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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 14:19:06
Push that button default smiley (ow)!
I repeat default smiley ;) only a very small number of competitions will give tokens instead of equus, a tiny number, very small. Most will give you the same equus as always.
Dr Zig
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Retired breeder wrote:

Push that button default smiley (ow)!

I think he's asleep, still recovering after a wild weekend in the Owlient offices default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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Will we still get BMIs? default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 659
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A wild weekend hiding tokens in bananas? default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 14:25:42
Starkitty wrote:

A wild weekend hiding tokens in bananas? default smiley :d

Probably!default smiley (lol)
Rynx wrote:

Will we still get BMIs? default smiley :s

In all the same ways that you usually do.
Dr Zig
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Yes, but there will be much less promos...
  • Posted messages: 659
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very disapointed in your response dr. zig

you said...
As I said, only a very small number of competitions will give tokens instead of equus. Most will give the usual amount of equus. If you want to ignore completely all methods of earning tokens, then you are 100% free to do so

i respond..
i'm not 100 percent free to do so.
if i participate in comps..i earn tokens, not equus.
if i don't participate in comps..i earn nothing.

i have to participate in the comps..the very small number..to get to the point where i can earn equus.

ergo, if i don't participate in the comps, i become penalised for not doing so.
no comps = no equus

therefore, participation is not voluntary. one "has" to participate or be penalised.default smiley :@
where is the freedom in that scenario.
  • Posted messages: 9,095
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Ok, thanks Dr. Zig. Us non pass buyers already lost one way to get passes, sure would of not been happy to lose equus also.default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 14:42:48
@ caribooster

Not all competitions will give tokens, most will function as they do now and continue giving you equus. You decide if you want to join the ones that give you tokens. If you dont, youll just keep joining theones that give equus. Participation in the ones that give tokens IS voluntary.
caribooster wrote:

very disapointed in your response dr. zig

you said...
As I said, only a very small number of competitions will give tokens instead of equus. Most will give the usual amount of equus. If you want to ignore completely all methods of earning tokens, then you are 100% free to do so

i respond..
i'm not 100 percent free to do so.
if i participate in comps..i earn tokens, not equus.
if i don't participate in comps..i earn nothing.

i have to participate in the comps..the very small number..to get to the point where i can earn equus.

ergo, if i don't participate in the comps, i become penalised for not doing so.
no comps = no equus

therefore, participation is not voluntary. one "has" to participate or be penalised.default smiley :@
where is the freedom in that scenario.

You do not loose out on gaining equus by entering competitions. there are now going to be competitions where you win equus and also competitions when you win horseshoes. you will just have to be selective when you enter if you only want to win equus
  • Posted messages: 373
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caribooster - you appear to have misunderstood.

If your horse can see 500 comps, then maybe 10 or 20 of those might offer tokens instead of equus, and you can ignore those if you like. They will be very clearly marked, and so easily avoidable.
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 14:46:12
I am kind of second guessing this Big challenge thing ..Sort of tired for waiting also but i must contain myself LOL ..

Just not sure how these token things are going to work ..I mean its kind of the same as a promo ..we all try to get the divine ..some dont some do ..Kind of the same to me default smiley (ow)
Retired breeder wrote:

@ caribooster

Not all competitions will give tokens, most will function as they do now and continue giving you equus. You decide if you want to join the ones that give you tokens. If you dont, youll just keep joining theones that give equus. Participation in the ones that give tokens IS voluntary.

okay thank you dragonfly.

however as a vip account holder, if i use the auto enter feature. i may lose the ability to avoid the token producing comps.

i think it would have been much simpler if howrse gave a token and allowed the participant in a comp to also take home a purse.
  • Posted messages: 9,095
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Dr Zig wrote:

caribooster - you appear to have misunderstood.

If your horse can see 500 comps, then maybe 10 or 20 of those might offer tokens instead of equus, and you can ignore those if you like. They will be very clearly marked, and so easily avoidable.

true, dr. zig...unless i am using my vip account priviledge to auto enter comps.
  • Posted messages: 9,095
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The auto enter function enters non-blupper horses in those comps that let them gain the most money, right?
Token=no money.

So, unless I missed something there, you would have more to worry if you wanted (!) to gain token that way.
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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I would think it's going to be much harder to find and win the token comps, rather than regular equss comps default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 15:11:05
Thank you Zig!! All of that helped me!! default smiley (y)default smiley :)default smiley ;) I can't wait!
Sorting the comps by equus given (lowest to highest) will show the token-giving comps.
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 15:15:52
so just to check if we enter a token comp and dont win it do we get equus like normal? or what happens. thanks
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 15:19:00
Retired breeder wrote:

so just to check if we enter a token comp and dont win it do we get equus like normal? or what happens. thanks

What I understand from what Zig said. If we enter a Equus giving comp, we get Equus. If we enter a token comp we get tokens.
yes, starkitty. that does create a double bind. additionally, if you are blupping a horse it also may mean the "taking home" a token vs equus.

therefore, the payout should be a token + equus, and then the participation does become voluntary. in my opinion it should not be an "either/or" situation.
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 15:24:51
@elisa i thought you only got a token if you won the competition or does it give different amounts of tokens depending on your position? default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 15:26:22
Retired breeder wrote:

@elisa i thought you only got a token if you won the competition or does it give different amounts of tokens depending on your position? default smiley xd

I am unsure. I don't have all of it set in stone....default smiley ;) Sorry if I made you even more confused.default smiley :(
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