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The Big Challenge is not a promo default smiley :) It is a new system where we all work together as a community to earn points, and when we reach the target number of points, then there will be a promo, that might include a divine default smiley :)

But there is far more to Howrse than just promos!
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 12:32:27
Dr Zig wrote:

But there is far more to Howrse than just promos!

I agree. The promos, fun as they were, took up way to much of my time and money. I'm hoping the big challenge won't be quite like that.
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 12:33:58
When will the new promo?
The Big Challenge is not a promo default smiley ;)

It will launch whenever Ow's furry little assistant default smiley (ow) remembers to push the button default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 12:54:14
so you will not promo?
The Big Challenge is not a promo. It is a new way of doing things on the game, and when the community earn the target amount of points / tokens, then we will get a promo, but not until then default smiley :)
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 12:56:59
Dr Zig - thanks
Retired breeder wrote:

I agree. The promos, fun as they were, took up way to much of my time and money. I'm hoping the big challenge won't be quite like that.

My understanding of it from the Preprod session is that most of the Challenge will be based on typical objectives - win comps, do specific actions with horses, and the like. Some will be more difficult (remove a uni horn, breed twins, etc etc) and some will be easy (give an apple, stroke, etc).

It is ALL 100% voluntary, and there WILL be special advantages to those who spend passes doing things like opening HoPs, but not to the extent that we see in normal promos. Everyone will be able to participate or not as they choose.
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What is also cool is that you can ignore tasks if you like, and still earn tokens that will help the community by doing other tasks instead default smiley :) Or you can completely ignore the tasks but still take part in the promotion when it finally launches.

I have a competitive streak, so I will be trying to earn as many points as I can, because I will be able to see that others earned more, and that makes me want to beat them default smiley :p
Dr Zig
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 13:08:02
I hope it dosent arrive tomorrow. Its my BFs bday tomorrow - he loves me, but may not if I spend his birthday playing on here lol
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 13:40:38
What timezone? These things never happen at the daily update. New features tend to launch some time in the early afternoon. Players who have been testing do not have any idea of the official start time, as only Ow and her intrepid team of admins would know that

Zig, have any idea what time the big challenge might game for a west australian?default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 13:41:00
*come not game default smiley (lol)
has some posted a description of what the big challenge is? i have gone back over 10 pages and have seen nothing but some comments. these comments are confusing if you don't know what the context is.

on what page might i find a description of the big challenge?
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Promos usually launch at 1:00pm GMT default smiley :)
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caribooster wrote:

has some posted a description of what the big challenge is? i have gone back over 10 pages and have seen nothing but some comments. these comments are confusing if you don't know what the context is.

on what page might i find a description of the big challenge?

Have you checked the Blog ? It's all explained there default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 4,292
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caribooster wrote:

has some posted a description of what the big challenge is? i have gone back over 10 pages and have seen nothing but some comments. these comments are confusing if you don't know what the context is.

on what page might i find a description of the big challenge?

There is a description of the Big Challenge in the Howrse Blog default smiley ;)

But to describe it briefly, it is a new animation cycle being incorporated into the game. The entire Howrse community will be working together to earn a specific amount of tokens. Tokens are earned by completing daily objectives, doing certain competitions, and utilizing the Grand Prix. When the goal is reached, a promotion (like the lottery or the parade or such) will be launched. Those who collected the most tokens will have a slight advantage/receive a gift/etc. But the collection of tokens is not required to take part in the promotion.

When that promotion ends, a new challenge will begin in the same format I believe.
  • Posted messages: 166
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By Retired breeder, 28th April 2014 13:55:15
To get to test version it was invitation from Ow? It was to everyone or by some criteries?
caribooster wrote:

has some posted a description of what the big challenge is? i have gone back over 10 pages and have seen nothing but some comments. these comments are confusing if you don't know what the context is.

on what page might i find a description of the big challenge?

I posted this on the previous page, and similar on this page default smiley ;)

The Big Challenge replaces the current way promotions are done. Now we will have to work together as a community (players can totally ignore it if they choose) to earn points, and when the points reach a set target, a promo will launch.

The exact details are not being publicized until it actually launches, which may not be until tomorrow. You earn points for doing daily tasks, you can also earn those token from competitions (instead of equus; small number of comps only), and when the community's total number of points reaches a set target, a promo launches.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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Retired breeder wrote:

To get to test version it was invitation from Ow? It was to everyone or by some criteries?

A small number of players are invited by a PM from Ow. All of the mods and admins are also invited. Players who have a VIP account subscription will see a link on their home page, and if they want to join then they can click that, but the number of spots available is restricted.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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hmm..i don't like that we earn tokens instead of equus..
many players rely on the income from comps.
if participation is voluntary, why do we all not get the comp payouts?

sounds like whether you want to participate or not, you will be.default smiley :@
  • Posted messages: 9,095
  • Karma: 10 points
i see no link on my home page. there is this message.


Last day to complete the objectives before they are replaced by a new feature on Howrse => The Big Challenge and its daily achievements!
  • Posted messages: 9,095
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i do have a vip account. and i see no invitiation.
  • Posted messages: 9,095
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caribooster wrote:

hmm..i don't like that we earn tokens instead of equus..
many players rely on the income from comps.
if participation is voluntary, why do we all not get the comp payouts?

sounds like whether you want to participate or not, you will be.default smiley :@

As I said, only a very small number of competitions will give tokens instead of equus. Most will give the usual amount of equus. If you want to ignore completely all methods of earning tokens, then you are 100% free to do so default smiley :)

caribooster wrote:

i do have a vip account. and i see no invitiation.

The testing session is closed, so there are no current invitations to test.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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What? no more comp kity? that is the biggest part of my income.default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 4,786
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katiedingo wrote:

What? no more comp kity? that is the biggest part of my income.default smiley :(

I repeat default smiley ;) only a very small number of competitions will give tokens instead of equus, a tiny number, very small. Most will give you the same equus as always.
Dr Zig
  • Posted messages: 88,966
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