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I think droppings are going from the store. You make manure from the droppings that your horses produce
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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2.55 am where I am in Aus.Site update is 2 hours away so presumably we will be having a change free daydefault smiley ^) Happy with that.
  • Posted messages: 67
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 15:59:33
Ok, thank you Dr Zig! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 16:03:22
Another thing, does anybody know if there will still be a limit on how many droppings you can convert/resell per day? Will it still be a maximum of 1000 per day, or will it be however many droppings your horses produce?
XxKaraleexX wrote:

I have a question for those who did preprod

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When you selected the pack that had Balios as a prize did you get to pick which one or was it randomly selected.

When I checked yesterday...
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we could not test the packs. But if it's anything like it usually is you can decide which one you want.

Very good question Princess. I must admit I did not test it, because I normally hoard mine for the poop throphy default smiley :-))
  • Posted messages: 9,752
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Is there no official word yet? I don't see anything from Ow or any of the admins in the thread to say yes, no, later, or otherwise. Just talk about coffee...
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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Asfridur wrote:

When I checked yesterday...
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we could not test the packs. But if it's anything like it usually is you can decide which one you want.

Very good question Princess. I must admit I did not test it, because I normally hoard mine for the poop throphy default smiley :-))

Last year we could pick which Balios we wanted, but we could not pick which greyfell.
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MadameEquus wrote:

Is there no official word yet? I don't see anything from Ow or any of the admins in the thread to say yes, no, later, or otherwise. Just talk about coffee...

Ow has posted several times. There is a slight delay, and she suggested that we make a large coffee default smiley :p As it is now 5:10pm in Paris, I would imagine that it will be tomorrow before we get the new features.
Dr Zig
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You get greyfells from first to last (like they are in trophys) so it's logical..
  • Posted messages: 659
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MadameEquus wrote:

Last year we could pick which Balios we wanted, but we could not pick which greyfell.

Oh that's true Equest.

I'm happy with the delay maybe I'll be able to finish a few more blups....if I can find enough AP's that is default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 16:24:52
Maybe it's 'today' on another server??
In my country the updates(That one that comes every night) is on 4:00, and the Promos like "Magic rides" and "Carts"end on 14:00 pm, 12:00 pm or 10:00 am, or 4:00 am.

In Japan its already 2 Dec. Just like Kiribati. but in French Polynesia it's 1 dec. 6:00 am.

If they go out on the USA, then it's 11:00 am. What means that the update can come in 5 houres.
Retired breeder wrote:

Maybe it's 'today' on another server??
In my country the updates(That one that comes every night) is on 4:00, and the Promos like "Magic rides" and "Carts"end on 14:00 pm, 12:00 pm or 10:00 am, or 4:00 am.

In Japan its already 2 Dec. Just like Kiribati. but in French Polynesia it's 1 dec. 6:00 am.

If they go out on the USA, then it's 11:00 am. What means that the update can come in 5 houres.

Same here, but I'm not from NL :P
I think that Owlient is in France, so...
  • Posted messages: 659
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Oh boo, I was so warm and comfy in bed and dragged myself downstairs to my laptop to play with new features.... and no update! default smiley :o
  • Posted messages: 884
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At least I've got a nice big coffee.... default smiley (7)
  • Posted messages: 884
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 16:38:51
Well Ow said not to worry about it today, so it's pretty clear we'll have to wait for at least 15 to 18 hours :P
Retired breeder wrote:

Maybe it's 'today' on another server??

No, there's just a delay default smiley :)
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 16:48:29
Dr Zig wrote:

No, there's just a delay default smiley :)

Ahw, Ow. Why are you doing this to us default smiley *-)
I promise that I will keep one cupcake for you, if the update starts today default smiley *-)

(Yeahh cupcakes. 5 dec. is 'Sinterklaas'. So I'm gonna make cupcakes for my class on Thursday)
By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 16:53:17
default smiley :( Oh! The anticipation. Does anyone know if fodder, mashes and all of this stuff is merging together to? I know the droppings are, and tack but no one has really mentioned if carrots and all of this was...i'm assuming so but you know what they say about assuming default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

(Yeahh cupcakes. 5 dec. is 'Sinterklaas'. So I'm gonna make cupcakes for my class on Thursday)

You should make a test batch. Make sure they turn out alright. I'll take one for the team and verify that they're good! default smiley (lol)default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 884
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Rynx wrote:

You get greyfells from first to last (like they are in trophys) so it's logical..

Oh! So this means that when you recieve another Greyfell you don't recieve the same one twice?
  • Posted messages: 517
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 17:10:54
goldforever. wrote:

You should make a test batch. Make sure they turn out alright. I'll take one for the team and verify that they're good! default smiley (lol)default smiley (y)

Muhh, it's for my classmates. They eat everything.
And I maked cupcakes before. And Chocolat Chip cookies, and I wanted make a Focaccia bread. But thats not gonna happen this year.
But Cupcakes aren't a big problem. If they don't taste good, we just take a lot of whipped cream and Voila. Tastful cupcakes.

But you can have one. Just take the first flight to the Netherlands. With a little luck you can see the famous "Cheese Market" in 'Alkmaar or 'Gouda'.
No worries, there aren't a lot of Starbucks coffé in our land, but in Amsterdam you've got one default smiley :)
And then go to my house, and take a cupcake default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 17:12:47
XxKaraleexX wrote:

Oh! So this means that when you recieve another Greyfell you don't recieve the same one twice?

Not unless you already have them all
Retired breeder wrote:

No worries, there aren't a lot of Starbucks coffé in our land, but in Amsterdam you've got one default smiley :)

Works for me, I don't like Starbucks-- Tim Horton's > Starbucks any day default smiley (b)default smiley (7)default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 884
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By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 17:28:55
when's the next promo?
By Retired breeder, 1st December 2014 17:46:11
Retired breeder wrote:

when's the next promo?

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The 7th
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