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I will definitely be hoarding all of my diamonds, passes, and HoPs. I think the Big Challenge sounds more fun then the way the promos are now.
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So when is the fall divine coming to horse and will there then be the seasons horses ?
What about winter spring and summer will there only be 4 of those. .
Thanks default smiley ;)
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ElizabethTaylor wrote:

So when is the fall divine coming to horse and will there then be the seasons horses ?
What about winter spring and summer will there only be 4 of those. .
Thanks default smiley ;)

The Fall Divine is coming when the Big Challenge comes. The first one is Labeled a Season Divine so logic dictates that there will be others.
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And for the 4 Divines...I assume so since those are the 4 seasons. But I suppose they could name them Fall and Autumn and get 2 out of that one season.
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By Retired breeder, 19th April 2014 19:48:24
nameisspirit wrote:

Will the big challenge be easy for the people that arent able to buy passes? and give us a chance to win some better prizes?

That's what I've been seeing. All 150 passes I've spent had nothing to do with the Great Challenge.
The only passes I spent on the test server was to fulfill 1 or two objectives. I am starting to save some of the items I am going to need. default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 19th April 2014 19:57:45
Will there be dewinging as part of the next promo?
By Retired breeder, 19th April 2014 20:16:30
About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

Will there be dewinging as part of the next promo?

My guess is Yes. I have not actually seen it as an objective yet, but if there is dehorning then there will probably be de-winging.
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By Retired breeder, 19th April 2014 20:35:43
Retired breeder wrote:

About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)

Sadly, they probably are
Last I checked lots of kids are afraid of irrational things. I am afraid of the dark, escalators, ect, and I am 18. The reason this particular Divine is not coming to howrse is because of the graphic. If they change the graphic then they will probably bring it.

I do love the idea of Kelpie, but the graphic is a tad too freaky, even for me.
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Retired breeder wrote:

About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)

I thought Howrse was for all ages? default smiley ;)
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My 7 year old brother is on here. Y'all have to remember that kids under the age of 13 can come on with permission from an adult. My mother gave my brothers permission as long as I watched their accounts.

Kelpie is awesome, don't get me wrong, but the actual graphic...too creepy. If the Kelpie lures kids away it has to look desirable. Otherwise it is not realistic in the least.
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By Retired breeder, 19th April 2014 21:19:21
I know the Kelpie graphic is fake, but I don't really think it's that creepy tbh.
Retired breeder wrote:

Everyone, Kelpie isn't coming to howrse. He was a divine tested on the French prepod but Ow confirmed he was removed from the game due to complaints regarding the graphics.

Retired breeder wrote:

Not fake default smiley :) But he won't be coming to the game

Both of these state that it was not a fake. It was tested but wasn't approved.
  • Posted messages: 31,937
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Retired breeder wrote:

About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)
i dont know that much about kelpie default smiley :s but we had the wondering horses that were fish-like:




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Does anyone know when the Big Challang is going to start?
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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 01:24:58
I don't think Kelpie is creepy, it just looks like a horse with no hind legs, a snake-like tail (just no scales) and much cooler than the average horse.default smiley :d
CowboyCrazyGirl wrote:

Does anyone know when the Big Challang is going to start?

The Parade ends on the 23rd, my test ends on the 27th, so I am guessing sometime in May.
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By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 05:47:14
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

I'm 13+ and this graphic still kinda creeps me out. default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 08:07:05
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

Ok, does this creep any of you out? Its freaky…. *shudders and looks away*
(Like this post if you think its creepy to see how many agree [just for funziez])
By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 08:08:27
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't think Kelpie is creepy, it just looks like a horse with no hind legs, a snake-like tail (just no scales) and much cooler than the average horse.default smiley :d

Kelpie is creepy. Especially for a 11 year old.

default smiley :'(default smiley :'( LOL default smiley *-)default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 08:09:41
Retired breeder wrote:

About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)

but i am scared

He has red eyes
default smiley (m)
By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 10:05:05
Retired breeder wrote:

About kelpie, guys remember howrse is meant for ages 11+ so I don't think kelpie should be a problem unless eleven year olds are scared about a mythological horse/fish creature. default smiley ;)

I have a 7 year old nephew that plays on this game.
By Retired breeder, 20th April 2014 10:19:53
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

This is fake, or it look like that. See those small white around the horse? Looks fake to me...
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