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updates, merge of reserves and inventories, ec locations, new rides
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 00:42:44
For some reason I was automatically logged out of Howrse on my app so I went on Safari and I went off doing other things came back I was logged in again. I was so excited about the new update ! Then I had a look around for anything and there was nothing grrrr....... I'm so disappointed
I spent last night washing all blup from my mind. I wanted a fresh start today. Well that just did not work out. Now I will get surprised and freak out.default smiley xd
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 00:50:57
Regarding the update:

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Since it didn't happen today, when will it happen?

Regarding Christmas promo:

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Wasn't the Magic Ride supposed to start today as well?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Wasn't the Magic Ride supposed to start today as well?

A mod said it should happen before the seventh of December...*sighs...*
T i g r e s s
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Retired breeder wrote:

Regarding the update:

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Since it didn't happen today, when will it happen?

Regarding Christmas promo:

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Wasn't the Magic Ride supposed to start today as well?

I met both of these...*growls at quote button* default smiley (lol)
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 00:52:30
Alright. Good to know, good to know.....
What is the name of the pack that allows you to buy Gullfaxi? Also how much is it?
Princess Celestia
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Ah! This wait for the update is killing me! I am so excited for the Magic Ride and the updates to the game.
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Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 02:05:03
Harpagornis wrote:

Ah! This wait for the update is killing me! I am so excited for the Magic Ride and the updates to the game.

yes! I can't wait
Can't wait for reserved to merge. Hello new divine/rosette horse I am planing to buy
Princess Celestia
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Princess Celestia wrote:

Can't wait for reserved to merge. Hello new divine/rosette horse I am planing to buy

that is the only update I am looking forwaed to I got a ton of staw to sale, Still am not a fan of the new ride systemdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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I agree. The one thing I like about the rides is the beach ones. I like being able to pick the skills.
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 02:47:08
Questions about the update and promos,

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So what I'm getting out of this is that there will be 1) new divine breeds called forest horses 2) sleigh ride and advent calendar promos 3) new rides + different way to blup 4) combined inventories and equus. Can someone verify/correct me please?
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we will be having a board game called magic ride, around the 7th
reserves and inventory merging
New rides
Ec location
I might have forgotten something.
the up dates should come anytime, there was a delay.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 02:56:19
Retired breeder wrote:

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So what I'm getting out of this is that there will be 1) new divine breeds called forest horses 2) sleigh ride and advent calendar promos 3) new rides + different way to blup 4) combined inventories and equus. Can someone verify/correct me please?

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I'm not sure about the second or fourth one, as I'm still seeking answers myself. However, 1 & 3 have been confirmed, I believe, to happen before the seventh of December?
Oh yes

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Forest is the foal of the 2 dive in packs. I'm not all up on divines, unless the just happen to land in my barn, so cant tell you any more there.
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:00:21
[quote]that is the only update I am looking forwaed to I got a ton of staw to sale, Still am not a fan of the new ride system\[/quote]
Neither am I. I don't like the idea of
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having to depend on a type of EC being available in order to train my horse in the skills I need through rides.

I honestly prefer the way it is right now by far over that!
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:05:42
Retired breeder wrote:

Questions about the update and promos,

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So what I'm getting out of this is that there will be 1) new divine breeds called forest horses 2) sleigh ride and advent calendar promos 3) new rides + different way to blup 4) combined inventories and equus. Can someone verify/correct me please?

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1. Ancient/Prehistoric Divines. "Forest Horse" is a foal born from two of them that can be won in pass packs. The other two are won during the magic ride, so 5 total.

2. The advent calender is what a lot of people want however there has been no mention of it happening. The Christmas promo is more than likely just the magic ride, as that is what was tested

3. Yepp. There are Forest rides gaining you Jumping, Dressage, & Speed and Mountain Rides gaining you Stamina, Trot, & Gallop.

4. Yes again. The inventories for EC and player are combined as well as the Equus. Everything you need to run your EC will be taken from your personal stock as they will no longer be separated
does it matter of the location of yor stable if you raise qhs since i thought it was just what you want to make wood=stalls and etc
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:20:23
How is this

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By Zombie: 3. Yepp. There are Forest rides gaining you Jumping, Dressage, & Speed and Mountain Rides gaining you Stamina, Trot, & Gallop.

going to effect BLUPing and Bolding?
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:20:24
I've been flipping on and off this topic all day... when I first heard about the new updates I was horrified (been playing since November 2010, found the changes too extreme) but now they can't come soon enough.
I missed last years Christmas promo, so I'm very excited to try it out. Time to grab at all the passes I can find.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:25:16
Retired breeder wrote:

How is this

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By Zombie: 3. Yepp. There are Forest rides gaining you Jumping, Dressage, & Speed and Mountain Rides gaining you Stamina, Trot, & Gallop.

going to effect BLUPing and Bolding?

It tacks on another 2 years worth of rides, since you'll finish certain types of skills much faster depending on where the EC is located at.
By Retired breeder, 2nd December 2014 03:28:58
Okay! Thanks Idea! I'm excited and a little scared.default smiley :o
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