right there with you. I breed a speed breed (Hanoverians) and I have always felt the short-ride requirement to bold out the speed skill was tedious and unbalanced.

Looks like I'll be choosing a mountain location so I can train my Hanos in my own center. Still curious though about what the advantages of a beach location will be. If it's been discussed here I missed it.
Retired breeder wrote:

Idea, I am right there with you. I breed a speed breed (Hanoverians) and I have always felt the short-ride requirement to bold out the speed skill was tedious and unbalanced.

Looks like I'll be choosing a mountain location so I can train my Hanos in my own center. Still curious though about what the advantages of a beach location will be. If it's been discussed here I missed it.

Beach is supposed to collect sand, Dont know what for though. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 04:41:45
Thanks ChilliLies123. I will wait to hear more about beach centers before I make my final decision.

(And I meant to say I was thinking of a Forest location for my Speed/Jump horses, not Mountain, for those precise people who will point out the mistake)
I can't STAND short rides, so it'll be nice not to have to do those any more. Drives me berserk having to do 3 short rides vs doing one good long one with other horses (say, TB vs Connemara).
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thanks to the change how will I get my horses training right? I start by filling the speed and dressage and a little bit of gallop skills done get the horses 20 wins and finish the training and skills done,can I still do that?
Horse Fan
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Just a cupple of questions, sorry if answers have already been posteddefault smiley :)

Dose anyone know what the next promo will be?

I think I sore something a while back to do with there not being any draft horses (or whatever they are called) and I was just wondering if that was true or if it was just me reading wrong?

Last question, has it been confirmed when the next EC changes will come?
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 05:56:49
jorja22749 wrote:

Dose anyone know what the next promo will be?

I think I sore something a while back to do with there not being any draft horses (or whatever they are called) and I was just wondering if that was true or if it was just me reading wrong?

Last question, has it been confirmed when the next EC changes will come?

1) If you look a few pages back, you'll see that the next promo is the Magic Ride. I believe it'll start on the 7th or the 8th (I think).

2) As for draft horses, they were supposed to be a thing, but I guess they're being pushed back.

3) Probably within the next day or two.
I was going to make my EC mountain when I saw the original grouping of the rides, but then they changed, so forest suits me better now. Just as well, as the boss of Fairgreen Stud, 'phantom' Sleipnir, was not at all impressed with the notion of having to climb mountains, and Monkey's preference was to be where all the trees are, oddly enough default smiley :p

I have training / blupping guides put together, taking into the account the new structure of the rides, and I will make those available as soon as these features actually launch.

Hopefully the gremlins... uh... default smiley (ow) in the system, which delayed the launch yesterday, will be sorted and secured today ... after Ow has had her coffee, and restocked the cookies plate, of course. Some modly one ate all the cookies yesterday default smiley :$ *looks around and slinks away*
Dr Zig
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where would a gh be best at?
Horse Fan
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Sorry, I'm half asleep. What's a gh?
Dr Zig
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Horse Fan
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Their best event is usually reining, and my thoughts on them was to do both mountain and forest rides with them at the start.

It won't really make much difference which type of EC you find for your horses as they'll seemingly all have to do both sets of rides anyway.

I have the VIP perk that lets me cancel the board of my horses in my own EC, and so for the way I usually train the main breeds with which I work, and my general impatience with doing the rides default smiley :p I am making my EC forest, for now at least.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 07:31:57
I wish we had more locations to choose from, most of my horses are the desert breeds - marwaris, akhal tekes, lusitanos etc. Would have been nice to stick them in their traditional environment, with that said I've no idea what the benefits could have been lol.

Still looking forward to getting rid of those short rides default smiley (li)
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 07:36:03
Thank the Howrse gods for answering my prayers to get rid of short rides! Lol!
Yep! There have been days when I just backed away, and could not face the idea of blupping or skilling, purely because of the tedium of short rides default smiley xd
Dr Zig
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They could have left the old rides and gotten rid of the short rides. I'm not looking forward to this new system.

I'll say it again... if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

And the way the EC's were, nothing was broken. I don't see the point.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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